Mystery Syndroms


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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 17 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 90 min

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

Mystery Syndroms

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When you are ill, you expect your doctor to tell you what you have, and then to treat you. But sometimes people have symptoms whose cause is not understood and for these people it can be difficult or impossible to get treatment.
The main symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. The tiredness is so disabling that it is impossible for the sufferer to continue normal physical and mental activities. Other symptoms include muscle aches and pains, poor sleep, loss of appetite, a recurrent sore throat, and swollen glands in the neck. Sufferers often undergo many tests for known diseases, which prove negative, and many feel that doctors see them as hypochondriacs.

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After the Gulf War of 1991, tens of thousands of ex-soldiers suffered chronic illnesses which doctors still cannot explain. Symptoms included dizziness, numbness in the arm, rashes, severe headaches, mood swings, and persistent, extreme tiredness. The cause remains a mystery, but the symptoms have been given the name Gulf War Syndrome. Some soldiers believe they may have been exposed to chemical weapons without knowing, and others blame the vaccinations they were given before they went to war. Military officials say that Gulf War Syndrome is not a real illness. There is no doubt the ex-soldiers are ill, they say, but their symptoms are simply the result of stress.

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Maybe one day the cause of these syndromes will be know and will be treatable. But for people like ex-soldier Dave Harries, the first step is for their condition to be recognized by the medical profession. Then people will believe that their symptoms are not imaginary.

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CFS is caused by a virus

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CFS sufferers cannot lead a normal life

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Some doctors believe CFS sufferers are not really ill

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Gulf War Syndrome sufferers were attacked with chemicals

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They were vaccinated against the syndrome

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The army officially says that stressed caused their illness

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Mystery Syndroms
There are quite a lot of syndromes that are barely known or heard of. High time to shed some light on these syndromes and it’s up to you to do that!

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What are you going to do?
You are going to give a presentation in groups of 3 on a mystery syndrome of your choosing. Let’s switch to Dutch to make it perfectly clear what you are going to do!

Het doel van deze presentatie is dat je oefent voor het instellingsexamen gesprekken voeren. Dit betekent dat jullie als groep de interactie opzoeken met de klas, maar dat de klas ook vragen aan jullie gaat stellen. 

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What are you going to do?
• Jullie zijn vrij om een syndroom te kiezen waar jullie wat over gaan vertellen. Probeer niet direct voor de bekendste syndromen te gaan; er zijn zoveel minder bekende syndromen! Maak een top 3 van syndromen: ik zal aangeven welk syndroom je gaat uitwerken om dubbelingen te voorkomen.

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What are you going to do?

• In je presentatie vertellen jullie in je eigen woorden kort en bondig over dit syndroom. Denk aan de stijl van: ‘Wist je dat?’ 
- Wat houdt het syndroom in? ->kenmerken
- Wat zijn de gevolgen voor de patiënten in hun dagelijks leven
- Heeft het syndroom invloed op de levensverwachting?
- Is er medicatie/therapie? Is het syndroom aangeboren, erfelijk of kan zomaar ontstaan?

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What are you going to do?
• De presentatie duurt 10. Zorg ervoor dat iedereen even veel spreektijd heeft.
• Maak gebruik van bijvoorbeeld prezi, PowerPoint, een collage etc. Online tools zoals mentimeter, quizlet of kahoot mag je natuurlijk gebruiken, graag zelfs!

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Let's start!

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