HAVO 5 Writing an essay Class 1

HAVO 5 Writing Class 1
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HAVO 5 Writing Class 1

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Class work
- repeat basis outline essays

Individually and in groups
- write new essay 

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  • Ik weet hoe ik een essay moet schrijven volgens een vaste opzet. 

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Outline essay
  1. Introduction (with hook, contextualization and thesis statement) 
  2. Paragraphs (with topic sentence, examples/sources, and natural links) 
  3. Conclusion (with repetition, thesis statement and clincher) 

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Thesis statement
Your thesis statement reflects your opinion about a certain topic. 

It is not
- a question
- a simple statement as 'I'm going to talk about ...'

A thesis statement does not contain arguments (these can be found in your paragraphs) 

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Topic sentence
A topic sentence gives an argument that supports your thesis. 
It is not
- a question
- an example

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For instance:
thesis statement: Students should be asked to evaluate their teachers twice a year.
topic sentence 1: Students see their teachers every class and know best what goes right and what goes wrong.
topic sentence 2: Students can evaluate their teachers with a different goal in minds than their supervisors.
topic sentence 3: Students are the ones who have to learn from their teachers and have the right to speak up if they gain unsufficient knowledge. 

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Hooks and clinchers
Hook: you start off your introduction with a hook that draws in your readers; you want them to keep reading

Clinchers: conclusion sentence; you want your readers to remember your essay so end in way they will remember 

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What to do? 
  • Write new essay about the topic: Should we conceal our real identities on the web? 
  • Think of a thesis statement
  • Think of at least three arguments (and write three paragraphs) 


- Read your English book 

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End of the class 
Next class: new essay topic

Homework: finish rewriting your essay and hand in via Magister 

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