Reading Lesson Tiktok

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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

  • Stand up if you use TikTok.  

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Slide 3 - Carte mentale

First round of reading
  • Read the title, have a look at the pictures and read the first two lines. What kind of text is this and what will the text be about?  


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What will the text be about?

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

Second round of reading
  • Read the text in silence for 5 minutes. 

See if you can answer the following questions; 
  • Are your predictions true? 
  • Do you know what Tiktok queues are and why there are protests against these?  

  • Finished? Read the text one more time. This time, focus on the details. And answer the questions on the given worksheet. 

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Second round of reading
  • Are your predictions true? 

  • What are Tiktok queues and why are there protests against these?  

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Third round of reading
  • Read the text one more time. Focus on the details. 
  • See if you can answer the questions on the worksheet. 

  • 10 minutes. 

  • Finished? Can you now summarize the news article?

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Third round of reading
  • Answers: 
  1.  The popular 9 straatjes neighbourhood in Amsterdam. 
  2. The street signs for Beerenstraat and Runstraat were temporarily replaced with Schapenstraat and Rijstraat. 
  3. Because the people queue up in a "rij" and when they queue up they behave like sheep. They just follow what other people do. 
  4. He finds it sad to see crows of people seeking the same superficial experience in a city which has much more to offer. And he does not understand this. 
  5. Because he thinks it is crazy people join up willingly for such a long queue. Just to find an instagrammable bite to eat. 

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Third round of reading
  • Answers: 
  • 6. He was biking with his friends along the nine straatjes. He saw the queues and found them ridiculous.  Thus, wanting to do something about it.
  • 7. Reactions were very mixed. Some people saw it as a joke while others found it insulting to the business owners. 
  • 8. Those in the queues are unlikely to understand Dutch. Therefore, they would not understand the protes either. 
  • 9. This is unclear. They have nothing specific in mind, but when they do see something problematic in Amsterdam they may take action again.
  • 10. ........................................................ 

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Word knowledge 
  • Find one word which is unfamiliar to you. Write this down. 

  • Which words did you find? 

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Word knowledge 
  • The alphabet game. 
Find one word in the text for each letter of the alphabet. Be ready to explain the relation between this word and the text. 


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Word knowledge 
  • Create your own protest actions. 

  • Form a group of three. And divide the roles: Leader, note-taker and time-keeper. 
  • Choose on of the following problems: The selling of energy drinks, black friday sales, prohibition of skating in the park, school starts at 8.10 am. Or; choose your own topic. 
  • Explain your protest actions on a poster. Be as creative as you can!

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are you now?
  • able to summarize a news article with the use of structured reading?
  • able to make a prediction about the content of a news article and review whether this prediction was true? 

  • Write a summary of the news article in your own words. Use the exit ticket given and hand in before you leave class. 

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