Feedback Reading test

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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 28 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Slide 2 - Diapositive

  • Look back at the questions/answers of the reading test
  • Tips and "fout analyse"
  • Keep calm and learn from your mistakes !!
  • Are you happy with your results? - help your classmates, share your skills , don't be selfish ;-) 

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Het recept was:
- Ken de Signaalwoorden?

- Ken de Vraagsoorten 

- Oefenen, oefenen, oefenen 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Vraag 1 en 2
1. F
2. maximumscore 1
een antwoord met de volgende strekking:
Het water is vervuild/besmet geraakt (door het riool). / Het riool heeft gelekt.

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Vraag 3 
3. it will
‘Learning Greek to Improve your English’ (titel)
 In welke zin wordt uitgelegd waarom dit werkt?
Citeer (= schrijf over uit de tekst) de eerste twee woorden van deze zin. 
‘It will provide a clear and fascinating basis for grasping the
complexities of English grammar,’ she told the Times Educational Supplement. 

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Vraag 4
De volgende drie alinea’s van tekst 4 staan hieronder, maar niet in de
juiste volgorde.

[c] The vicious bird used his powerful wings to attack hundreds of rowers and canoeists on the River Chelmer in Chelmsford, Essex, his home for the past two decades. The swan would patrol the busy river terrorising users on a daily basis, by flapping his wings or pecking holes in boats. 
[b] The swan’s violent behaviour had become even worse over the past year, however, and in March it attacked a 13-year-old girl. The teenager almost drowned after the ferocious swan capsized her canoe using its long wings. The incident forced the local canoe club to seek expert help to stop attacks by the bird, which enjoys protection from the Queen.
[a] The club approached the Queen’s Swan Marker for permission to remove ‘Hissing Sid’, his mate and his six young from the area. The application was approved but the club had to wait until the angry swan’s cygnets grew, before they could move the family. Six canoeists then formed a barrier across the river to round up the birds. The swans were placed in special bags and driven to the isolated Gallows Hill Quarry, where they have been living in peace ever since. 

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Vraag 5
1. onjuist

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1 De British Film Industry heeft nieuwe films van Hitchcock ontdekt in Hertfordshire. 
Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) directed ten silent films during the 1920s, nine of which have survived and are currently preserved(behouden)  in the air-locked film vaults of the National Film Library in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. M

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2.  De British Film Industry voorziet de oude Hitchcock films van geluid. 
The BFI National Archive recently launched a major campaign to keep all nine surviving films in their original versions

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3 Stomme films werden vroeger zelden bewaard. 
 Most early silent films were destroyed when talkies were introduced at the end of the 1920s. The cellulose nitrate film on which they were produced was often melted down for its silver content. (6) , they were dangerous to store as the nitrate was very easily flammable.

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4.Films zonder geluid werden gemaakt van kostbaar materiaal.
The cellulose nitrate film on which they were produced was often melted down for its silver content.

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Slide 13 - Diapositive

Welk signaalwoord/functiewoord hoort bij welk tekstverband? Sleep de goede antwoorden naar elkaar toe.
As well as
In short
To praise
To criticize
For instance
Ondersteunen (positief)

Slide 14 - Question de remorquage

He should not be doing this job, ... he was not trained for it.
such as

Slide 15 - Quiz

Welk signaal woord in de tekst geeft een tegenstelling aan?

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

Kies bij 6 in de tekst het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven
A As a result (conclusie)
B In the meantime (volgorde)
C Nevertheless (tegenstelling)
D On top of that (uitbreiding/opsomming )

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Stappenplan: Signaal-/functiewoorden
- Lees de zin voor de gap (eventueel iets meer dan 1 zin). Lees ook de zin na de gap.

- Probeer te zien welk tekstverband er tussen deze twee zinnen zit. 

- Zoek daar je antwoord op uit.

- Werkt dit niet, kijk dan naar de antwoorden : Zit er een antwoord voor voorbeeld bij? Grote kans dat dat het juiste antwoord is. Anders mogelijk tegenstelling of opssomming.

- Werkt dit ook niet, vertaal de zinnetjes dan en kijk of een van de antwoordopties logisch klinkt.

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Antwoorden: A But then
                            B Instead
                            C Similarly
                            D Therefore 

Ik lees voor de gap een voorbeeld van hoe beroemd Mr. Bean is. Hij wordt herkend in Frankrijk. Na de gap lees ik dat Mr. Bean herkend wordt door Chinezen. Het lijkt dus op een uitbreiding/opsomming.

Omdat ik mijn signaalwoorden heb geleerd weet ik nu dat het antwoord C moet zijn.

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conclusie? volgorde? tegenstelling? opsomming?
 The cellulose nitrate film on which they were produced was often melted down for its silver content. 6 , they were dangerous to store as the nitrate was very easily flammable. It is remarkable that Hitchcock’s silent films have survived – only his second film.

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D (on the top of that) 
In een tekstdeel staan bijvoorbeeld de kenmerken van iets of iemand genoemd. Je krijgt dan dus een opsomming van kenmerken. Je spreekt pas van een opsomming als er meer dan twee elementen zijn.

Slide 21 - Diapositive

10. What point is made in paragraph 2?
A. Linda hardly ever sees her relatives now she is an aid worker.
B .Linda has lost all her belongings after a nasty divorce.
C. Linda is happy with the way in which her life has changed.
D. Linda started a new job when her children were old enough.

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Op het examen wordt vaak gevraagd naar de hoofdgedachte van een tekst.
De hoofdgedachte is dus het allerbelangrijkste waar de tekst over gaat.
Om die hoofdgedachte te vinden kun je kijken naar de titel en naar de eerste en laatste zin van de alinea (daar staat vaak belangrijke informatie in). Ook kun je jezelf afvragen "waar gaat de tekst over?" en "wat wil de auteur zeggen met deze tekst?" 

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Let op!!!
Linda became a single parent in her late 20s. She once shared a family home in Bristol with her children, Gail, 31, and
Graham, 29, but now Linda owns nothing but a battered blue suitcase and a few personal possessions. Yet what she lacks in material goods she makes up for in conviction. “I have absolutely no regrets,” she says.

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10. What point is made in paragraph 2?
A. Linda hardly ever sees her relatives now she is an aid worker.
B .Linda has lost all her belongings after a nasty divorce.
C. Linda is happy with the way in which her life has changed.
D. Linda started a new job when her children were old enough.

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What can be concluded from paragraph 4?
A Linda actively approached international celebrities to get more media attention.
B Linda and her daughter have worked on commercial projects all over the world.
C Linda is good at persuading companies to support organisations for people in need.
D Linda only works for projects in countries that have reliable political

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The answer is C 
When her daughter went on a gap year to work on an aid project in rural China, Linda went to visit and wanted to get involved. A year later, when Linda was 40, she got in touch with a charity called Project Trust. She was sent to southern China as a volunteer teacher. Before long she
gained a reputation for creating strong links between big businesses and small local charities. After China she moved on to projects in Nepal and Tibet where she was granted a private audience with the Dalai Lama. Later, Prince Charles visited a project for Tibetan refugees that she had pioneered.

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What to do? 
Look at the rest of the questions 
Ask questions if you have any 
Go to and try at least 6 questions, give me the score ! 

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