Unit 4: Food and culture

Unit 4 - Food and culture
1 / 39
Slide 1: Diapositive
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 39 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Unit 4 - Food and culture

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 19 March 2020
1. Getting started with the unit:
- Formatives and summatives
- Focus per lesson
- Weekly tasks 

2. Task: Your daily meals

3. Watch 'Het jeugdjournaal'

4. Done? Weekly tasks 
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

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Unit 4: Food and culture
  • Unit about different kind of food in every culture 
  • Assessment: Criterion A + C/D --> Listening + writing
  • Focus per lesson: 3 lessons a week
- Unitlesson: Dutch culture + vocabulary
- Skills: Listening (Jeugdjournaal!) + Writing (sentence structure)
- Grammar (Friday!)
  • Weeklytask: Every week there will be a weekly task per phase. When you are done with the tasks for the lesson, you can work on the weekly task. The next weekly task has to be finished before the 27th of March

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Task: Your daily  meal
  • Make a new folder in your google drive with the name 'Unit 4 - Food and culture
  • In that folder you make a new document with the name 'My daily meal'
  • In this document you make a list (in Dutch!) of what you ate and drank (and will eat and drink) yesterday and today.
  • You may use a translation website to translate the words to Dutch. Don't forget to add your words to the (new!) quizlet list (unit 4 - Food and culture) 
  • Answer the following questions (next sheet): 

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Task: Your daily  meal
Answer the following questions: (Phase 1 in English, Phase 2/3 in Dutch)
1. What is typical Dutch food and drinks according to you? 
2. If you look at your list of food and drinks, what belongs to the Dutch culture and what is more typical for your own culture? Explain your answer.
3. What did you eat in the past more (when you lived in another country) in comparison to what you eat nowadays in The Netherlands? 
--> Make sure the list with food and answers to the questions is in your drive!
  • If you are done with this task: Watch het jeugdjournaal (link on managebac) or work on the weekly task (in the google drive)!

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Lesson plan: 26 March 2020
1. Feedback task: Your daily meal 

2. Writing exercise: Top 10 snacks 

Tasks for this week:
- Finish writing exercise: Top 10 snacks
- Grammar exercises
- Weekly task
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Task: Your daily  meal
Answer the following questions: (Phase 1 in English, Phase 2/3 in Dutch)
1. What is typical Dutch food and drinks according to you? 
2. If you look at your list of food and drinks, what belongs to the Dutch culture and what is more typical for your own culture? Explain your answer.
3. What did you eat in the past more (when you lived in another country) in comparison to what you eat nowadays in The Netherlands? 
--> Make sure the list with food and answers to the questions is in your drive!
  • If you are done with this task: Watch het jeugdjournaal (link on managebac) or work on the weekly task (in the google drive)!

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Writing exercise: Top 10 snacks
  • Make your own poster with the top 10 snacks of your country of origin (or another country where you've lived). If you don't know any typical food of your country, you may do some research on the internet. 
  • Writing exercise: Explain about every snack if you like it or not and why. Start your sentences like this: Ik vind de snack 'name' lekker / niet lekker want... (explanation)
Phase 2 extra: Explain in 5 Dutch sentences what you like in general about the food/ foodculture of the country you chose
Phase 3 extra: Leg in 10 Nederlandse zinnen uit wat het verschil is in eetcultuur tussen Nederland en het land wat je hebt gekozen. Denk aan typisch voedsel, restaurants, supermarkten enzovoort. 
  • Write your answers in a new Google document with the name 'Top 10 snacks' and upload the document in your Unit 4 folder. 

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Summary: What to do for Dutch B this week? 
1. Finish writing exercise: Top 10 snacks
 --> Document  'Top 10 snacks' in Unit 4 folder 
2. Grammar task (New!): Phase 2/3 = Les 19 
Phase 1 = Les 20
--> You can find the exercises in the drive
3. Weekly task
--> You can find the exercises in the drive

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Lesson plan: 3 April 2020
1. Listening exercise: Food in space

2. Feedback writing exercise + weekly task? --> comments in document

Tasks for this week:
- Finish listening exercise
- Correct your grammar exercises
- Weekly task week 2
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

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Where can I find everything? 
Everything is in the Drive! 
--> Go to Dutch B - Student documents folder
--> Click Unit 4 - Food and culture 
1. Listening exercise: Google document with the name 'Unit 4: Food and culture - listening exercise
2. Correction grammar exercises: Click your phase - Grammar online lessons - Answers (If you haven't finished it yet, finish the exercises first!)
3. Weekly task: Click your phase - Weekly tasks - Weekly task week 2 

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Lesson plan: 8 April 2020
1. Feedback listening exercise: Food in space

2. Gimkit: Vocabulary game

Work on your other tasks
- Weekly task
- Correction grammar tasks

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 9 April 2020
1. Newskahoot: Het Jeugdjournaal

2. Reading task: Thuis bezig blijven
- Phase 1: Together in Google Meet
- Phase 2&3: On your own
--> If you have questions, come back to Google Meet

