V4: Getting to know you

Getting to know you
1 / 22
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 22 diapositives, avec quiz interactif, diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 120 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Getting to know you

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Starting assignment
Today we are going to watch and discuss a TED-talk about how to have a good conversation. Always handy when it comes to getting to know people!

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Lesson 1:
Skills: Listening (to a monologue)

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The assignment:
  1. We will listen to the talk together. Before even looking at the questions, I want you to just watch and take notes. 
  2. Listen for information that you believe is important to take away from the talk. 
  3. After watching the talk, look at the questions and try to answer them just from your notes.
  4. Work with your classmate and try to fill in the answers you haven't gotten yet.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Vidéo

  1. Pew research discovered that American teenagers text more than______ times a day. They are more likely to text than ___________.
  2. What does Ms. Headlee suggest is the single most overlooked skill we fail to teach young people? 
  3. What is the standard advice on good conversation?
  4. What does Ms. Headlee say about the standard “rules” regarding good conversation?
  5. How many rules does Ms. Headlee share with the audience on how to have a better conversation? a) five b) ten c) fifteen
  6. What is the Bill Nye quote Ms. Headlee includes in her talk?
  7. Why is it important to ask open-ended questions?
  8. How does Stephen Hawking respond when people ask him about his IQ?
  9. Ms. Headlee considers this rule the most important:
  10. Why is it so hard to listen? 
  11. What does this Steven Covey quote mean? "Most of us don't listen with the intent to understand, we listen with the intent to reply.”
  12. Ms. Headlee quotes her sister to illustrate rule #10. What is rule #10?

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  1. 100  /  talk face to face
  2. conversational competence
  3. a) think of interesting topics to discuss in advance b) nod and smile to show you’re paying attention c) look the person in the eye d) repeat what you heard/summarize 
  4. It’s crap
  5.  b) ten (Rule #1 is: Don’t multi-task)
  6. Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.
  7. You’re going to get a much more interesting response.
  8. He doesn’t know his IQ. People who brag about their IQ are losers
  9. Listen
  10. The average person talks at about 225 words per minute. The average person can listen to up to
    500 words a minute. Our Minds are filling in the other 275 words. 
  11. Instead of focusing on what the speaker is saying, we are focused on what we are going to say in response. Most people don’t listen and make an effort to understand and appreciate opposing viewpoints. 
  12. Be brief.

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  • Did you manage to take proper notes? If not, how could you improve on that in the future?
  • What did you have difficulty with? Think of things
    like: accent, vocabulary used, pace of speaking,
    topic, close listening etc. How could your practice 
    or improve on this?
  • How could you become better at listening to a
    native English speaker?

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What might a visitor to our country
perceive to be the biggest
cultural difference?

Slide 9 - Carte mentale

Slide 10 - Vidéo

Unit 1 
Reading, vocabulary & listening

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Unit 1: Reading
Culture shock! Discuss the following with a classmate in English:

  1. Have you ever visited or lived in a foreign country? 
  2. If so, what cultural differences did you notice?
  3. What is culture shock, do you think?
  4. Have you ever experienced this?

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Unit 1: Reading

  • In groups, discuss the questions posed in exercise 3. Write down your
    answers/make an overview of what you've discussed.

  • Read Joy's blog about living in London as a girl from Singapore. 
  • Answer the questions in exercise 2 for yourself.

  • Vocabulary: do exercises 1-2  about
    collocations (woorden die gezamelijk een betekenis hebben)

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Unit 1: Listening
We will listen to 5 people speak about meeting new people. 
1. Match the speakers to the photos (A-E)
2. Match a speaker with a topic (A-H). You only need 5 of the options, so listen well!

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Match the speaker with the right topic ( A-H)
Every topic can be used only once. There are 3 topics that you do not use.

You are allowed to listen to the fragment twice. 
Cd 1 nr 2

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collocations: these are words that commonly go together.

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End of class
  • Pack your bags and clean your tables
  • Bring your reading book to class next time
  • Study the vocabulary that's in the reader and make sure you have done + self-checked the exercises for this week.

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Unit 1 - Lesson 2:
Speaking, vocabulary & grammar

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Unit 1: Speaking (p10)
Exercise 1: team up a classmate and discuss the question: Do you find it easy to get to know other people?
Exercise 2-3: Have a look at the exercises. They are centered around speaking, so make sure you debate the questions in English. For exercise 2, note down your answers to the questions first then
move on to exercise 3.
Do the same for exercise 4: first mark down what
you think, then discuss it with your classmate.

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Let's talk!
Getting to know someone with the usual questions can be a bit boring. Turn to the person sitting behind you and ask each other at least 5 of the following question. Note down their answers!

  1. What's your favorite ice cream topping?
  2. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
  3. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
  4. What's the best joke you've ever heard?
  5. If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, which would it be?
  6. What's your favorite board game?
  7. What was the last TV show you binge-watched?

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Unit 1: Vocabulary (p10)
  • Exercise 1: First, translate any of the words in
     the box that you do not know. It will help you
     to have a good understanding of the context
     the sentences were created for.
  • Skip exercise 2
  • For exercise 3, use the words from exercise 1 to
    talk about the poeple in the photos. Mark down
    what your classmate is saying. 

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