Cette leçon contient 15 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.
La durée de la leçon est: 45 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Good to see you all
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Today's Program
Exam date
Exam price
Scores required to gat a C1 certificate
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Learning goals
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Slide 4 - Diapositive
Exam costs
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part 1: essay
part 2: an email/letter, a review, a report, a proposal
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An essay is a piece of academic writing, produced for a teacher or lecturer, in which you have to discuss issues connected to a topic. You should express you opinions on the topic and the reasons for them.
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Write a short first paragraph introducing the topic and your angle on it.
Discuss one of the three methods listed in the notes in the exam task. Give reasons for your opinions.
Discuss another of the methods, again giving your opinion supported by reasons.
Write a concluding paragraph summarising your opinions.
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When you write an essay you need to make sure that the argument you are making is clear to the reader. This means that paragraphs should follow on clearly from each other and that the sentences within paragraphs should be linked in a logical, easy-to-follow sequence.
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Sentences which guide the reader
Include sentences that act as signposts to guide the reader through your essay. These often come at the beginning of a paragraph.
I shall consider two of the proposed methods.
Probably the most important action would be ...
It has been suggested that ...
In view of the above arguments, I believe ...
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Linking words and phrases
In addition to publicising the benefits of regular exercise, this would ...
This seems excellent, but in practice I am doubtful.
It is based on the assumption that exercise costs money, whereas in fact walking and cycling are free.
Therefore, in my opinion, providing expensive facilities is unnecessary.
Governments should introduce education programmes because ...
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Pronouns and other reference words to avoid repetition
This, combined with a poor diet.
In my view, for this to be truly successful, ...
If parents took part, they would be supporting what their children were being taught.
It is based on the assumption that ...
In view of the above arguments, ...
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Lexical links
Lexcial links include synonyms, near synonyms and words from the same root.
governments should act - the most important action governments could take.
benefits of regular exercise - used to following an exercise regime
get young people used to following - what their children were being taught.
a programme aimed at adults - If parents took part
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