

1️⃣ What you are talking about.
2️⃣ Short, friendly conversation about simple things.
3️⃣ When two or more people talk to each other.
4️⃣ To say you are unhappy about something.
5️⃣ Using something to send or do something (email, phone).
6️⃣ Information that shows something is true.
7️⃣ To take care of a problem or situation.
8️⃣ The money a person gets for working every month.
9️⃣ A small vehicle that lifts and moves heavy things.
🔟 When you get more money for your job.

✏ payrise
✏ conversation
✏ salary
✏ handle
✏ topic
✏ forklift truck
✏ complain about something
✏ via
✏ small talk
✏ evidence

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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec quiz interactif et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon


1️⃣ What you are talking about.
2️⃣ Short, friendly conversation about simple things.
3️⃣ When two or more people talk to each other.
4️⃣ To say you are unhappy about something.
5️⃣ Using something to send or do something (email, phone).
6️⃣ Information that shows something is true.
7️⃣ To take care of a problem or situation.
8️⃣ The money a person gets for working every month.
9️⃣ A small vehicle that lifts and moves heavy things.
🔟 When you get more money for your job.

✏ payrise
✏ conversation
✏ salary
✏ handle
✏ topic
✏ forklift truck
✏ complain about something
✏ via
✏ small talk
✏ evidence

Slide 1 - Diapositive


1️⃣1️⃣ A question to ask if something is big or small in value.
1️⃣2️⃣ To say or do something that makes a person feel good.
1️⃣3️⃣ Comments about someone’s work to help them improve.
1️⃣4️⃣ A big problem or argument between people.
1️⃣5️⃣ To solve or manage a problem.
1️⃣6️⃣ To look at something carefully to be sure it is right.
1️⃣7️⃣ One part of something bigger.
1️⃣8️⃣ To choose what to do.
1️⃣9️⃣ To do something wrong.
2️⃣0️⃣ A bad thing that happens when you break a rule.


✏ punishment
✏ aspect
✏ how important
✏ deal with something
✏ feedback
✏ check
✏ make a decision
✏ encourage
✏ make a mistake
✏ conflict

Slide 2 - Diapositive

🗣 Általános kérdések a beszéd gyakorlásához
Do you like talking to people at work? Why or why not?
How do you feel about small talk in the office? Do you enjoy it?
What topics are common in workplace conversations?
Do you prefer talking in person, on the phone, or via email? Why?
Have you ever had a difficult conversation with a colleague or employee? How did you handle it?
🏢 Munkahelyi beszélgetések
How important is communication in the workplace?
How do you encourage your employees to share their ideas?
What is the best way to give feedback to an employee?
How do you deal with workplace conflicts through conversation?
Have you ever had a miscommunication at work? What happened?

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Company in Crisis – Case Study for Discussion

Company Name: FutureTech Ltd.

FutureTech Ltd. is a small technology company that has been losing money for the past two years. The employees are unhappy, and many have already left the company. Customers complain about poor service and slow responses. The company’s work environment is stressful, and many employees say that their boss does not listen to them. The office is crowded and noisy, and there is no flexibility in working hours. The salary is low, and employees do not feel motivated. The company did not invest in new technology, so it is falling behind competitors.

👉 Your task: Discuss what could have been done differently and what should be done now to fix the company. Use 3rd conditional (for past mistakes) and mixed conditionals (to talk about the present situation).

Slide 4 - Diapositive

🎧 Listening Feladat: Voicemail from an Employee
🔹 Feladat: Hallgasd meg az alábbi hangüzenetet, amelyet egy alkalmazott hagyott neked. Ezután válaszolj a kérdésekre!

📌 1️⃣ True or False:
🔹 Sarah wants to start work one hour earlier.
🔹 She finds the morning traffic difficult. 
🔹 She has worked in the company for six months.
📌 2️⃣ Multiple Choice – Choose the correct answer:
🔹 Why does Sarah want to change her working hours?
a) She has another job in the morning.
b) She finds the traffic difficult and feels tired. 
c) She wants to finish work earlier.
🔹 Why does Sarah think she deserves a pay raise?
a) She has worked for the company for two years. 
b) She wants to buy a new car.
c) She has too much work.
📌 3️⃣ Open-ended – Short Answer Questions:
🔹 What problem does Sarah have with her schedule?
🔹 What project did Sarah finish last month?
🔹 How many new clients did the company get because of Sarah’s work?

