
Gerunds - goals
  • Recap on what a gerund is
  • where gerunds can be found in a sentence
  • which verbs/ expressions are followed by gerunds  
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 15 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Gerunds - goals
  • Recap on what a gerund is
  • where gerunds can be found in a sentence
  • which verbs/ expressions are followed by gerunds  

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Swimming is a great sport to keep fit.
Which word do you think is the gerund in the setence above?

Slide 2 - Question ouverte

How do you think a gerund formed?

Slide 3 - Carte mentale

A gerund is a verb+ ing 
to swim (verb) >>>>  swimming (gerund)

This means that is not a verb anymore, but functions as a noun (zelfstandig naamwoord) in the sentence.

Let op! Dit heeft niks te maken met "continuous tenses"

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Je gebruikt de '-ing vorm' als een zelfstandig naamwoord:

 1. Als het onderwerp van de zin.
Example: Cycling inside the school is forbidden. 

2. Na voorzetsels
Example: She is fond of cycling.

3. Na werkwoorden die zeggen hoe je iets vindt. (like, prefer, hate, enjoy, etc.)
Example: I like cycling on warm sunny days. 

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Na bepaalde voorzetsels
about, without, to , from, for, on, of

I get such a buzz from cycling. I can't go a day without cycling. 
I always look forward to talking to you.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Na bepaalde werkwoorden

To hate, to like, to stop, to prefer, to enjoy, to avoid, to remember, to refuse, to mind, to keep, to spend

I like spending money on my hobbies.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Na enkele woorden en uitdrukken gebruikt je een gerund
Feel like..
It's no use...
It's worth...
There's no...
Be busy...
Can't help....

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Look at the following sentences and decide which situation applies to why a gerund is used

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Smoking is forbidden in this school.
noun (die zeggen hoe je iets vindt)
Na voorzetsel

Slide 10 - Quiz

I enjoy spending time with you.
Noun (die zeggen hoe je iets vindt)
Na voorzetsels

Slide 11 - Quiz

It's worth trying to sell it.
Na voorzetsel
Uitdrukkingen met een gerund

Slide 12 - Quiz

Fill in the answers (think about spelling rules)
1. I enjoy _________ (read) books in my free time.
2. She is good at _________ (cook) Italian food.
3. They practiced _________ (speak) English before the exam.
4. _________ (swim) in the ocean is my favorite summer activity.
5. He kept _________ (ask) questions during the lesson.
6. We’re thinking about _________ (go) to the park this afternoon.
7. She finished _________ (paint) the picture an hour ago.
8. _________ (ride) a bike is a fun way to stay healthy.
9. I don’t mind _________ (help) you with your homework.
10. He avoided _________ (talk) about his mistake.
In which sentences is the gerund the subject, comes after a preposotion or is coming after a saying/ expression or verb

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Continue with...
Gerund exercises: U3: L1 Ex. 10
U3: L2 Ex. 12

Continue with U3:L1 Ex. 1 -7, 9 

Slide 14 - Diapositive