Linguistics: VT Ch18 Regional Variation

Study of Language week 5
1 / 42
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsHBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 42 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Study of Language week 5

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Linguistics: Chapter 18
Regional Variation

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But first...remember last week?

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When you think in terms of language history and development; what does the word ‘proto’ refer to?

Slide 4 - Question ouverte

Do you think the Spanish word constipado (to have a cold) is a cognate of the English word constipated?

Slide 5 - Quiz

Based on one of the most natural development principles: "stops become fricatives", which is probably older?

Slide 6 - Quiz

semantic change
syntactic change
sound change

Slide 7 - Question de remorquage

Old English 

Slide 8 - Question de remorquage

Linguistics: Chapter 18
Regional Variation

Slide 9 - Diapositive

This commercial raised some Dutch
eyebrows in 2004. Why?

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

Learning aims:
By the end of this session you will be able to:
  • explain the difference between a dialect, an accent and a language;
  • explain and apply your knowledge of terminology concerning regional varieties, e.g. NORMSisoglosses, diglossia
  • explain how pidgins and creoles differ;
  • And you will be aware that there is no “proper” variety of English.

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What is “English”?
  • Every language has a lot of variations, especially in spoken language.
  • These variations can differ from country to country and between different parts of the country.
  • Linguistic geography
  • Which variety do you ( prefer to) speak?

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Standard language (a variety)
  • An idealized variety (‘proper” English?)
  • No specific region
  • For most people the language accepted as the official language of their country or community.
  • The dominant, or most prestigious, dialect.
  • The language  used in mass-media and taught in schools (also as L2/FL) 
  • Standards:
  • Standard American English
  • Standard British English
  • Standard Australian English

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Have you met Amy Walker? She is from.....

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Accent & Dialect
Systematic differences in the way different groups speak a language

Regional: Australian accent, New York accent, French accent, etc

Varieties in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, but still mutually understandable (if not; another language)

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Differences in dialects:
1. Phonological (also in accents):
Individual words:
dance, about, potatoes, water, house, etc
Sentence stress patterns.
2. Lexical:
Compare British English – American English:
first floor/ground floor, elevator/lift, pants/trousers, etc.
3. Grammatical:
He don’t know nothing.
Where are me shoes?
He just left some minutes ago.

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I've lost my key, have you seen it?
I lost my key, have you seen it? 
R is pronounced
R is sometimes silent

Slide 18 - Question de remorquage

Regional dialects
Often a source of humour/jokes > based on stereotyped  

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Regional dialects
Serious research of regional dialects:
Identification of consistent features of speech found in one geographical area (when compared to another region)

The informants tended to be NORMS
non-mobile, older, rural, male speakers
Outdated information?

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American dialects

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An example
New York City accent bears little resemblance to the other dialects in this region. It is also the most disliked and parodied of any American dialect (even among New Yorkers).

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Who were the NORMS?

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

English Dialects

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  • Originally the dialect of the working class of East End London.
  • Pronunciation:
house becomes /aus/ (or even /a:s/)
think > /fingk/
water > /wo?i/
time > /toim/, brave > /braiv/, etc.
  • Besides the accent, it includes a large number of slang words, including the famous rhyming slang:
plates -- feet [from plates of meat = feet]
skin – sister [from skin and blister = sister]
trouble --  wife [from trouble and strife = wife]

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"It nearly knocked me off me plates—he was wearing a syrup! So I ran up the apples, got straight on the dog to me trouble and said I couldn't believe me minces.“


"It nearly knocked me off me ..............—he was wearing a ..............! So I ran up the ................, got straight on the me ...................and said I couldn't believe me ........................“
In Cockney the word "telephone" is replaced by "dog" (= 'dog-and-bone'); 
"wife" by "trouble" (= 'trouble-and-strife'); "eyes" by "minces" (= 'mince pies'); 
"wig" by "syrup" (= 'syrup of figs') and "feet" by "plates" (= 'plates of meat').
Can you “translate” the following utterance by a speaker of Cockney rhyming slang into English:

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Regional dialects: research (where are the boundaries?)
  • Isogloss: a line across a map separating two areas with regard to one particular linguistic item (paper bag vs paper sack)
  • A bundle of isoglosses can form a dialect boundary > dialect maps.
  • Dialect continuum: not a sharp boundary between dialects.

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patat (petat)

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An isogloss is a line across a map separating two areas with regard to
one particular linguistic item
several linguistic items
all linguistic items

Slide 32 - Quiz

In reality a number of isoglosses would probably not constitute a sharp boundary, we call this a
dialect boundary
dialect continuum

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Bilingualism / bidialectalism
Many countries have a lot of regional varieties of the language (=dialects)

Diglossia: 2 distinct varieties of a language (high / low) used in specific situations or settings.
       E.g. African American Vernacular English vs Standard (American English)
Some countries have two (or more) official languages.
Usually one first language, the second language learned at school.

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  • Contact language
  • Usually trade between 2 groups of people who did not speak each others language.
  • No native speakers.
  • An “English pidgin” if English is the lexifier language. (the main source of words)
  • Simplified language (and creative linguistic ability)

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  • Can develop from a pidgin: creolization
  • Becomes first language of a social community
  • Native speakers
  • Becomes more complex; more grammatical

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what is NOT true about pidgins?
it is grammatically complex
it is a contact language
most lexical elements come from one language

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Language planning
  • Can/should the government do something to interfere with/have an influence on people’s use of language? > establish the standard variety or language and implement this standard.
  • Language taught in school?
  • Language bans.
  • National language “wars”
  • Language = identity?

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Follow up:
next week (18 March): Chapter 19: social variation in language (see clip)
25 March: chapters of choice

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