rev_H5 - Mr. Know-all short story - Intro period 3

Mr. Know-All
 A ship on its way from San Fransisco (USA) to Yokohama (Japan) after the end of WWI (economic recession)
Narrator is British shares a cabin with the Asian Mr Max Kelada. 
Narrator is at first unimpressed by Kelada and his eastern mannerisms + is biased, slightly hateful even
Mr Kelada is unaffected by the contempt, is outspoken and quick to chat with anyone on any topic. 
Mr Kelada is very knowledgeable, to the point of arrogant -> Mr Know All

The Ramsays form an American Couple
Mrs Ramsay wears a pearl necklace and claims it is a cheap necklace.
Mr Kelada claims it is an expensive necklace, he knows everything about pearls
Mr Kelada and Mr Ramsay bet 100 dollars to decide who is correct.
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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositive de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 30 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Mr. Know-All
 A ship on its way from San Fransisco (USA) to Yokohama (Japan) after the end of WWI (economic recession)
Narrator is British shares a cabin with the Asian Mr Max Kelada. 
Narrator is at first unimpressed by Kelada and his eastern mannerisms + is biased, slightly hateful even
Mr Kelada is unaffected by the contempt, is outspoken and quick to chat with anyone on any topic. 
Mr Kelada is very knowledgeable, to the point of arrogant -> Mr Know All

The Ramsays form an American Couple
Mrs Ramsay wears a pearl necklace and claims it is a cheap necklace.
Mr Kelada claims it is an expensive necklace, he knows everything about pearls
Mr Kelada and Mr Ramsay bet 100 dollars to decide who is correct.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Slide 2 - Vidéo

Q. 1 - The narrator in Mr. Know-all is a racist. Give 3 examples

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

Q. 2 - Why does the narrator dislike Max Kelada (aside from the fact that he's a foreigner)?

Say why + give examples from the text

Slide 4 - Question ouverte

Q. 3 - What is the setting of the story (place/time)?

Indicate the importance of where and when

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

Q. 4 Mention 3 things in Mrs Ramsey's demeanor that shows you sth. is off

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

Q. 5 Who are the main characters?
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey
Mr. Kelada
Mr. Kelada and the I-person (narrator)
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, Mr Kelada and the narrator

Slide 7 - Quiz

Q. 6a - Who is the antagonist? Why?
Mr. Ramsey. He is annoying to his wife
Mrs. Ramsey. She creates a problem by having an affair
Mr. Kelada He is annoying
The narrator. He's a racist

Slide 8 - Quiz

Q. 6b - Who is the protagonist? Why?
Mr. Ramsey. He is still with his wife
Mrs. Ramsey. Women always solve problems
Mr. Kelada He solves Mrs Ramsey's problem by not exposing her
The narrator. He is surprised by Mr.Kelada

Slide 9 - Quiz

Q. 7 What is the climax?
The moment Mr. Kelada does not expose Mrs Ramsey (the real value of her necklace)
The moment they are all together on the ship and everyone hates busybody Mr. Kelada
The moment the 100-dollar bill is slipped under the door (and the narrator sees how he has misjudged Mr Kelada)

Slide 10 - Quiz

Q. 8 What happened to Mrs Ramsey in San Francisco while her husband was away for a year?
She had an affair.
She spent too much money.
She met Mr. Kelada.
She was never home.

Slide 11 - Quiz

Q. 9a - How does the narrator's attitude towards Mr. Kelada change?
Becomes more negative
Becomes more positive

Slide 12 - Quiz

Q. 9b - To whom might his attitude have changed as well?
Mr Ramsey
Mrs Ramsey

Slide 13 - Quiz

What is the theme of the short story?
Don't trust strangers
Travelling on a boat is no fun

Slide 14 - Quiz