HW: Finish reading task 

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 15 April 2020
1. Reading task: Thuis bezig blijven
- Phase 1: Together in Google Meet
- Phase 3 (Jason) On your own
--> If you have questions, come back to Google Meet

2. Vocabulary: Counting in Dutch
--> www.learndutch.org
--> Click on 1000 most common words in Dutch
--> Lesson 7 counting 

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 4 May 2020  - MYP2
1. How was your holiday? - Speaking exercise 
2. Reading task: Thuis bezig blijven
- Phase 1: Vocabulary exercise on your own
- Phase 2&3: Feedback in Google Meet

Next lesson: Listening formative
--> Look on Managebac for listening exercises

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 15 - Diapositive

How was your holiday? 
Speaking exercise
1. Take 1 thing (object/picture) that made you happy/ was important for you in the May holiday. It can also be something you did a lot in the holiday.
2. Explain in Dutch (as much as possible) why you chose your object/picture. You have 10 minutes preparation time.
3. Phase 1: You only need to describe your object/picture in Dutch (name, colors, shapes), you can tell the rest in English.

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Lesson plan: 6 May 2020  - MYP1
1. Preparation formative: Listening exercise (5 mei Bevrijdingsdag)

2. Speaking exercise: Taalpingpong

Next lesson: Listening formative
--> Look on Managebac for listening exercises
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Listening exercise: Bevrijdingsdag
1. Watch the video: https://schooltv.nl/video/clipphanger-wat-vieren-we-op-5-mei/#q=5%20mei 
(Link is also on Managebac)

2. Answer the questions on the next sheet (answer them in a google document or write your answers on a paper)

3. In 15 minutes I want to see you back in Google Meet to look at your answers! 

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1. On which date did the Allied Forces land in Normandy? 
2. Which Dutch province was liberated first in The Netherlands? 
3. What was the goal of Operation Market Garden? 
4. What do we remember on the 4th of May? 
5. What do we remember on the 5th of May? 
5. What do people normally do on the 5th of May (If there wasn't a coronavirus)?

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Speaking exercise: Taalpingpong
1. In the Google Drive you can find a document with the name 'Taalpingpong'
2. You will see a dialogue with a lot of vocabulary about food. 
3. In pairs of 2 you have to do the dialogue. You don't need to record it, it is just an exercise. Make your own Google Meet call to meet up with your partner
4. Do the dialogue twice, so you have said every sentence once. Also make sure you translate the words you don't know. 
5. Next week I will check with everyone to see if you know how to answer in the simple structure. 

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Lesson plan: 11 May 2020 - MYP2
Grammar lesson
1. Phase 1: Lesson 23 + 24
--> Instruction in Google Meet 
Done? Practise Taalpingpong (at loud!)

2. Phase 2&3: Lesson 21 + 22
--> Work individually (or meet up with a partner) 
--> Questions? Come to Google Meet
Done? Lesson 26
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 13 May 2020 - MYP1
Grammar lesson
1. Lesson 3 + 4 + 5 
--> Instruction in Google Meet 
--> Finish exercise 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13
(You can find the exercises on the Google Drive and Managebac) 

Next lesson: Correction grammar task
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: Taalpingpong
1. In the Google Drive you can find a document with the name 'Taalpingpong'
2. You will see a dialogue with a lot of vocabulary about food. 
3. In pairs of 2 you have to do the dialogue. You don't need to record it, it is just an exercise. Make your own Google Meet call to meet up with your partner
4. Do the dialogue twice, so you have said every sentence once. Also make sure you translate the words you don't know. 
5. Next week I will check with everyone to see if you know how to answer in the simple structure. 

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Lesson plan: 18 May 2020 - MYP2
1. Writing exercise: the imperative tense (Write the instruction for your own recipe)

2. Done? Watch 'het jeugdjournaal' and fill in the quiz! (links are on Managebac --> Homework next Monday) 
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Writing exercise: Recipe
Doe alle ingrediënten voor het deeg bij elkaar en kneed ze tot een samenhangend deeg. Verpak het deeg in plasticfolie en laat het minimaal 1 uur rusten in de koelkast.

Verwarm de oven voor op 175 °C en kneed het deeg nog kort door, zodat het makkelijker uit te rollen is. Rol het op een bebloemd werkblad uit tot een dikte van 4-6 millimeter. Steek of snijd de gewenste koekjesvormen uit en plaats deze met voldoende tussenruimte op een met bakpapier beklede bakplaat. Het deeg dat overblijft kun je natuurlijk opnieuw uitrollen.

Bestrijk de koekjes met het losgeklopte ei en bak ze in 15-20 minuten goudbruin en gaar. Laat de koekjes afkoelen op een rooster.

