3.2 double circulatory system

Taking a look at blood 
Explanation about paragraph 3.2 (page 184)
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Slide 1: Diapositive
BiologieMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

Cette leçon contient 16 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Taking a look at blood 
Explanation about paragraph 3.2 (page 184)

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What are we going to learn today?
Today we will learn:
Which blood vessels there are.
How they flow through our body. 

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Blood vessels
Blood flows through 3 different blood vessels
- Arteries
Flows away from the heart.
- Capillaries
Flow in between cells.
- Veins
Goes back to the heart.

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Have a very thick and elastic outer layer. 
Your heartbeat is also being brought over through the arteries.
Blood flows very quickly here. 

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Capillaries are very thin; it's walls are only 1 cell thick. This makes transport of O2 and CO2 easier. There is always a capillary nearby a living cell. 

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Blood vessels that are thinner than the arteries. Inside the veins are valves that make sure blood doesn't flow back down because blood pressure is so low. 

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Blood pressure in blood vessels 

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Homework for next lesson
You can start working on exercise 1, 2 and 10. If you are finished early with them you can make the other exercises as well. But that won't be homework. 

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Explanation about paragraph 3.2 (page 184)

Slide 9 - Diapositive

What are we going to learn today?
Today we will learn:
Which blood vessels there are.
How they flow through our body. 
What the names of our blood vessels are. 

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Double circulatory system 
Our circulatory system is a double looped system; per round trip through the body it passes the heart twice. 
Pulmonary circulation: From the heart to the lungs and back. 
Systemic circulation: From the heart to all your organs and back. 

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Blood vessels of human

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In teams, show the route a red blood cell takes throughout the body...

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In teams, show the route a red blood cell takes throughout the body...
From your legs to your intestines. 

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In teams, show the route a red blood cell takes throughout the body...
From your liver to your kidneys. 

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Homework for next lesson
For next lesson, you need to have the exercises of paragraph 3.2 finished. 

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