H3b - grammar test overview

H3B - Grammar unit 5+6
1. Wash your hands
2. Wipe your table
3. Place your books on the table
4. Put your phone away
1 / 23
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

H3B - Grammar unit 5+6
1. Wash your hands
2. Wipe your table
3. Place your books on the table
4. Put your phone away

Slide 1 - Diapositive

  • Agenda, announcements, attendance
  • Overview
  • Present simple, past simple or present perfect?
  • Present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous?
  • Passive 
  • If-sentences (conditional first & second)

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Overview (see magister as well!)
  • Present simple <> past simple <> present perfect
  • Passive (present simple <> past simple)
  • First <> second conditional (if-zinnen)
  • Present perfect continuous <> past perfect continuous
  • Word order (+ where adverbs can be placed)
  • both, either, neither
  • Modals van kunnen, moeten, mogen
  • Conjunctions

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Grammar - 
present simple <> past simple <> present perfect

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Present simple <> Past simple <> present perfect
Present perfect

  1. Happened in the past but time is not important (most likely because it happened a lot)
  2. Started in the past and is still going on now 
  3. Happened in the past but the result is still visible now
  4. something is about to happen or just happened.

I/you/they/we have dyed my hair many times
He/she/it has not watched that movie yet.

signal words: 
  1. x times
  2. since (2020), in (ages), for (years)
  3.  x
  4. just, lately, recently, yet 
Present simple

Happens always, regularly or never 
Facts/time schedules 

I/you/they/we always walk home. 
He/she/it always walks home.

Signal words: always, never, often, regularly, sometimes, hardly ever 
Past simple

Something happened in the past and it's important when (time is indicated)

You walked home yesterday.
I drove home 10 minutes ago.

Signal words: any time indication in the past
e.g. 10 minutes ago, last year, in 2012, when I was young

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Grammar - 
present perfect continuous <> past perfect continuous

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Grammar - Past perfect continuous
  • Gebruik je om aan te geven dat iets voor een lange tijd bezig was in het verleden voordat iets anders gebeurde
  • Formule:
    had + been + [dictionary verb + - ing] 

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Grammar - Present perfect continuous
  • Deze actie is nu nog steeds bezig en gaat nog wel even door.
    I have been watching Friends for a while, but I haven't finished yet.
  • Formule:
    [have/has] + been + [dictionary verb + - ing] 

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Grammar - passive

Slide 9 - Diapositive

The passive
  • It's not important who did the action
  • Emphasize what happened 
Past simple
Criminals stole the diamond from the museum yesterday.
> The diamond was stolen from the museum yesterday (by the criminals). 

Present simple
My phone sends me daily reminders to drink water. 
> Daily reminders to drink water are sent to me (by my phone). 

Slide 10 - Diapositive

The passive
  1. Find the direct object (lijdend voorwerp) - your sentence will start with this.
  2. Check tense: present simple or past simple? 
  3. Add [to be] in the passive sentence using the correct tense
  4. Take the main verb of the active sentence and place it after [to be] in its past participle (voltooid deelwoord)
  5. At the rest of the sentence (you may leave the subject out) 
Followed step-by-step plan:
  1. Who/what walks my neighbour every day?
    My dog...
  2. Present simple (feeds)
  3. My dog is (present simple of 'to be')
  4. My dog is fed (past participle of 'feed') 
  5. My dog is fed in the park every day (by my neighbour). 
My neighbour feeds my dog in the park every day. 

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Grammar - if conditionals

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Grammar - first conditional
Possible or likely things that will happen in de future

If it rains later, we will stay home. 

if-part: present simple
Main sentence: will + dictionary verb
LET OP: If he doesn't join us, I won't come either. 

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Grammar - second conditional
Something is possible, but very unlikely to happen / impossible at the moment

If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car. (very unlikely)
If I had the time, I would pick her up from school. (impossible now)

if-part: past simple
Main sentence: would + dictionary verb

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Grammar - Conditionals - step-by-step
Decide which the conditional by looking at the meaning:
Fact / something that will happen if conditions are met/ request? > 
first conditional
Very unlikely to happen? > second conditonal
Find the if-part and the main sentence:
First-conditional > If = present simple, main = will + dictionary verb
second-conditional > if = past simple, main = would + dictionary verb
Negative sentences: present simple gets 'do/does not', past simple gets 'did not', will/would simply add 'not'

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Grammar - modals

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Grammar - Modals - Moeten (positief)

persoonlijke noodzaak / kan niet anders (het moet wel zo zijn) 
Must + dictionary verb
1. You ____ (drink) more water when it's so hot outside! 
2. I ____ (train) every day, so that I become strong enough to win this competition.
3. You ____ (be) sweating so much with that sweater on.
have to

verplichting / iemand anders zegt wat je moet doen

have to + dictionary verb
should / ought to

zou(den) eigenlijk moeten / advies
ought to > netter + sterker

Should/ought to + dictionary verb

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Grammar - Modals - Moeten (negatief)

Dingen die niet mogen (van anderen)

Mustn't + dictionary verb
1. Look at that sign, you ____ (smoke) in this area.
2. You ____ (smoke). It's not only bad for your health but also very expensive.
3. She ____ (print) the files, I can also do it when I'm done here.
don't/doesn't have to

Je hoeft iets niet te doen (maar het mag wel)

[don't/doesn't] + have to + dictionary verb

Advies / zou eigenlijk niet moeten

Shouldn't + dictionary verb

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Grammar - modals

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Grammar - Modals - Kunnen

Iets mogen/kunnen doen, in staat zijn, mogelijkheid, 

tegenwoordige tijd

can + dictionary verb
1. He promised that he ____ (join) the football training tomorrow morning. 
2. Excuse me, ____ (you, pass) the sugar, please?
3. I ____ (run) around this field within 3 minutes. 

Iets mogen/kunnen doen, in staat zijn, mogelijkheid,

 verleden tijd + beleefdheid

could + dictionary verb
to be able to

Iets mogen/kunnen doen, in staat zijn, mogelijkheid,

 voor alle andere tijden (bijvoorbeeld future) 
[to be] + able to + dictionary verb

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Grammar - modals

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Grammar - Modals - Kunnen

Laten zien dat iets is toegestaan, zou kunnen (mogelijkheid)

may + dictionary verb
1. Why is Lisa not here? - She ____ (be) ill. 
2. I ____ (go out) until midnight since last year. 
3. I bought a lottery ticket. I ____ (win) this year. 

zou misschien mogen, zou misschien kunnen (hele kleine kans)


Might + dictionary verb
to be allowed to

Laten zien dat iets is toegestaan, zou kunnen (mogelijkheid)

 voor alle andere tijden (bijvoorbeeld future) 
[to be] + allowed to + dictionary verb

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Practice / Homework
Do Grammar exercises 35, 36 (p. 73) and the hand-out

Slide 23 - Diapositive