Review (unit 2)

Welcome to Mrs Everstijn's (online) classroom
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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 26 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 6 vidéos.

Éléments de cette leçon

Welcome to Mrs Everstijn's (online) classroom

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

What effect do the new COVID-19 restrictions have on:
* your personal life
* your relationships with friends
* your relationships with family
* your family

Slide 2 - Diapositive

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Materials :
  • Coursebook (p25)
  • Pen & paper = notes + answers

Slide 3 - Diapositive

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Learning objectives:

  • Student can assess his/her progress
  • Students can prepare a planning for the test
  • Students can use tools to help them achieve the learning objectives

Slide 4 - Diapositive

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Elements tested:
  • Grammar adjectives/adverbs: use and form; verb patterns: common verbs and form
  • Vocabulary wordlist unit 2, common verbs + linkers for comparison,
  • Use of English: vocabulary in context + gapped texts (+/-, 1/more, sort), word formation & phrasal verbs
  • Reading: text structures/linking/context/strategies = bbc/guardian articles

    Slide 5 - Diapositive

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    Review strategies:

    "Timely review of course material enables you to improve the quality of future learning by building on a well-remembered foundation. This foundation allows your mind to make connections and linkages that it would not otherwise make."


    Slide 6 - Diapositive

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    Review strategies:

    Deciding what review strategies to use or what approach to take for an assignment before you begin can save you time later.


    Slide 7 - Diapositive

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    Review strategies:

    Many students jump into an assignment or a study strategy and discover midway through the process that a different approach would have produced better results and saved time.


    Slide 8 - Diapositive

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    Assessment & expectations
    2 minutes
    Insight in your assumptions => metacognitive skills for testing
    Learn wordlist unit 2 (or use Quizlet)

    Slide 9 - Diapositive

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    Review exercises page 25
    None at first; mark tasks you do not know then look the answer up after your first test round.
    20 minutes
    Check classmates answers = Mark wrong answers
    Give tips/tops = Insight in learning objectives + tools
    => revised planning for test
    Learn wordlist unit 2 (or use Quizlet)

    Slide 10 - Diapositive

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    Review keys:

    1 1 (have to) carry on 2 takes after 3 set up 4 put me off 5 make it 6 talk me into

    2 1 hardly hard 2 closely close 3 absolutely very/really 4 very absolutely 5 free freely 6 completely very/really 7 a bit absolutely 8 hardly hard

    3 1 confident 2 independent 3 practical 4 sociable 5 creative 6 cautious

    4 1 reliable 2 dramatic 3 adventurous 4 realistic 5 hopeless 6 sympathetic

    5 1 having 2 to work 3 running 4 to lock 5 to invite 6 working 7 finish 8 not to

    Slide 11 - Diapositive

    Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

    Review keys:

    1: 4 correct = 60% = Use of English - paraphrasing
    2: 5 correct = 60% = Grammar; word order, adjectives, adverbs
    3: 4 correct = 60% = Grammar; adjectives
    4: 4 correct = 60% = Use of English - gap fill
    5: 5 correct = 60% = Grammar; verb patterns

    Slide 12 - Diapositive

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    Revised planning Language Test unit 2
    each other / teacher
    5 minutes
    Revised planning for test
    Learn wordlist unit 2 (or use Quizlet)

    Slide 13 - Diapositive

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    Slide 14 - Vidéo

    Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

    Slide 15 - Vidéo

    Video on adverbs & intensifiers
    Skips the retrieval part. Starts at 0.22min.

    Slide 16 - Vidéo

    Video on adverbs and modifiers. (2.09min)

    Slide 17 - Vidéo

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    Slide 18 - Vidéo

    Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

    Slide 19 - Vidéo

    Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

    How well did you do? What mark would you give your review, keeping in mind the 60% norm.

    Slide 20 - Question ouverte

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    Which subjects/learning objections need improving?

    Slide 21 - Question ouverte

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    What are you going to do to improve them?

    Slide 22 - Question ouverte

    Jot down notes in the 'tools' colomn of your assessment form.

    Slide 23 - Lien

    Kahoot! Verb patterns (19 questions)
    Our Agreement:        Class average = 7,5 & No-one < 5

    1) Do you need help achieving these objectives?
    2) What type of help do you need?

    Slide 24 - Diapositive

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    What mark would you give yourself with reference to your input this week?

    Slide 25 - Question ouverte

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    What will you change next week in order to improve on this mark?

    Slide 26 - Question ouverte

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