Chapter 3

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 51 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

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Chapter 3: Science & Technology
At the end of this chapter you will be able to:
  • Use words that have to do with technology and development, science and research.
  • Talk about the future.
  • Use prepositions of time and place and future tenses correctly.
  • Talk about inventions.
  • Use adverbs of frequency and adjectives correctly.

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Expert Groups
  • Jullie gaan je in groepjes van 4 verdiepen in één onderwerp van het hoofdstuk en dit kort presenteren aan de groep.
  • Op je hand-out staat precies welk groepje wat gaat behandelen. 
  • Je krijgt 20 minuten voorbereidingstijd en gaat maximaal 5 minuten presenteren. 
  • Aan het eind ga ik andere groepjes vragen stellen over de gepresenteerde onderwerpen, dus opletten is een must ;)

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Get to work!
Als de timer voorbij is, graag klaar zijn om je bevindingen te presenteren :)

Eerder klaar? Work on reading project ;)

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Reading Project
  • 15 min ZS --> Lezen + zelfstandig werken (Teams voor boek + info)
  • Werk aan je eerste opdracht van het portfolio. 15 min ZF.
  • Klaar? Getting started hoofdstuk 3.

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Laatste kans inleveren eerste opdracht
Je krijgt nog 10 minuten de tijd dus zorg dat je er dan klaar mee bent :)
Fijn weekend!

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  • A: Watching & Theme words chapter 3
  • Final 15 minutes: Finish AND hand in first assignment reading project.

    I know what deepfake is. I can explain when it is acceptable to use deepfake technology.


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A Watching
  • Page 134-135 ex. 5,6,7,8 (9).
  • Read through exercises first.
  • Watch the video together.
  • Finish exercises. Done? Finish reading project assignment or work on B Theme words pg. 136-139.

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Reading Project Assignment
Finish your first assignment and hand it in before end of class via Teams or on paper.


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End of class
Mission accomplished?
I know what deepfake is. I can explain then it is acceptable to use deepfake technology.
Did you hand in your first assignment?
See you on Friday! For Friday: Have a look at the vocabulary of chapter 3!

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  • Reading project: Only a few handed in their assignment. Why? Inleveren na kerstvakantie = verplicht!
  • Practise Reading Test 17 December
  • Design a vocabulary game (in groups)

Mission: Practise reading skills and I know words to do with science and technology and can use them correctly.

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  • Do the practise test on your own. Ready? Hand it in --> Start B Theme words pg. 136 or work on reading project.
  • After the practise test: Discuss in groups (if there is time)
  • The whole first hour = ZS --> No phone or music.

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Vocabulary Game 
  • Read through vocabulary chapter 3 on pg. 170-171
  • Design a game to study vocabulary in groups of 3/4. 
  • Read through the worksheet, design the game and try it out. We will discuss it at the end of class: 14:00.
  • Most fun and effective games will be used by the whole group during this chapter!

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End of class
  • Vote for best game to use in class. Explain choice!
  • How did the practise test go? Are you ready for the real one next week or do we need more practise?

  • Homework: Finish your second assignment of reading project and hand in on Monday.

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  • Oefentoets lezen bespreken
  • C Reading pg. 140
  • Reading project (when finished)
  • Voor de inhalers: 14:15 C.15 test chapter 2!

    Mission: I can specific information in simple everyday materials. 

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C Reading
  • Page 140; ex. 17, 18, 19 & 20.
  •  Read through exercise 17 first --> then read text together.
  • Do ex. 17, 19 & 20 ZS. (skip 18)
  • Done? Reading project. 
    Deadline second assignment = today.

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Slide 17 - Diapositive

End of class
  • Finish C Reading before Friday.
  • Friday: Reading test! 
    Als je nog wil oefenen: Oefentoets afmaken en mij vragen voor de antwoorden. Succes!

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Slide 19 - Vidéo

  • Reading project deadline
  • Speaking & Stones worksheet
  • Grammar chapter 3 
  • Vocabulary game?

  • I can make predictions about the future

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Stones Chapter 3
  • Uitleg worksheet
  • ZF werken aan worksheet 10 min, 5 min in tweetallen.
  • Eind van de les: Inleveren, maandag nakijken.
    Doel: Spreekvaardigheid verbeteren en woordenschat vergroten.

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Grammar Chapter 3
  • Voorzetsels van tijd en plaats - prepositions of time and place.
  • Future tense - present simple future.
  •  Adverbs and adjectives - adverbs of frequency. (Bijwoorden en bijvoeglijke naamwoorden)

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Have a look at the grammar and write down which you would like to have explained in class. 
*pg. 173 or learning corner online.

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End of class
  • Hoe ver ben je gekomen met het worksheet?
  • Wat heb je geleerd?
  • Welke grammaticaonderdelen wil je uitleg over? HW maandag.
  • Nakomen als: Niets is ingeleverd! Afspraak maken wanneer.

  • Maandag: Worksheet speaking nakijken. 

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  • Worksheet grammar chapter 3
  • Nakomen: Morgen 15:00: Thom, Esther, Shivan, Imre, Marith, Jorn, Jens, Sasha, Teun.
  • Vanmiddag 14:15 leestoets inhalen.
    (staat in Magister: C15)
  • Doel: Ik weet welke grammatica onderdelen behandeld worden in hoofdstuk 3 en leer deze toe te passen.

