Cette leçon contient 20 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.
Éléments de cette leçon
Slide 1 - Carte mentale
Lesson objectives
Understand the Renaissance idea of Humanism
Recognize Petrarch and Erasmus as Renaissance Humanists
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Renaissance humanism.
Starting in the fourteenth century, the Renaissance revived ancient Greek and Roman ideas.
A humanist was a person who believed in education and especially classical learning.
Like many people in the Renaissance, they were inspired by the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. They started looking at the earliest Bible texts they could find and re-translated these as accurately as they could.
These showed many translation mistakes and extra rules added by the Catholic Church.
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- Looked at ancient bible texts
- Discovered a lot of errors in translations
- Argued for change within the Church
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Petrarch: father of Humanism
One of the Renaissance humanists was an Italian named Petrarch (1304-1374)
He wrote in the vernacular, or everyday language of the people. In the past, most writing had been done in formal Latin.
Petrarch had one of the biggest collections of Greek and Roman texts in Europe at that time.
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What was Renaissance Humanism?
People started treating animals more humanely
A philosophy of putting the human experience central
A religion in where humans were gods
A subgroup of artists who only drew humans
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What is the difference between Petrach’s beliefs about the relationship between God and men and how people thought
about this in medieval times?
Slide 7 - Question ouverte
Slide 8 - Diapositive
Read the following facts about renaissance humanism and Petrach. Think whether they are a change or continuity, when compared to medieval times.
Petrach believed that people should worship God by using the gifts he has given them.
The Catholic Church was incredibly important in people’s lives.
People were educated enough to find mistakes made in the
Bible by the Catholic Church.
Slide 9 - Question de remorquage
Erasmus: criticizing the excesses of the Church
In the 16th century, many humanists in the Church spent a lot of time translating biblical texts and early Christian texts. They were trying to get a better understanding of what these texts were about and what they meant.
One of the people doing so was Desiderius Erasmus
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Erasmus believed in a simpler, more personal relationship between people and God, and criticized excesses in the Church.
He wanted the Church to stop pardoning people’s sins, because in his opinion only God could do this.
He wanted the Church to stop teaching people to believe in saints and relics, and to stop telling them to go on pilgrimages.
He wanted the Church to translate the Bible into a vernacular, instead of keeping it in Latin. This means: translating it into different native languages so people could read the Bible themselves.
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Questioning the Church
Erasmus criticized the church publicly. How did the Church react, and what consequences did this have?
The Church offered him a place as a bishop, trying to keep him quiet.
Erasmus however did not take this position and continued to call for reform within the Church. He did not wish to break away from it.
His ideas, however, did prepare the way for the Reformation. “Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.”
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Name two points in which Erasmus criticizes the Catholic Church.
Belief in relics and Jezus
Belief in relics and translating the bible
Pardoning people's sins and going to church
Pardoning people's sins & belief in relics
Slide 13 - Quiz
Look at the source. Explain why this source can be used to demonstrate Erasmus’ criticism of the Catholic Church.
Slide 14 - Diapositive
Look at the source. Explain why this source can be used to demonstrate Erasmus’ criticism of the Catholic Church.
Slide 15 - Question ouverte
What doesn't match humanism
Taking for granted everything the pope says.
Studying ancient texts
Criticism of the Church
Slide 16 - Quiz
What doesn't match humanism
Life after death is most important
Studying ancient texts
Criticism of the Church
Slide 17 - Quiz
How was Humanism different from the way most people thought before the Renaissance?
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Humanism is a human-centred set of ideas in which people believe in the classical values of education and research.
Christian humanists started having a closer look at old Bible texts, and found issues with the behaviour of the Catholic Church.
Men like Petrarch and Erasmus would criticise the Church greatly, but always called for internal reform.
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What questions do you still have? What would you like to learn more about?