LEZEN:vraagsoorten & aanpak

LEZEN:vraagsoorten & aanpak
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 29 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 4 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

LEZEN:vraagsoorten & aanpak

Slide 1 - Diapositive


Slide 2 - Diapositive

1 Iron Ox is one of a number of companies trying to automate the human-intensive work of agriculture. It uses a combination of robotic picking arms, hydroponic vats, and self-driving porters to grow vegetables. But despite its repeated claims that its farming is 'autonomous,' humans are still needed for a lot of the work. Laborers plant seedlings and package plants when they're ready to eat: robots just tend them while they're growing.

2 One big advantage of robot farms is that they _ because of their modest size. Iron Ox says the greens it's producing for Bianchini's Market, a family owned grocery store in California, travel just 0.6 miles to get there, which is half the distance traveled by a typical head of lettuce. This means lower transportation costs and fewer food miles, a big factor when it comes to the environmental impact of what you put on your plate.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Which of the following fits the gap in paragraph 2?

are able to cater for individual needs
can be located nearer to customers
grow exotic vegetables out-of-season
produce no waste or surplus products

Slide 4 - Quiz

Op het examen krijg je een aantal gatenteksten.
Pak dit als volgt aan:

Lees de zinnen voor en na het 'gat'.
Bedenk nu zelf wat er zou kunnen staan.
Kies het antwoord dat het dichtst bij het jouwe in de buurt komt.
Controleer of het antwoord logisch in de tekst past.
Heb je geen idee wat het goede antwoord moet zijn dan kun je het beste eerst de ‘onzin-antwoorden’ wegstrepen. Dat maakt het overzichtelijker.

Slide 5 - Diapositive


Slide 6 - Diapositive

1 The Economist declared 2019 as the year of the vegan, reporting that a quarter of millennials identify as vegan or vegetarian. Outspoken celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay-Z are encouraging fans to become vegan, if not for ethical reasons, then because of health and environmental benefits. In a 2018 report, the vegan food industry recorded 20 percent growth over the previous year, with sales peaking at $3.3 billion. This demand for all things vegan has made other industries take notice, especially beauty.

2 There's a lot of confusing jargon around vegan beauty. 'Cruelty-free' is one example, with many people assuming that they're one and the same. Plain and simple, vegan beauty means the absence of animal ingredients, while cruelty-free refers to a product that doesn't test on animals. _ , it's possible for a vegan item to have been tested on an animal and a cruelty-free product to contain animal ingredients.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Which of the following fits the gap in paragraph 2?

In other words

Slide 8 - Quiz


Signaalwoorden geven aan hoe zinnen of gedeelten met elkaar zijn verbonden.
Het is belangrijk deze te (her)kennen. Hier wordt vaak naar gevraagd in gatenteksten.
De signaalwoorden die het vaakst terugkomen zijn:

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Slide 10 - Vidéo


Slide 11 - Diapositive

 Perhaps the biggest benefit to come out of the vegan beauty movement is that it's pushing consumers to assess ingredients. Ms. Subramanian used to know every vegan beauty brand. Now, she said, it's impossible to keep up. The future of the beauty industry is vegan and not animal-tested. Ms. Guillermo said: "Not every company has realized this yet, but a lot of them have, and those are the ones that are going to get ahead and stay in business. We're in discussions with enough of them to know that this is, without question, the trend."

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Welke zin uit deze alinea vat het belangrijkste punt van deze tekst samen?
Citeer de eerste twee woorden van deze zin.

Slide 13 - Question ouverte


Op het examen wordt vaak gevraagd naar de hoofdgedachte van een tekst.
De hoofdgedachte is de belangrijkste 'gedachte' van de tekst, of waar de tekst over gaat. Soms wordt gevraagd naar de belangrijkste gedachte van de gehele tekst, maar je krijgt ook veel vragen over de hoofdgedachte van een deel van de tekst (van één alinea bijvoorbeeld).

De hoofdgedachte is dus het allerbelangrijkste waar de tekst over gaat.
Om die hoofdgedachte te vinden kun je kijken naar de titel en naar de eerste en laatste zin van de alinea (daar staat vaak belangrijke informatie in). Ook kun je jezelf afvragen "waar gaat de tekst over?" en "wat wil de auteur zeggen met deze tekst?"

