A ship on its way from San Fransisco (USA) to Yokohama (Japan) after the end of WWI (economic recession)
Narrator is British shares a cabin with the Asian Mr Max Kelada.
Narrator is at first unimpressed by Kelada and his eastern mannerisms + is biased, slightly hateful even
Mr Kelada is unaffected by the contempt, is outspoken and quick to chat with anyone on any topic.
Mr Kelada is very knowledgeable, to the point of arrogant -> Mr Know All
The Ramsays form an American Couple
Mrs Ramsay wears a pearl necklace and claims it is a cheap necklace.
Mr Kelada claims it is an expensive necklace, he knows everything about pearls
Mr Kelada and Mr Ramsay bet 100 dollars to decide who is correct.