C1 Advanced listening part 1 and 2/ CE 2021-I/ SE Speaking: text 1

Tuesday, February 4th
1 / 20
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 20 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 70 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Tuesday, February 4th

Slide 1 - Diapositive

- C1 Advanced listening practice: parts 1 and 2
- CE 2021-I: Discuss texts 4 and 5
- SE Speaking: Text 1
- CE 2021-I: Work on texts 6 and 7

Tell me which book you're reading in term 3!

Slide 2 - Diapositive

SE Listening
Go to our Magister Studiewijzer and look for C1 Advanced Practice exam, sample paper 1.

We're going to do the first 2 tasks of the listening paper.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

CE VWO 2021-I:
text 4
  • 6. B
  • 7. E
  • 8. B
  • 9. C
  • 10. 1. niet / 2. wel / 3. wel / 4. niet
  • 11. C - A - B
  • 12. B
  • 13. E 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

CE VWO 2021-I:
text 5
  • 14. Alinea 5
  • 15. B
  • 16. D
  • 17. C
  • 18. C
  • 19. 1. wel / 2. niet / 3. niet / 4. wel

Slide 5 - Diapositive

SE Speaking text 1
ChatGPT: a blessing or a curse?

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Go through text 1 again and send in 5 words that relate best to the idea of ChatGPT being a blessing (add a +) and 5 words that relate to it being a curse (add a -).

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Which words from the text relate to ChatGPT
being a blessing and it being a curse?
Choose 5 words for each category and fill in 1 word at a time. Add a + for blessing and - for curse.

Slide 8 - Carte mentale

Which 'existential worries' (lines 16-17) does the article come up with?
It could make people feel superfluous and useless.
It makes it too easy to cheat, even for people who usually don't so.
It doesn't just make it easy for students, but also for teachers.
It might create a generation who haven't learnt to think for themselves nor process information

Slide 9 - Quiz

In which way do educators feel 'threatened' (line 37)?
They can't be sure anymore whether their students are writing their own essays.
ChatGPT allows students to anonymously send them messages.
ChatGPT often provides students with incorrect answers.
They were completely unprepared for an app like ChatGPT.

Slide 10 - Quiz

Which two reasons does the writer mention in lines 60-85 why the New York City public schools' approach to ChatGPT (line 28) won't work?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

Why does the writer compare ChatGPT to calculators (line 75)?
Because ...
initially people were very much against their use at school too.
they are both banned in many schools.
they both can be used to cheat as well as to assist in learning.
both can give the user a false sense of security.

Slide 12 - Quiz

Why did Cherie Shields (line 92) allow her students to use ChatGPT?
Because ...
they could compare their own longhand essays with those produed by ChatGPT.
they could compare the essays ChatGPT came up with for each of them.
they needed to learn how to use AI and they could use it as a starting point.
they could fact check all the information it had come up with and learn from it.

Slide 13 - Quiz

What is the fuction of lines 119-138?
To show that it's harder to get a useful response from AI than you think.
To highlight the many uses of ChatGPT.
To make clear that ChatGPT can't be used for just any discipline.
To prove that ChatGPT can be an effective replacement of online teaching sessions.

Slide 14 - Quiz

How does Mr Gold (line 149) feel about students using ChatGPT?
He uses it so they can learn about how it often gets things wrong.
He lets them use it to answer his own ChatGPT-generated questions.
He warns students based on his own experiences that it's less efficient than they think.
He actively encourages it as it helps them learn about topics discussed in class.

Slide 15 - Quiz

What sentiment does the writer express in lines 171-194?
Despite his profession, he doesn't really like ChatGPT.
He fears for the future generation who has to compete with it.
He secretly gloats about the success of ChatGPT.
He is fascinated by the way it has taken over our classrooms.

Slide 16 - Quiz

Which 'barricade' is the writer talking about in line 195?
The attempts by teachers to ban all forms of AI from the classroom.
The moral principles people had against 'cheating'.
The reasonable objections people had against AI and ChatGPT.
The unjustified dislike many educators have of all things technological.

Slide 17 - Quiz

The final remark ('But who ... expert teachers?') is meant:
as an encouragement to educators.
as an encouragement to students.

Slide 18 - Quiz

Practice exam CE 2021-I
Work on texts 6 - 7

Slide 19 - Diapositive

- Bring your SE Speaking reader, CE 2021-I, device and earphones
- SE Speaking: Read text 2
- CE 2021-I: Finish texts 6 - 7
- Study exam words: Functiewoorden

Slide 20 - Diapositive