Involves the use of language, text, and symbols to present information. For example, textbooks, written instructions, and graphic organizers.
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Visual Representation
Utilizes graphic organizers, images, and videos to present information. For instance, infographics, diagrams, and educational videos.
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Auditory Representation
Involves the use of audio recordings and music to present information. Examples include podcasts, recorded lectures, and educational songs.
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Digital Representation
Includes interactive multimedia and simulations to present information. For example, educational apps, virtual reality experiences, and online simulations.
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Application of Representation
Identify the types of representation used in a given learning material or classroom activity. Discuss how different types of representation can support diverse learners.
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Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.
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Write down 2 things you want to know more about.
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Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.