Moral Decisions & Visions

Reminder of Online Classroom Rules
  • Respect (don't record or forward the lesson to anyone)
  • Have materials ready
  • Minimise distractions (put your phone away)
  • Make sure homework is complete
  • Do your work in a timely manner (same as in-class)
  • For Zoom, cameras on, mics muted unless asked otherwise!
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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 24 diapositives, avec quiz interactif et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Reminder of Online Classroom Rules
  • Respect (don't record or forward the lesson to anyone)
  • Have materials ready
  • Minimise distractions (put your phone away)
  • Make sure homework is complete
  • Do your work in a timely manner (same as in-class)
  • For Zoom, cameras on, mics muted unless asked otherwise!

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Materials you will need for this class:
- Google Docs  
- Google Classroom
- Jamboard
- This slideshow, activities are in here for you!

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Moral Decisions
& Visions

Living our Values

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By the end of today's lesson, you will be able to...

  • Understand the terms ‘moral vision’ and
     ‘religious moral vision’
  • Remember what it means to live a ‘good life’
       or be a ‘good person’
  • Understand forgiveness and reconciliation

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Moral Decision-Making
  • We  know that Morality means knowing what is good behaviour, what is bad behaviour and making decisions based on this
  • We make choices all the time based on checking facts and looking to others for advice and guidance
  • Even you may catch yourself asking a parent/guardian, 
      sibling or friend for advice
  • These people often subconsciously advise us on 
       how to live a morally good life

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Living a Good Life
  • When we say ‘someone that is living a good life’, we usually mean that they are a good person
  • They care about other people, not just themselves
  • They are;

  • Majority of people strive to be all of these things


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Think & Share
   1. Try to think of one person in your life that 
        you consider a ‘good person’
   2. Write down three to five things about this 
        person that makes them ‘good’
   3. Upload what you wrote to google classroom
   4. Read through each others work when it is all uploaded

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Moral Vision 
  • ‘Moral vision’ is a person’s view of what is right/good
  • It is their outlook on life and how it should be lived
  • A person’s moral vision shapes their decisions and choices
  • Our moral vision can often be influenced by our religious beliefs
  • Most religions have a moral vision
  • A moral vision is always the basis of any code or set of guidelines
  • For Christians, Love is at the heart of their moral vision

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Religious Moral Vision
  • A person who does not shape their moral vision by religion may not seem very different from someone who does
  • Both may have a social conscience, a passion 
     for justice and a love of their neighbour
  • The non-religious person may be acting out of social concern
  • On the other hand, the religious person understands and appreciates that each of us is unique to God
  • Because religious people feel this way, there is a yearning to live by God’s message of ‘Love thy neighbour as yourself’

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  • Most world religions have forgiveness as a central message
  • This helps people lead moral lives
  • Forgiveness at times can be a difficult thing for people to deal with, especially when they were hurt deeply
  • The ‘easier’ response is to be mean 
     or look for revenge

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Think & Share
  • Think of a time when you have been let down by someone
  • Write a short note on each of these points:
        - How did it make you feel?
        - What did you think about?
        - How did you react?
  • Upload your thoughts to google classroom

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The Catholic Church

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Sacrament of Reconcilliation
  • In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Christians are given the 
      opportunity to meet the risen Christ
  • Through his forgiveness they are encouraged to move forward in harmony with themselves and their neighbours
  • By doing this, God’s love can be seen in the world around us
  • The sacrament can therefore be a healing of the
      relationships that one has broken
  • Through sin people turn away from God, 
       but through reconciliation they can return to him

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Reconciliation- The healing of relationships
  • When we hurt or upset someone who we really like, we feel unhappy and guilty
  • We think about what we have done
  • We long to take back the hurt we have caused
  • When the person forgives us completely, we feel better about ourselves
  • We are very thankful and often make a promise to ourselves not to hurt that person again
  • Reconciliation is about bringing the Christian community closer together and closer to God
  • Reconciliation heals any hurt that people feel and in doing so, makes it easier for people to love again without any barriers

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  • The priest who hear confession represents the
     community of believers
  • He offers forgiveness on behalf of the community
  • This sacrament can take place individually in a confession box where the priest hears confession privately or somewhere in the church at the reconciliation ceremony/service

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Reconciliation Service
  • Today many Christians worldwide attend Reconciliation services, where the community gathers together to 
      pray for forgiveness
  • At these services confession is not held in a box, 
     but in a quiet area in church

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During Confession
  • The confessor first admits their sinfulness
  • The Act of Sorrow is said, whereby the confessor thanks God for all the love he shows them and promises not to sin again
  • After this the priest gives forgiveness, on behalf of God and the person is cleared of their sins
  • Before the confessor leaves, the priest normally says a few prayers

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In our next lesson we will cover...
  • Values
  • Willie Bermingham
  • Peter McVerry Trust
  • Greta

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  • Complete this word search
  • Define the keywords found on the worksheet
  • Upload your work to google classroom

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Traffic Lights
Consider these points and complete the Quiz in the next slide:

  • I can explain the terms ‘moral vision’ and ‘religious moral vision’
  • I am able to define what it means to live a ‘good life’ or be a ‘good person’
  • I can discuss both terms, forgiveness and reconciliation
  • I can explain how relationships can be fixed/restored

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Traffic Lights
I understand
I kind of understand
I don't really understand
I don't understand

Slide 24 - Quiz