Your friend has just witnessed a robbery. He is a little panicky and doesn’t know what to do. He sends you a message. Reply to his message.
O something to calm your friend down;
O about what he is supposed to do;
O about what he is not supposed to do;
O a question about the crime or what to do next;
O an offer to help your friend.
O Use at least two of the following modal verbs: can, could, should, must, be able to, have to.
O Use the English translations of at least 5 of the following words in your email: inbraak / bewijs / verdachte / vertrouwen/ laten weten / overduidelijk / rustig blijven / hulpdiensten. (De werkwoorden mag je natuurlijk ook in de verleden- of voltooide tijd toepassen.)
Write 80-100 words.
Use a correct heading & closure (=aanhef & afsluiting)