Slide 5 - Diapositive

📌 Megoldások a Listening Feladathoz
✅ 1️⃣ True or False:
🔹 Sarah wants to start work one hour earlier. (False) – She wants to start one hour later.
🔹 She finds the morning traffic difficult. (True) – She says there is a lot of traffic and she feels tired.
🔹 She has worked in the company for six months. (False) – She has worked there for two years.

✅ 2️⃣ Multiple Choice – Choose the correct answer:
🔹 Why does Sarah want to change her working hours?
b) She finds the traffic difficult and feels tired. ✅
– She says morning traffic is a problem and she is very tired.

🔹 Why does Sarah think she deserves a pay raise?
a) She has worked for the company for two years. ✅
– She mentions that she has been at the company for two years and recently completed a big project.

✅ 3️⃣ Open-ended – Short Answer Questions:
🔹 What problem does Sarah have with her schedule?
– She has difficulty arriving on time because of traffic, and she feels tired in the morning.
🔹 What project did Sarah finish last month?
– She completed an important project that brought in new clients for the company.
🔹 How many new clients did the company get because of Sarah’s work?
– Three new clients.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

📞 Telefonbeszélgetések
Do you often talk on the phone at work?
What are some good tips for professional phone calls?
Have you ever had a difficult phone conversation with a client or employee?
What do you say when you answer the phone in a business setting?
How do you politely end a phone conversation?

🛠 Probléma-megoldás beszélgetéssel
How do you handle an employee who is always late?
What would you say to an employee who is unhappy with their salary?
If two employees are arguing, how would you talk to them to solve the problem?
What do you do if an employee refuses to follow company rules?
How would you tell an employee that they need to improve their performance?

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Probléma-megoldás beszélgetéssel – Szerepjátékok
📌 Feladat típusa: Döntéshozatal & konfliktuskezelés

🎭 Szituációk és kérdések:

1️⃣ An Employee is Always Late
Feladat: A diák egy késő munkavállalóval beszélget.
Cél: Udvariasan, de határozottan megoldást találni (We need to find a solution to this problem).

2️⃣ An Employee is Unhappy with Their Salary
Feladat: Egy dolgozó elégedetlen a fizetésével.
A diák a vezető, neki kell megmagyaráznia a helyzetet és lehetőségeket ajánlani (I understand your concern. Let's discuss your performance and future opportunities).

3️⃣ Two Employees are Arguing
Feladat: A diák egy vitás helyzetet próbál kezelni.
Cél: Konfliktuskezelés, párbeszéd elősegítése (Let’s talk about what happened and find a way to move forward).

Slide 8 - Diapositive

📌 Házi feladat: Üzleti e-mail írása
🔹 Feladat: Írj egy hivatalos e-mailt egy alkalmazottnak vagy egy ügyfélnek. Az e-mailben használj legalább 3-5 új kifejezést a tanult szavak közül.

📩 Válassz egy szituációt az alábbiak közül:
1️⃣ Egy alkalmazott mindig késik – Írj neki egy udvarias, de határozott e-mailt, amelyben felhívod a figyelmét a problémára és megoldási lehetőségeket javasolsz.
2️⃣ Egy ügyfél panaszkodik egy szolgáltatásra – Írj egy e-mailt, amelyben elnézést kérsz és megoldást ajánlasz.
3️⃣ Egy alkalmazott fizetésemelést kér – Írj egy választ, amelyben vagy elmagyarázod, miért nem lehetséges most a fizetésemelés, vagy felajánlod, hogy később megbeszélitek.
4️⃣ Egy alkalmazott hibázott – Írj egy visszajelző e-mailt, amelyben építő kritikát adsz és javaslatot teszel a fejlődésre.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

📌 Válassz egy helyzetet és írd le az e-mailt itt:

Slide 10 - Question ouverte