Session 3

Element 11 - SEND 
T - Level in Education and Early Years 
Session 3
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Slide 1: Diapositive
MathematicsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

Cette leçon contient 11 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Element 11 - SEND 
T - Level in Education and Early Years 
Session 3

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Learning Objectives
By the end of the session all learners will: 

  • Explore and understand the law and codes of practice in relation to supporting children with SEND, to consider: 2 year old progress check, Reception baseline assessment & EYFS profile.
  • Understand key policies in place to support and promote SEND in Early Years and education. 
  • Explore exemplars of EHCP's & 2 Year old progress review.
  • Complete a case study regarding supporting a learner in year 7.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

What is an EHCP and why is it important?

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

Exploring Examples 
In pairs I would like you to head on Google Classroom and review the 2 example documents 
( 1 x EHCP, 1 x 2 year old progress questionnaire). 

In your note books mind map what information on the examples makes them 2 very important documents. 
Important information?

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2 Year old Progress Check
All children have a progress check between the ages of 2 and 3, this is completed by the health visitor. 
They will ask parents to complete a questionnaire regarding their child's development. 
The health visitor may request to see the child's learning journey if they are in nursery. For this reason partnership working with the nursery is essential.
This progress review is essential as it helps identify if there are any areas which are a cause for concern or iff a support plan needs to be put in place to support the child. 
The 3 prime areas of the EYFS 2023 will be the centre of the progress review (C&L, PSED & Physical development).
This is a perfect opportunity to identify any developmental delays or any concerns.

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Reception Baseline Assessment 
  • A reception baseline assessment takes place once a child has transitioned to reception, normally the first few weeks of primary school. 
  • The focus of this assessment is normally mathematics, language, communication and literacy.
  • The reason behind this assessment is provide the reception teacher of the child's starting progress, this is then measured against the end of Key Stage 2 assessment (when they leave primary school).
  • The overall intention is to provide the teacher a foundation to use when supporting children as individuals.

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Early Years profile
The EYFS profile is an assessment that takes place at the end of reception, this is not a test but is simply just a summary of development of the child in question. Each child’s level of
development is assessed against 17 early learning goals (ELGs) across all 7 areas of
learning in the EYFS.
The EYFS Profile must be completed for each child and submitted to the local authority

There are 5 principles of theEYFS profile:
Based on the teacher’s knowledge of each child
Summative assessment
Informed by a range of perspectives
Inclusive provision
Underpinned by a broad curriculum and effective pedagog

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1 benefit for each of
these 3 documents?

Slide 8 - Carte mentale

SEND Policy
All schools and educational provision from 0 - 19 years will have a SEND Policy, to ensure everyone working with children and young people are aware how to provide the correct support. There are 3 clear procedures that educators should be aware of:
Identification: Schools and EY setting's to have knowledge of how to identify SEND in their practice.
Assessment: If a child or young person has suspected SEND it is imperative to carry out assessments and monitor the child. Evidence such as observations is essential.
Provision: When SEND support has been agreed with the support of NOK then targets should be in place and reasonable adjustments should be considered. Views of the child must be kept in to consideration. This is called the graduated approach.
Accessibility policy
It is a legal requirement of the Equality Act 2010 to ensure all schools and Early Years settings have an accessibility policy in place. This is to ensure and child or young person has good accessibility to their learning. 
Equality policy
To ensure equality is promoted and anti - discriminatory practice is considered, the is a key part of inclusion in education.
Alternative provision policy
A policy usually for secondary schools for when a students social and emotional behaviour needs or health needs prevent them from attending school.
Anti - bullying policy
Preventing bullying in all cases, this is apart of the behaviour policy. To ensure all students and children are treated the same and included. 

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Medical Needs policy
Promotes the importance of first aid in all educational provisions as well as supporting individuals health, medical needs and conditions. EYFS 2023 clearly states medicine can only be administrated by a Level 3 qualified educator.
Teaching and learning policy
To ensure everyone's individual needs are met and their individual way of learning in the classroom environment . This will vary in accordance to age, but support and collaborative working is essential. Reasonable adjustments are key to all teaching practices. 
Complaints policy
All educational provisions should have a complaints policy in place to allow parents to feel comfortable to raise complaints in any context. It is important to consider that on occasions complaints are raised when the environment around a child is not as inclusive as we would like it to be. 
Behaviour Policy
The general expectations in all educational provisions, to use positive reinforcement. This should be considered along side the SEND policy, as some behaviour may occur due to a SEND. For this reason a graduated approach needs to be considered.

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Case study Review
You are working in a secondary school and are employed as a learning support assistant for Fabiola, who has disabilities and learning difficulties. She has an EHC plan and works with you on academic targets, much of the time out of the class. At a review meeting after half term in Year 7, her parents comment on the fact that although Fabiola is out of the class receiving interventions and 1 - 1 work with you, this is not helping her to be included with her peers, she is now starting to feel isolated.

  1. Has the school made a reasonable adjustment in Fabiola's case?
  2. Can you suggest any ways in which Fabiola could feel more part of the class?

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