2.3 & 2.5 - The rise of Hitler

The rise of Hitler
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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 40 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 40 min

Éléments de cette leçon

The rise of Hitler

Slide 1 - Diapositive

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Feniks, Geschiedenis Werkplaats, Memo, Saga

Slide 2 - Diapositive

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What do you know about Adolf Hitler?

Slide 3 - Carte mentale

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  • Interbellum (Origin Latin: inter, between en bellum, war) is the period between two wars.

  • Interbellum is the period between the first and second world war (1918-1939).

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Germany after WWI
  • 1st democracy in Germany: The Weimar Republic (1918)

  • Emotional and economic hardship after 'losing' the war

  • The war raperations can't be paid leading to high inflation.

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Occupation of the Ruhr area

  • Germany failed to pay the war reparations leading to French troops occupying the Rurh area as a way to force the Germans to pay.
  • The French were allowed to do so according to the treaty of Versailles
  • The French troops remain in the area until 1925

Franse troepen bezetten Essen

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Germany after WWI

  • The trust in the democracy is very low

  • Different political groups try to seize power leading to much political violence -> many unemployed soldiers are angry

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Hitler's youth

  • Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Branau am Inn (Austria-Hungary)

  • He leaves for Vienna when he turns 17 years old to pursue an artistic career. He gets rejected from art school.

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Hitler's youth
  • He wasn't born antisematic. However, the mayor of Vienna was and Hitler is more and more impressed with those ideas.

  • He leaves for München around 1913, because of his dissappointment in Austria-Hungary.

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Hitler's youth
  • Het volunteers for the German army, while being an Austrian when the First World War breaks out.

  • He is not the best soldier. He will later speak of his heriocs during the war, but his task was a messenger who barely made it to the frontline.

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Hitler's youth
  • He gets wounded by a gas attack in Belgium and turns blind temporarly. He learns of the Armistice while in hosptial. He can't belief that Germany surrended.

  • He beliefs that it was the betrayel of the Jews and Communists in the government who forced Germany to suurender. This is called the Stab-in-the-back myth 

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Hitler in politics
  • After the war Hitler was tasked to reasearch whether small political movements pose a threat to the Weimar Republic.
  • Those movements mostly consisted of nationalistic minded Germans who were dissapointed in its leadership and losing of the war.
  • Hitler joins one of those movements: the DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

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Hitler in politics
  • It turned out that Hitler had a talent for holding speaches. Mostly in basements. 

  • Hitler slowly rises to a leadership position in the NSDAP (formely known as the DAP). 

  • The NSDAP stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

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Hitler in politics
  • Hitler's ideas remain the same:

  1. The treaty of Versailles is an abomination
  2. Germany is occupied with France
  3. The Jews and Communists are to blame
  4. Germany needs Lebensraum
  5. There has to be one strong leader

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Hitler in politics
  •  Hitler admires the fascist leader of Italy, Mussolini, who rose to power in 1922. 

  • Hitler thought the time had come for a coup and prepared a march on München.

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  • Hitler's failed coup in München.
  • He gets arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

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Hitler gets released

Hitler is only in jail for 9 months, during which he writes his famous book Mein Kampf

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Mein Kampf

  • Hitler uses his time in prison to write down his ideas and vision for Germany in Mein Kampf
  • It is badly written without facts, but it slowly becomes more and more popular

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Slide 19 - Vidéo

1. Er is grote belangstelling voor Mein
Kampf. Hoe kan deze belangstelling
verklaard worden?
2. Tegenwoordig worden er veel grapjes
gemaakt over Hitler. Ook wordt hij
vergeleken met Napoleon. Wat is het risico
dat hierdoor ontstaat?
3. Vind je het goed dat het boek opnieuw
wordt uitgebracht? Waarom wel? Of
waarom niet? Bediscussieer met je


  • Political and economic stability and prosperty
  • Germany became a member of the Legue of Nations in 1926 
  • The Americans aid the German economy with the Dawesplan
  • People's lives are bettering and everyone seemed to have forget about Hitler

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Crisis in the world 
from 1929

  • Due to overproduction of factories and buying on margin, with to much faith in wallstreet, the American economy collapses.
  • Countries who have economic relations with America also deal with a crisis

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What about Hitler?
  • He keeps saying the same thing: The fault lies with the Treaty of Versailles, the Jews, Communists, etc...

  • After the failed coup, Hitler decided to gain power the democratic way: he needs to win the elections

  • And it turns out, people vote for Hitler

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Hitler becomes Reichskanzler (Prime minister)
January 30th, 1933

  • NSDAP wins the elections of 1932.
  • Other parties can no longer ignore Hitler and the NSDAP.
  • He becomes prime minister (Reichskanzler)

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Na de Eerste Wereldoorlog verloren veel Duitse burgers het vertrouwen in hun regering. Kies de antwoorden die uitleggen hoe dat komt.
De regering had het voor Duitsland vernederende Verdrag van Versailles getekend. Veel Duitse burgers waren daar kwaad om.
De regering legde de bevolking erg strenge wetten op. Toen Duitsland nog een keizer had, had de bevolking veel meer vrijheid.
De regering had de Republiek van Weimar veroverd. Dat was volgens veel Duitsers onverstandig, omdat het waarschijnlijk tot wraak van de geallieerden zou leiden.
De regering nam weinig effectieve maatregelen tegen de economische crisis.

Slide 33 - Quiz

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Waarom werd Duitsland extra zwaar getroffen door de wereldwijde economische crisis?

Het Dawesplan werd stopgezet.
Duitsland had geld uitgeleend aan andere landen om de economie weer op te bouwen.
Hitler had enorme schulden gemaakt om het leger weer op te bouwen.
De Amerikaanse president had opdracht gegeven om alle Duitse producten uit Amerikaanse winkels te halen.

Slide 34 - Quiz

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Een vrouw laat haar kachel branden op papiergeld. Waar en wanneer is deze foto gemaakt?

in de Verenigde Staten, kort na de beurskrach van 1929
in Duitsland, tussen 1921 en 1924, toen de inflatie extreem hoog was
in Italië, kort nadat Mussolini aan de macht kwam.
in de Republiek van Weimar, direct nadat de keizer naar Nederland was gevlucht

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  • Weimar Republic
  • Stab-in-the-back myth
  • reparation payments
  • coup (putsch)
  • Communism (extreme left)
  • Fascism (extreme right)
  • Mein Kampf
  • Dawes-plan
  • Beurskrach

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Personen uit deze les

  • Benito Mussolini
  • Adolf Hitler

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Jaartallen uit deze les

  • 1923: mislukte staatsgreep van Hitler
  • 1925: Mein Kampf verschijnt
  • 1929: Beurskrach op Wallstreet: begin wereldcrisis
  • 1933: Hitler wordt minister-president

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Schrijf 3 dingen op die je deze les hebt geleerd

Slide 39 - Question ouverte

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Stel 1 vraag over iets dat je deze les nog niet zo goed hebt begrepen

Slide 40 - Question ouverte

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