Feedback lesson V3G Dear Esther

Feedback lesson dear Esther, V3G 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
BiologieMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 40 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Feedback lesson dear Esther, V3G 

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  1. Flashback last lesson
  2. Feedback practice letters
  3. Time to improve letter
  4. Time to ask questions

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Writing assignment 
You are going to write some professional advice for a teen with a question or problem regarding sex and/or sexuality. You will write on behalf of a sexologist named Esther who works for a teen magazine. Readers of this magazine send in their questions monthly. As an employee of this magazine, you are responsible for selecting a question to which you will give a friendly, helpful, and professional reply.

- Use biology vocabulary to give good advice, based on knowledge gained during sexual education.
- The advice is well structured and easy to understand, use polite language with a proper beginning and end.
- Show respect and compassion
- Use 150-200 words
- Do not use any resources other than a Dutch-English dictionary

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Good points in general
- use of structure in the text:
opening - middle part - closing part
- Compassion is shown:
" I understand ... " , It's a pity" , " Better try next time" 
Giving multiple type of advice
" You could use a tampon, or menstrual cup" . " Take it slow .... communicate beforehand'

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Room for improvement in general
-Not explaining terms
" You could use the pill". 
Advice is (not) enough supported by argument
" use a cup for swimming " --> what, how, why? 
- The difference between solutions is not shown.
" What is the difference between a cup and tampon? " 

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Write from a perspective to someone who does not know anything.

But do not forget the respect and compassion part

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Example 1 
Dear girl,
u can use a tampon and if you find it scary don't do it. it is hard but it is your problem. You can search online for something maar IDK and why are you asking me IDK. Maybe you can do it with your mom. For the 1000 time it is your problem. 
Kind regards,

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Example 2 
Dear anomyous girl, 
I understand that it is very annoying for you. You doesn't have to miss things, because you are on your period. I advise to use a tampon when you are going to the pool. It is not scary to use it. If you think it is scary you can try a small one first. 

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Example 3
Dear anymous girl, 
Thank you for your question. When you are on your period and you want to go swimming, it's best to use a tampon. It's not visible in a bathing suit and it's in the vaginal opening so the blood won't leak out of you (and into the water). I understand that if you have never used a tampon before, it can be a bit scare and maybe also painful, so don't rush anything (if you don't want to). Maybe you can ask your mother for advice too. 
Greatings - Esther

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Example 2
Dear anomyous girl, 
I understand that it is very annoying for you. You doesn't have to miss things, because you are on your period. I advise to use a tampon when you are going to the pool. It is not scary to use it. If you think it is scary you can try a small one first. 
Example 3 
Dear anymous girl, 
Thank you for your question. When you are on your period and you want to go swimming, it's best to use a tampon. It's not visible in a bathing suit and it's in the vaginal opening so the blood won't leak out of you (and into the water). I understand that if you have never used a tampon before, it can be a bit scare and maybe also painful, so don't rush anything (if you don't want to). Maybe you can ask your mother for advice too. 
Greatings - Esther

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Analyse your own product
  1. Look at the feedback and the rubric. Write down what is good and what can be improved.

  2. Discuss your letter with your neighbour and compare your letter who's is better and write down why.

  3. Type an improved letter on your laptop

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Questions about the Dear Esther writing test?

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

I feel confident that I can succeed the writing test.

Slide 13 - Sondage

What to bring to the test
  • Charged laptop
  • Wordbook NL - Eng --> Tip! Mediatheek

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