Lesson 5 period 7

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 3

Cette leçon contient 32 diapositives, avec quiz interactif, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

Éléments de cette leçon

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From 10:00-12:00 we speak English, also to each other.

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General school rules
• Be on time at the start of the lesson, bring your laptop, books, clothing and materials with you.
• Show respect for your fellow students, the staff of the school, the building and environment. 
•  Mobile phones are not visible and are on silent mode during lessons.
•  Together we make sure that our school is safe and clean.
• We only eat and drink in the designated areas in school. In class you can drink water. Students take responsibility themselves for their laptops.
• In school/class our faces are recognizable so this means no wearing of caps, hats and helmets in the school.
• Only with permission of the person(s) involved we take pictures or film each other.

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What are we going to do today?
- looking back at last week's lesson
- writing; exam preparation
- working online

Learning objectives: you know what types of letters/forms you can expect on your exam in July and the rules how to write/complete them.

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Week 1
15 February
Last period's test, writing , working online and speaking exercise
Week 2
29 February
Reading. listening and grammar: regrets. Working online and speaking exercise
Week 3
7 March
Writing summary, memory reading and listening, grammar the Oxford comma
Week 4
14 March
Vocabulary exercise and Oxford comma
Week 5
21 March
Writing; exam preparation and working online
Week 6
28 March
Conjunctions and demonstrative pronouns
Week 7
4 April
Adverbs/adjectives and listening exercise about the number 1 new restaurant in the United States
Week 8
11 April
Practicing speaking
Week 9
19 April
Electives week
Week 10 22-26 april
Test week, no exams

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Sem and Emma
Tessa and Bink

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The types of letter and forms you need to learn
- formal letter

- informal letter

- filling in a form

- review

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Important words

personal details                         
first name                                    
last name/surname                  
date of birth                               
place of birth                             
marital status                            
postal code/zipcode                 
n/a   (not applicable)                
shipping address                      

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Filling in a form
- fill in a form purposes: accidents, lost & found, holidays, online shopping etc.

- You will be send an exercise in which you have to fill in a form.  After 10 minutes we will shortly be discussing the answers.

Filling  in the form Australia 

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Writing letters summary

- formal letter start: Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mrs Smith, Dear Miss Smith, etc.
  formal letter end: Yours faithfully, OR Yours sincerely,

- informal letter start: Dear Peter, Hello Samira, etc.
  informal letter end: Kind regards, All the best, Talk to you soon, etc.

- Always use capital I (at the start, middle, end --> always!)
- Make sure you use your tenses consequently
- Make use of paragraphs (at least three; introduction, body, closure)

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Now we are going to make a short exercise; filling in the gaps in a personal letter and placing the formal letter in the correct order.

Personal letter filling in the gaps

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What kind of text is this?

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Vega, New York
Great mains, pity about the chips

Came for lunch with my sister. We loved our Thai-style mains which were amazing with lots of flavour, very impressive for a vegetarian restaurant.
But the service was below average and the chips were too terrible to finish.
When we arrived at 1.40, we had to wait 20 minutes while they got our table ready. OK, so we didn't have a reservation, but the restaurant was only half full. There was no reason to make us wait at all.
We ordered the chips as a side dish and they looked delicious. But, when we tasted them, they were overcooked and swimming in oil so we left most of them. We expected a lot more for $10!
When the waiter asked if everything was ok, we said we really didn't like the chips and he said 'That's funny, I love them' and that was it. He didn't offer us anything else or take them off our bill. Also, when we didn't leave a tip, he looked annoyed.
I was really excited about visiting Vega, and the mains were just fantastic, but the rest of the experience was really disappointing

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Writing a review

- introduction with the name of the place/film/book etc.

- the location/genre/topic

- something about how you experienced the service/book/film/game

- your opinion about the product/place WITH arguments

- conclusion/recommendation

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Which steps to take...

Step 1: Choose your review subject/topic

Step 2: Writing plan

Step 3: Start writing

Step 4: Check your writing

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Step 1
Choose your review subject.

Choose a topic that suits you, are you a fervent reader? Or are you more the cinema type? You could also write a restaurant review, maybe even about your own work.

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Step 2
Writing plan

What are you going to write? Is it a positive or negative review? Or both?
How is your lay-out? Jot down words for your introduction, body and conclusion.

Also, this is the time to think about your arguments, write them down and think about how they fit best in your text.

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Step 3
Start writing

How are you going to start?
With a rhetorical question? ( Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Then this is the book for you.)
With a general statement? ( The Great Gatsby is a classic, with many twists and turns)
With some background information? ( The first restaurant of the iconic Ivy chain was opened in London in 1917)

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Step 4
Check your writing

Check your capital letters, spelling and grammar.
See if the sentences are in the correct order (verbs together, place and time at the end)

Is it a logical review? Or should you change something to make it more fitting?

How is the lay-out?

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Exercise: writing a review

- You will be writing a review now.

* choose your topic (film, series, book, restaurant, cafe or game)
* write a review about it and make sure to use the points that should be included in the review (e.g. opinion, arguments and recommendation)

Your writing should be at least 150 words. After you have finished you can send the review to me so that I can give you some feedback.

Good luck!


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Working online
You are now going to work online on Unit 5 writing

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Image summary
Couplu up and choose a video from Ted -Ed!

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Slide 23 - Lien

You know what types of letters/forms you can expect on your exam and the rules how to write them/complete them.

This was your learning objective of today. Can you write down what you can expect on your writing exam?

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

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frequently used abbrevations 

Frequent gebruikte afkortingen

approximately (ongeveer)
as soon as possible 
by the way (trouwens)
etcetera (enzovoorts)
in my opinion
for example (bijvoorbeeld)
not applicable (nvt)
any other business (overige zaken)

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Exercise (15 minutes)

Je hebt een Duitse kennis, Ilka. Zij doet in Duitsland dezelfde opleiding als jij. Ze vroeg zich af of jij misschien een leuk Nederlands horeca bedrijf kent waar zij misschien stage kan lopen. Je hebt geantwoordt dat je wel even wilt kijken en een berichtje naar haar wilt sturen. 

Zoek online naar een horeca bedrijf. Maak korte aantekeningen in het Engels over de volgende vijf punten:
- naam en soort bedrijf
- grootte van het bedrijf
- jouw eerste indruk van het bedrijf
- waar het bedrijf zich bevindt in Nederland.
- hoe interessant de omgeving daar is

Opdracht 1: Gebruik korte zinnen/steekwoorden, symbolen enz. om al je punten op te schrijven
Opdracht 2: Werk je korte zinnen/steekwoorden/symbolen uit tot een bericht voor Ilka. Gebruik nu geen steekwoorden meer maar hele zinnen. Gebruik wel minstens 2 afkortingen.

Schrijf 50-80 woorden.

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writing a review about a restaurant summary

Points that should be included in your review:

- introduction with the name of the place
- the location
- something about how you experienced the service
- your opinion about the place WITH arguments
- conclusion
review example

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Review topics
- books
- films
- games
- stores

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Now we are going to watch a short video on how to write a review

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Slide 31 - Vidéo

Exercise 3 

Now you will be writing a review about a restaurant. You can choose any restaurant you’d like. Maybe you can write about your internship, or about a restaurant you’ve ever been to which was excellent or maybe even hair-raising.

- Use about 100 to 150 words
- Points that should be included; name of the place, location, service, picture of the restaurant
- Write a clear opinion AND use arguments
- make sure you use an introduction and conclusion

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