Part 4

Part 4
The orange colour shows a grammar subject from the Basics. You can click the Basics tab on the left to find the explanation.
The blue colour shows words that might be new or difficult. You can use an online dictionary to find the meaning. You can add these to your personal word list.
Questions in English will be answered in English. Questions in Dutch can be answered in English and Dutch.
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 18 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Part 4
The orange colour shows a grammar subject from the Basics. You can click the Basics tab on the left to find the explanation.
The blue colour shows words that might be new or difficult. You can use an online dictionary to find the meaning. You can add these to your personal word list.
Questions in English will be answered in English. Questions in Dutch can be answered in English and Dutch.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Everybody’s life is different and it is always interesting to hear about someone’s story. You are going to read 3 small texts and answer some questions about the lives of Susan, Alberto and Arihna. After that, you are going to prepare a small presentation on your life, using things you have learned this year!

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Task 1 - Text A
Hello everyone! My name is Susan Johnson. I am fourteen years old and I live in London. I’m in form 10B at Manchester High School.
I live with my mother and my little sister, Jade. I hang out with Jade a lot, even though she is two years younger than me. We both like listening to music and watching films.
We also like sports very much. We’re both very keen on dancing. The three of us often dance and sing together during the weekends which is a lot of fun.
We have some pets, Minny and Penny and our dog Bruno. I really like it when the cats sleep on my lap.
They’re very cute. My favourite food is pancakes, but I don’t eat pancakes very often.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Read the text and answer the questions in English.

    1 'We're both very keen on dancing'. What is the correct translation of 'being keen on'?
A Gek zijn op.
B Goed zijn in.
C Het leuk vinden om.
D Houden van.
    2 Which hobbies do Susan and Jade share? Name two hobbies.

   3 How old is Jade? Write a full sentence and write the number in letters.

   4 How many cats does Susan have? Write a full sentence and write the number in letters.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Task 2 - Much or many?
Om aan te geven dat er veel van iets is gebruiken we much or many. Much gebruik je bij dingen die je niet kan tellen en many gebruik je bij dingen die je wel kan tellen. Kies de juiste vorm.  

On the next Slides.......

Slide 5 - Diapositive

1. Ivar has much/many friends.

Slide 6 - Quiz

2. The supermarket has much/many products.

Slide 7 - Quiz

3. We don’t have much/many homework.

Slide 8 - Quiz

4. How much/many money do you have?

Slide 9 - Quiz

5. There are much/many people in this room.

Slide 10 - Quiz

6. We don’t have much/many milk left.

Slide 11 - Quiz

Task 3 - Write your own sentences.
Kijk om je heen. Er zijn vast dingen in je omgeving te vinden waar er ‘veel’ van zijn. Schrijf nu zelf 5 zinnen met much en 5 zinnen met many. Een voorbeeldzin is: There are many windows in this room.

Schrijf er dus 10 in totaal.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Task 4 - Text B
My name is Alberto. In December 2001, five months after I was born, I was adopted by a rich family living in Los Angeles, California. My stepfather is a doctor. He always makes enough money to support his big family. My mother is a stay-at-home mom. I have 6 brothers and 8 sisters. Imagine a dining table with 17 seats ... Sometimes I wish I was an only child, because it's so busy in the house. But I think after a while I would get lonely. With this many brothers and sisters I always have someone to talk to!

When people see my family photos, they tell me I look like my brothers. Funny, right? Especially since I was born in Portugal. I have darker skin and darker hair than my sisters. But we do have the same eyes, somehow. And we have the same characters as well: we're confident and we're never quiet! I feel like a full family member :-).

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Read the text and answer the questions in Dutch.
1 'Sometimes I wish I was an only child…' Translate 'only child'.

 2 Who adopted Alberto?
A A family from Portugal.
B A family from Los Angeles.
C A poor family.
D A small family.
  3 Why is it funny that people tell Alberto that he looks like his brothers?
      4 Is Alberto happy with his adoption? Explain your answer with two reasons.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Task 5 - Present Continuous
In de vorige thema’s hebben we de present continuous behandeld. Deze geeft aan dat iets op dit moment aan de gang is. Vaak zie je hierbij woorden in de zin staan zoals “now” of “at this moment”. Maak 5 zinnen waarin je de present continuous gebruikt en vertel wat meer over jezelf. Voorbeeldzin: I’m having a peanut butter sandwich right now.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Task 6 - Text C
Today we're talking to world famous singer Arihna about her personal life.

Q: You're working very hard, but what things do you like to do in your free time?
‘I don't have much free time, but when I do have some time off, I like to spend it well. When I'm not travelling (my biggest hobby), I like staying at home and watching TV. Not very exciting, haha!
But as I get older, I still find out different things about myself. When I try a new activity I think, “Oh, I like this, I didn’t know I liked this.” So maybe next year my favourite hobby will be skating or something. Who knows, haha.'

Q: Do you like to be with your family all the time, or do you like to be alone?
‘Family is very important to me. It feels good to hang out with them. But you know what I do? I try really hard to make sure that every day I have an hour of quiet time. Mostly I just lie in bed and meditate and think what my goal is. Some days, of course, I can’t manage an hour, but it’s really important to have those quiet moments.’

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Read the text and answer the questions in Dutch.
      1 What is not very exciting, according to Arihna?
      2 Why can skating be her next favourite hobby?
A Because she thinks it's more exciting.
B Because she learns new things about herself.
C Because she doesn't really like staying at home.
D Because it's a better way to spend her free time.
      3 What does Arihna try to do every day?
      4 Arihna talks about the things that she likes to do. Is she an active girl in her free time? Explain your answer.

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Task 7 - After reading
1 Of the 3 people you’ve read about, who do you relate with and why? Explain your answer.

2 Prepare a small presentation on your life (between 2-4 minutes). Make sure you include:
Basic information on yourself and your family (names, birthdays, etc.)
What you’ve learned this year (during English class, during school, from your friends/family)
What you still want to learn in the future
What you are most excited for in year 2

Slide 18 - Diapositive