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E3MV2/E3ZW3B Speaking
Welcome to the English classroom!
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
vmbo k
Leerjaar 3
Cette leçon contient
11 diapositives
, avec
quiz interactif
diapositives de texte
La durée de la leçon est:
45 min
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Éléments de cette leçon
Welcome to the English classroom!
Slide 1 - Diapositive
What are we going to do today?
What have you learned last lesson?
Today's goal
Check homework
Individual work
Slide 2 - Diapositive
It's learning!!! (Boom Chicago and Etaleer je kennis les 1 + les 2)
Slide 3 - Diapositive
What have you learned last lesson?
Slide 4 - Question ouverte
Today's goal
Today's goal is to practise your speaking and revise your grammar.
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Answers exercise: 33 AB p. 86
Have you ever been to Disneyland Paris? Ben je ooit naar Disneyland Parijs geweest?
What kind of books are you fond of? Wat voor soort boeken ben je dol op?
I am interested in romatic DVDs. Ik ben geïnteresserd in romantische dvd's.
No, there aren’t any tickets left. Nee, er zijn geen kaarten over.
Can you give me some examples? Kunt u mij wat voorbeelden geven?
Are you looking for adventure? Ben je op zoek naar avontuur?
Slide 6 - Diapositive
Answers Exercise: 34 AB p. 86
Have you ever been to a concert?
What kind of music are you interested in?
I’m interested in pop music.
Are there any tickets left?
Yes, there are still some tickets available.
I’m looking for a film.
What kind of films are you fond of?
Have you ever heard of ‘Dude, where’s my car?’
Can you tell me more about it?
Are there any DVDs left?
Slide 7 - Diapositive
1. Introduction
2. Conversation 1
3. Conversation 2
Slide 8 - Diapositive
Speaking Test
First, listen to the questions or situations Miss Steinbusch wants you to react to.
Second, look at the pupil sheet and react when Miss Steinbusch asks you to.
Slide 9 - Diapositive
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Now you are going to revise the grammar of Chapter 3 in your AB p. 89 - 91, exercise: 1A - 3B.
This will be homework for next lesson! Think of the vocabulary test 3.2 next lesson! Good luck with preparing!! :)
Slide 11 - Diapositive
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