V5B - 10-10-2022 - Les 9

Today is the 10th of October

The Word of the Day is kerfuffle
noun | ker-FUFF-ul

"a disturbance or fuss caused by a conflict"

When rival soccer fans got in a kerfuffle in the pub, the police were called.
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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Today is the 10th of October

The Word of the Day is kerfuffle
noun | ker-FUFF-ul

"a disturbance or fuss caused by a conflict"

When rival soccer fans got in a kerfuffle in the pub, the police were called.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

After this lesson you will
... have read the masterfile
... know more about the literature project

Slide 2 - Diapositive

1. Route 66: Woorden Engels - Nederlands kunnen vertalen in context van teksten 5, 6 + oef., 7, 8 + oef., 9 & 10 + oef;
2. Grammar: Some determiners I: iBook pp. 32 - 36; tenses / (un)countables / uncountables;
3. Irregular verbs: 1 – 41 van de lijst in iBook;
4. Error correction: iBook pp. 37–40;
5. Kennis van Land en Volk

Slide 3 - Diapositive


Slide 4 - Diapositive


Slide 5 - Diapositive

notorious = berucht
felons = crimineel, misdadiger
up ... tricks = met nieuwe dingen bez.

ex-con = oud-misdadiger

utilizing = gebruiken
cunning = sluwheid
guile = slinksheid

agile = behendig, lenig
decade = tien jaar, decennium
supervised = overzien
sanding = schuren

equipment = materiaal, uitrusting
assures = verzekert
paraphernalia = parafernalia
shortly = binnenkort
courtesy of = ter beschikking gesteld
pugilist = bokser
highly reg. = hoog aangeschreven

Slide 6 - Diapositive

stable = stal

pedigree = stamboom
twotime = tweemalig

proficient = vakkundig
crook = boef, oplichter
bust = arrestatie
robbed = beroofde
stint = straf, tijd
joint = cel, bak
cracked = kraakte

notable = opmerkelijk
incarnations = (hier) samenstelling
rejects = afwijzen
distinction = onderscheiding
heists = bankoverval
upward of 100 = meer dan 100
pleaded guilty = pleitte schuldig

exceptional = buitengewoon

Slide 7 - Diapositive

physically on hand = fysiek aanwezig
merely = slechts
on-site = ter plaatse
cop surveillance = het surveilleren      van politieagenten
postulated = gesteld
wiretapped = afgeluisterd
getaway scheme = onsnappingsplan
studs = spijkers
hamper = verhinderen

nab = oppakken

conscious = bewust

getting ... it = wegkomen
blue-collar crime = arbeiderscrimin.

ultimately = uiteindelijk
tipped ... of = getipt
sprung the trap = de val gezet
ensued = volgde

Slide 8 - Diapositive

sentenced = veroordeeld
paroled = voorw. vrijgelaten
reformed = hervormd
considerable = aanzienlijk
wise-guy = verstandige vent
attributes = eigenschappen
vows = zweert

intertwined = vervlochten
stems back to = voortkomen uit
prepared = bereid
please = tevreden stellen
maintaining = houden, bewaren
composure = kalmte

stake money = geld gew. met wedden

internal revenue = belastingdienst

Slide 9 - Diapositive


Slide 10 - Diapositive