Listening/key words/summarizing

Key words
Reading Comprehension
1 / 15
Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 15 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Key words
Reading Comprehension

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson Goals
I can summarize a conversation, using key words
I can understand the main point of short, informative texts in magazines

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Homecheck Ex. 38 - Summary
Re-listen to the conversation
Note new keywords
Check and Correct your summary 
Ensure minimum 80 words long!

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Ex. 38 Key Words

1. working in the game reserve:

Duncan, Isabelle, Jenny Bowen, Sense Africa, Eswatini, 14 Volunteers, Conservation project, Umbeluzi, Giraffe, Monitoring population, Track, Estimate number of giraffe in the area
Sense Africa - ex 38 - chapter 4 3T SS

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2. Duncan’s experience:
Bulawayo, smaller animals, bushbabies, owls, guinea fowl

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3.  roles and responsibilities:
Several volunteers, clean enclosures, feed the animals, interact, reading children's stories, talking, get a lot back

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4. Isabelle’s roles and responsibilities:

Isabelle, Catch green sea turtle, Buy fish to catch turtles, diver, grab by shell, weigh, tag and release back into ocean.

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5. Challenges organising trips and volunteers:

Challenges, no one left out, friends, someone looks after the animals. 101% for volunteering, real-life experience, solve real world problems, preparation for college

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6. How can young people help the environment:

Young people help environment, many things on indivudual level, chemical safety, microbeads, eco-systems, wildlife, food sources

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7. Being aware of things:
Not leaving the tap running, being aware, palmoil, considerate, thoughtful, serious change

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Summary "Sense Africa" in 80 - 100 words

Read a classmates summary and give feedback (2 tips and 2 tops)

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Discussion Time
Team up with a classmate. Look at the sentences. Discuss the different ways of contributing to a better environment. Choose three options that you could use in your own life and explain why. Are there options you would never use in your life?
- stop eating meat
- use a refillable water bottle and reusable lunch container
- buy second-hand clothes only
- grow your own vegetables
- bring your own bag to the shop
- wash clothes only once a month
- never travel by airplane
- shower once a week for five minutes
- use one garbage bag a month


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In class work:

Complete Ex. 43 A, B and C and Ex. 45 on p. 36-39

If not completed during the lesson, this becomes homework

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