W4L1 V5B Shakespearean Sonnets & Argumentative Essay

Good morning V5! 
English class
Mevrouw Plazier/Ms. Plazier 

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 36 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 70 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Good morning V5! 
English class
Mevrouw Plazier/Ms. Plazier 

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learning goals
-I can analyze a Shakespearean sonnet on rhyme, stylistic devices, sound techniques and content

- I know the basics of an argumentative essay and can create a thesis statement. 

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Slide 3 - Vidéo

Slide 4 - Lien

Analysing Sonnet 130

Read Sonnet 130 on p. 29, discuss the questions together and answer them in your notes. Apply what we discussed to these questions. 
Extra: can you find any stylistic devices/sound techniques that are used in this sonnet? 

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Slide 8 - Lien

Argumentative essay
What is it?


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Types of Writing
1. Personal Writing;
2. Public Writing;
3. Creative Writing;
4. Academic Writing 

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An essay is defined as:

"a short piece of writing that expresses information (as well as the writer's opinion)."

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Types of essays 
Narrative essay: telling a story;                                                     
Persuasive essay: to convince the reader; 
Expository essay: academic paper to investigate an idea;
Descriptive essay: to describe something;
Argumentative essay:facts/evidence to support the argument; Compare and contrast essay: analysis of two subjects;
Problem - solution essay: description of problem/solution.

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Aim of Expository Essay
The aim is to present both sides of the same coin. Background information is given, as are the pros/advantages/positive points and cons/disadvantages/negative points of a certain topic.
Aim of Argumentative Essay
The aim is to give your opinion on a subject, give adequate support with specific arguments and examples, and counter any opposing views in a similar way. At the end of the essay your reader should understand your opinion on the subject and - if not already of the same mind before - set thinking.
What is the difference here?

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To write an essay, you should generally:
1- Decide what type of essay to write                                                        2-  Brainstorm your topic
3- Research the topic.                                                                                        4-  Develop a thesis statement
5- Outline your essay with topic sentences                                              6-  Write your essay
7- Edit your writing to check spelling and grammar

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Argumentative essay 
You get three topics that you can prepare beforehand. 
You do not know which one we will choose and what the thesis statement will be. 

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Okay, but what does it look like? 

Let's take a look......

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The structure of an essay:
  • Introduction;
  • 1st paragraph with  1st reason: 
- topic sentence + evidence & explanation + wrap-up;
  • 2nd paragraph with 2nd reason
- topic sentence + evidence & explanation + wrap-up;
  • 3rd / 4th paragraph etc.
  • Conclusion

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The order to write your essay
  • Start writing the body of your essay: PEE (Point - Evidence - Examples)
  • Write the introduction of your essay: Thesis Statement is final sentence of introduction
  • Write the conclusion: Rephrase your Thesis Statement
  • Choose a catchy title: no question

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DO – Pay Attention to Your Introductory Paragraph 
Because this is the first paragraph of your essay it is your opportunity to give the reader the best first impression possible. The introductory paragraph not only gives the reader an idea of what you will talk about but also shows them how you will talk about it. 

Try to introduce by using a "HOOK"
(something a joke, a fact or anything that will grab the reader's attention)
DO NOT – I/My or you/yours

Unless it is a personal narrative, avoid personal pronouns like I, My, or Me. At the same time, try to avoid the use of second singular/plural person such as you and yours.
Try instead to be more general and you will have your reader hooked. 

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Do's and don'ts 

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What do you think are some do's or don'ts when writing an essay?

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

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Thesis statement
the central point in your essay

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Develop a thesis statement
Your thesis statement is the main point of your essay. It is one sentence that states what the essay is about. For example, your thesis statement might be  "The death penalty should be reinstated, because.....(2/3 arguments)......".
* Use the thesis statement as the basic premise to write your entire essay about; 
* Remember that all of the different points lead back to this one main thesis; 
* State your thesis statement in your introductory paragraph;
*  Thesis statement should be broad enough.

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Slide 29 - Vidéo

Topic: Global warming
Think of a question + answer it

Slide 30 - Question ouverte

Use the paper to: 
  1. Brainstorm on topics that you could use for an argumentative essay. 
  2. Try to create a thesis statement 
  3. Extra: think of different arguments that you could use
  4. Look up evidence that you can find for these arguments 


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What is the topic of your essay?

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

Write your thesis statement for your essay.

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

Essay Writing Practise:

Schrijf een argumentative essay van 225-250 woorden
Lettertype Ariel 12
Regelafstand 1,5
Spelling controle is toegestaan

1. Loneliness among the elderly
Veel ouderen hebben te maken met eenzaamheid
Bedenk een oplossing of bespreek de oorzaak van het probleem

2. Refugees
Veel vluchtelingen komen naar Europa voor een beter bestaan. Dit heeft een grote impact op de samenleving. 
Bedenk een oplossing of bespreek de oorzaak van het probleem.

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Today you learned about essay writing

-You learned the basics of an argumentative essay 
-You practised making a thesis statement
-You practised with idioms. 

Well done!

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A common expression understood figuratively, as the literal definition makes no sense. 

Let's fill in the worksheets 

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