Slide 14 - Diapositive


Slide 15 - Diapositive

However, Iron Ox is selling just three varieties of leafy greens and delivering them to Bianchini's just once a week. The prices aren't exorbitant, but they are on the expensive side. A two-ounce box of red-veined sorrel will go for $2.49, a two-ounce box of Genevieve basil will cost $2.99, and four heads of baby lettuce will be $4.99. That's competitive next to Whole Foods, where four heads of 'artisanal' lettuce cost $3.24, but pricey compared to Walmart, which sells an 11-ounce box of greens for less than $5.

Still, it's just the start for Iron Ox and the new wave of automated farming startups. And if the market they're trying to create starts to grow, who knows what fruit it will bear.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

How can the tone of the last paragraph be characterised?

as ironic
as surprised

Slide 17 - Quiz

Regelmatig wordt er op het examen gevraagd naar de opvatting van de auteur.
Wat zijn de intenties, opvattingen en gevoelens van de auteur? De auteur geeft soms bewust of onbewust aan wat hij of zij van een onderwerp vindt.

Vergelijk de volgende twee zinnen: welke auteur is het meest positief over de nieuwe skippybal?
"De bal heeft een lelijke kleur en je moet wel wanhopig zijn om daar op te gaan zitten".
"De bal heeft een verleidelijke kleur en het is een genot om erop te mogen zitten".

Natuurlijk zijn de auteurs van examenteksten wat subtieler in hun opvattingen, maar ook dan moet je achterhalen wat ze vinden!

Slide 18 - Diapositive


Slide 19 - Diapositive

4 Professor Mattick said that "parents go largely unnoticed" in alcohol policy. He said that the bigger risks of getting alcohol from elsewhere were not a reason for parents to step in, arguing: "Although other supply was associated with more problems than was parental supply, our study shows that there is no rationale for parents to give alcohol to adolescents younger than the legal purchase age."

5 Professor Mattick said that although it was possible his results were not applicable to different cultures, "there remains no evidence from other countries that parental supply reduces risk".


Slide 20 - Diapositive

6 James Nicholls, of Alcohol Research UK, said that the study "provides yet more evidence that the continental approach to introducing children to alcohol, at least in high-consuming countries, does little to prevent heavier drinking later on. Indeed, it may do the reverse."
7 A survey earlier this month by the Alcohol Health Alliance found six in ten people agreed that giving children alcohol at home would make them better able to handle their drink. Sir Ian Gilmore, chairman of the alliance, said: "Many parents believe that letting their children try alcohol reduces the chances that they will seek out alcohol from other sources, or experience alcohol-related harm. Though an understandable belief, this study is a clear indication that the opposite is in fact true."                                                        2/2

Slide 21 - Diapositive

How do paragraphs 6 and 7 relate to paragraph 5?

They contradict the point made in paragraph 5
They further explore the point made in paragraph 5
They offer historical perspectives on the point made in paragraph 5
They present anecdotal evidence for the point made in paragraph 5

Slide 22 - Quiz

De tekst die je op je eindexamen voor je zal krijgen bestaat uit verschillende tekstdelen. Deze tekstdelen staan in een bepaalde relatie tot elkaar. Zo kan er in een deel een voorbeeld gegeven worden, van iets wat in een ander deel staat. Of wordt er een conclusie gegeven.
Je moet aan kunnen geven wat de relatie tussen de tekstdelen is.

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Slide 24 - Vidéo


Slide 25 - Diapositive

Reuben's counsel is in high demand and he travels so much that he's on his third passport. But the bright young boy has eyes firmly on the future. "I want to use my cybersecurity skills for the good of humanity. I want to be a businessman by day and a cyberspy by night and also an Olympic gymnast," he says. "But first I have to pass the sixth grade."

Slide 26 - Diapositive

‘“But first I have to pass the sixth grade.”’
What is the writer’s aim in quoting this sentence?
He wants to

explain why Reuben needs to plan ahead
question whether Reuben will achieve his goals
show how little is expected of Reuben
stress the fact that Reuben is still young

Slide 27 - Quiz

Slide 28 - Vidéo

Slide 29 - Vidéo