3V All Right - Law & Justice Project

All Right Unit 2: Law & Justice Project
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 22 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

All Right Unit 2: Law & Justice Project

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Period 2 Tests/Tasks:
  1. Law & Justice Task (wk 47-48): Do research and speech (video) (Telt x2). Deadline: Friday, 2 Dec.
  2.  Vocabulary (words) Test (wk 48 or 49): P/F. +0.5 to your Skills Test mark if you get a P.
  3. Amnesty Cards (wk 49): P/F. +0.5 to your Skills Test mark if you get a P.
  4. Skills Test (wk 50): Listening, Reading, Writing and Grammar (Telt x4).
  5. *Discuss how to prepare for tests/tasks.

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Task Goals:
  1. To find out and pass on factual information.
  2. To take information and make a convincing speech using target language & key expressions.
  3. To express my viewpoint and comments using target language.
  4. To speak slowly, pronounce my words clearly and with expression.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Eyewitness misidentification
Flawed forensic evidence
Police and prosecutorial misconduct
False confessions
Perjured testimony
Main reasons for
wrong convictions
Belangrijkste redenen voor
onterecht veroordeelde criminelen

Slide 4 - Carte mentale

Law & Justice - Your Task
You are going to pretend that you are the lawyer of someone who was wrongfully convicted. With a speech, you are going to convince the judge to release your client.
Je gaat doen alsof je de advocaat bent van iemand die ten onrechte is veroordeeld. Met een toespraak ga je de rechter overtuigen om je cliënt vrij te laten.

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Video Clip
Here is a video clip showing some wrongfully convicted criminals.

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Slide 7 - Vidéo

1. Do Some Research
1. First, do some research on the internet. Find a video or an article about a (wrongfully) convicted criminal and make some notes. Search for 'wrongfully convicted criminals'.

1. Doe eerst wat onderzoek op internet. Zoek een video of een artikel over een (ten onrechte) veroordeelde crimineel en maak wat aantekeningen.

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Your speech should include:
1. some facts about the prisoner (for example: name, age, background);
2. some details about the crime - what they were convicted of;
3. why this person is innocent (evidence!);
4. what the state should do to repay for the fact that they were wrongfully imprisoned, and why.

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Law and Justice Project:
1. enkele feiten over de gedetineerde (bijvoorbeeld: naam, leeftijd, achtergrond);
2. enkele details over het misdrijf waarvoor ze zijn veroordeeld;
3. waarom deze persoon onschuldig is (bewijs!);
4. wat de staat zou moeten doen om terug te betalen omdat ze onterecht gevangen zaten, en waarom.

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2. Write Your Speech
2. Using the notes that you have made from your research, write a speech that is logical, convincing and uses target language.

2. Schrijf met behulp van de aantekeningen die je van je onderzoek hebt gemaakt een toespraak die logisch en overtuigend is en gebruikmaakt van doeltaal.

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3. Record Your Speech
3. Decide who is going to say what. Practise your speech, record yourself (video), and then send it to me in Teams. I will make an assignment in Teams.

3. Bepaal wie wat gaat zeggen. Oefen je toespraak, neem jezelf op (video) en stuur het vervolgens naar mij in Teams. Ik maak een opdracht in Teams.

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Task Information:
  1. You may work in pairs but both of you will receive                   the same mark for your project.
  2. Deadline: Friday, 2 December 2022.
  3. Length: 3-4 minutes. You must divide the                   content in half and each of you must speak in the video.
  4. Your video will count x2.

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Today's Lesson:
Do some research on the internet. Find a video or an article about a (wrongfully) convicted criminal and make some notes. Search for 'wrongfully convicted criminals'.
Divide the task in half: One of you can gather makes notes on questions 1 & 2 and the other, on 3 & 4.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

All Right Unit 2 Study Box, p. 91:
Read through p.91, Expressions.
Focus on:
C. Introducing Facts
D. Stating Something General

Use these key expressions to help you when writing your speech!

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Introducing facts and information:
- It’s a fact that ...
- Figures show that ...
- I think everybody realises that ...
- Few would deny, though, ...
- Well, let me tell you that ... 
- In most cases, though, ... 
- Actually, evidence suggests otherwise. 
- As we all know, ...

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Next Lesson:
You will take the notes that you 
have made and write a logical and                                                                                       convincing speech!

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Law & Justice Speech Example:
Your Honor, I am here to demand the release of my client, Shakara Robertson. Mr Robertson, born and raised in Dallas, Texas, was only a young man when he was arrested in October 1997 for robbery.

On November 17, 1994, a 79-year-old woman got out of her car outside the Eckerd drugstore at the Inwood Shopping Center in Dallas, Texas, where a group of young men grabbed her purse, pushed her to the sidewalk and fled.

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Robertson and his friends Washington and Smith were arrested. The victim, Carolyn Webster, could not identify any of them, but bystanders identified them as either participating in the robbery or running away. But, Your Honor, the fact is – they only ‘recognized’ their clothing! I think everybody realizes that eyewitnesses can be unreliable – and prejudiced

In the meantime, I have managed to track down the young men who were actually involved in the robbery of Mrs Webster. They have confessed. That means that my client is innocent of this crime.

Mr Robertson‘s life was ruined. That is why I think that he should receive $400,000 for his wrongful conviction. Thank you.

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How will your speech be scored?
  1. Your speech should be logical and convincing. You must provide evidence that your client is not guilty.
  2. You have used target language and expressions from the unit.
  3. Your grammar should be correct (you're talking about something that has already happened therefore you will mostly make use of the past tenses).
  4. Your speech is between 3 and 4 minutes long.
  5. You speak slowly, clearly and with expression. (Focus on your pronunciation). You can look at your paper but don't just read your speech.
  6. You will both receive the same mark unless there's a big difference in pronunciation and effort!

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Did you reach the lesson goal?
If not, what would
you need in the future?

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

Complete your lesson

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