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Worksheet Grammar
  • Prepositions of time and place, future tense and adjectives and adverbs - adverbs of frequency.
  • Eerst de uitleg doorlezen - dan oefeningen maken.
  • 15 min ZF. Klaar? Inleveren; vrijdag bespreken. (HW)
  • Als je klaar bent: Countries & Cultures CH3: pg. 152
     ex. 31,32,33. 

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End of class
  • Questions about worksheet?
  • Homework Friday: Worksheet finished, bring to class.
  • Toets inhalers: See you 14:15!

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  • Writing - brief schrijven (uitleg + oefenbrief & inleveren)
     11 februari toets!
  • Kort bespreken worksheet grammar, vragen?
  • Countries & Cultures in tweetallen - Keuze opdracht.

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Writing a formal letter
  • Uitleg - Make notes!
  • Oefenen - 20 min ZS, daarna ZF.
  • Materiaal geupload in Teams (+ tips!)
  • Eind van de les inleveren, volgende week bespreken.
    Schrijf 11 februari writing test in je agenda!
  • Ik leer hoe het schrijven van een formele brief in het Engels gaat.

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  • Werk eerst 20 minuten voor jezelf - ZS
  • Daarna ZF - Om te overleggen/vergelijken met je buurman/buurvrouw.
  • Lever je brief in als je klaar bent!
  • Eerder klaar? Begin met Countries & Cultures ex. 31.
  • Good luck :) .

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Countries & Cultures
  • Exercise 32 óf 33 (online) 
  • 32 or 33 in pairs - present together at end of class (5 min max)
  • Je kiest dus 1 van de twee opdrachten en maakt een korte presentatie over je onderwerp. Present in English!

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32: Gifts between countries

Read The Statue of Liberty.
As you have read in the text, the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States. This is just one example of a gift between countries. For example, did you know that in 1945, the Dutch royal family gifted 100,000 tulip bulbs to Canada? Go online to find out more examples of gifts between countries. Find at least six interesting examples to talk about in a presentation.

33: Eiffel Tower replicas

The text mentions a man called Gustave Eiffel, who later built the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. Did you know there are at least 80 replicas of the Eiffel Tower around the world? Go online to find further information. Create a collage or poster presentation about the five most interesting ones. Carry out your online research with questions such as: Which one is the oldest? Which one is the most recent? Which one is the tallest? Which one is the smallest? Which one is the furthest away from Paris?

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End of class
  • Write down what question(s) you have on writing a formal letter.
  • Tell me something new you've learned today. 
  • Moeite met brief schrijven? Kijk op YouTube & Teams voor tips!
  • Homework Monday: Study vocabulary chapter 3.

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  • F Listening + exercises
  • Kahoot vocabulary chapter 3

  • Doel: I can understand a conversation at a science museum.

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F Listening
  • Look at ex. 34 pg. 154 first.
  • Listen to Science Museum together and work on 35.
  • Finish 36, 37 & 38. ZS 10 min.
  • Done early? Start G Reading.

I can understand a conversation at a science museum.

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End of class
  • Write down one thing you didn't know before this class.
  • HW Friday: Finish F Listening.
  • Friday you will receive feedback on your letters. 

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  • Writing - bespreken oefenbrief en vragen.11 februari toets!
  • Test yourself hoofdstuk 3. 
  • Travel Guide - Make your own.

* Denk er aan: Vul vandaag je vakkenpakket keuze in in Keuzevak!

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Test Yourself
  • Do test yourself chapter 3 on your own. (Eerst I grammar 49 - 53 af).

  • Done early? Vakkenpakket keuze in Keuzevak? :)
  • Work on Reading Matters pg. 176 (or online) of werk het hoofdstuk bij. Slim stampen, extra uitleg grammar (clips) etc. 
  • Minimale score: 65%. Eind van de les ingeleverd.

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Slide 46 - Vidéo

Travel Guide
  • Choose an English speaking city in pairs or alone.
  • Make a travel guide in Word which contains:
  • Info about the city (history, geography)
  • Where to eat, sleep, do activities: Tell people what places they should visit and why!
  • How to get there.
  • Examples: New York, Sydney, Dublin, Los Angeles etc.. 

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End of class
  • Finish Travel Guide and hand in on Monday via Teams.
  • Study chapter 3: Waar wil je nog uitleg over?
  • Monday we will start with chapter 4: Test Yourself has to be done!

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  • Finish test yourself chapter 3. (minimaal 65%)
  • Bijwerken/afmaken/leren H3 of (extra) oefenbrief afmaken.
  • Kahoot chapter 3.

  • Doel: I know what chapter 3 is about and I know how to write a formal letter. (Friday test)

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20 min ZS
  • Test yourself + oefenbrief moeten af!
  • Klaar? Bijwerken/afmaken/leren H3 (online - slim stampen etc.) OF extra oefenbrief!
  • Good luck!

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End of class
  • Test yourself en oefenbrief klaar? 
  • Welke vragen heb je hierover?
  • Voor vrijdag: eerste uur brief toets (woordenboek NE-EN mag), tweede uur opstarten hoofdstuk 4. 

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