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Writing exercise: The imperative tense
1. Write (in Dutch!) a short recipe for a meal you like to make/eat. (Google may help you if you don't know how to make it) 
2. Write the instruction for the recipe in the imperative tense:
- Start every sentence with the verb (you don't have a subject)
- Use the 'ik-form' of the verb (Image you have 'ik' before the verb)
3. Phase 1: Keep it very simple and short (instruction of how you bake an egg is fine!)
4. Phase 2+3: Try to write a recipe for food from your own culture! 

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Lesson plan: 20 May 2020 - MYP1
1. Writing exercise: the imperative tense (Write the instruction for your own recipe)

2. Done? Watch 'het jeugdjournaal' and fill in the quiz! (links are on Managebac --> Homework next Monday) 
Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Writing exercise: Recipe
Doe alle ingrediënten voor het deeg bij elkaar en kneed ze tot een samenhangend deeg. Verpak het deeg in plasticfolie en laat het minimaal 1 uur rusten in de koelkast.

Verwarm de oven voor op 175 °C en kneed het deeg nog kort door, zodat het makkelijker uit te rollen is. Rol het op een bebloemd werkblad uit tot een dikte van 4-6 millimeter. Steek of snijd de gewenste koekjesvormen uit en plaats deze met voldoende tussenruimte op een met bakpapier beklede bakplaat. Het deeg dat overblijft kun je natuurlijk opnieuw uitrollen.

Bestrijk de koekjes met het losgeklopte ei en bak ze in 15-20 minuten goudbruin en gaar. Laat de koekjes afkoelen op een rooster.

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Writing exercise: The imperative tense
1. Write (in Dutch!) a short recipe for a meal you like to make/eat. (Google may help you if you don't know how to make it) 
2. Write the instruction for the recipe in the imperative tense:
- Start every sentence with the verb (you don't have a subject)
- Use the 'ik-form' of the verb (Image you have 'ik' before the verb)
3. Keep it very simple and short (instruction of how you bake an egg is fine!)
4. Length: 5 - 10 sentences
5. Try to write a recipe for food from your own culture! 

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Lesson plan: 27 May 2020 - MYP1
1. Newskahoot

2. Speaking exercise: Feedback on recipe 

3. Preparation listening summative 
--> Exercises are on Managebac
--> You can also find your grade and feedback on Managebac

Next lesson: Listening summative 

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: Recipe
1. Choose a partner (or 2 partners) from your phase and set up a groupscall. 
2. Give your instruction for the recipe and check if the other understands your recipe. Ask questions to check if they understood the recipe! 
3. Your partner gives you feedback on your recipe. Did you use the imperative tense? Were the sentences short and simple? 
4. Write a little reflection about your recipe (in the same document as the recipe). Was your in recipe clear? 
Phase 1: English / Phase 2+3: Dutch 
--> Minimum 4 sentences

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Lesson plan: 4 juni 2020 
1. Listening exercise: Food in other cultures

2. Grammar: sentence structure in Dutch
- Theory
- Exercises

HW: Finish first page of the grammar exercises (Google Drive) 

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

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Listening exercise: Food in other cultures
Watch the video (Managebac) and answer the questions from your phase.
Time: 10 minutes
Ph1: What question will the presenter answer in this video?
Ph1: Give 2 examples of what you can eat when the chili pepper is too hot. 
Ph2: Where is the chili pepper originally from and how did it end up in Asia?
Ph2: Explain how the chili plant protects itself. 
Ph3: Welk stukje van de chilipeper kun je beter niet gebruiken als je niet tegen pikant eten kunt en waarom? 
Ph3: Geef 2 redenen waarom de chilipeper handig is in een warm land. 

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Lesson plan: 5 juni 2020 
1. Grammar: sentence structure in Dutch
- Theory (rehearsal)
- Exercises

2. Dutch vocabulary: Quizlet Live
--> 12.45 in Google Meet

HW: Practise vocabulary on Quizlet

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 8 juni 2020 
1. Grammar: sentence structure in Dutch
- Theory (rehearsal)
- Exercises

2. Dutch vocabulary: Quizlet Live
--> 09.10 in Google Meet

HW: Practise vocabulary on Quizlet

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 35 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 24 juni 2020 
1. Grammar: sentence structure in Dutch
- Theory (rehearsal)
- Exercises

2. Dutch vocabulary: Gimkit
--> 09.05 in Google Meet

HW: Study for the summative

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

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Lesson plan: 2 juli 2020 
1. Writing exercise: Futureme.org
- Write a letter to your future self in Dutch! 

2. Done? Work on another task/homework 

Unit 4: Food and culture

Inquiry question: How can food represent a country? 

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Writing task: Future me
1. In this lesson you will write a letter to your future self. The letter will be delivered in 1 year from now. 
2. You will write (parts of this letter) in Dutch
3. First write your letter in a Google Document
4. Go to the website: www.futureme.org
5. Paste your letter on the website - Click 1 year - Private - Your email adress (choose your school email or private email) 
6. Confirm your email adress (go to your inbox and click the link in the mail)
7. Done! Still have time? Work for another subject. 

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Writing task: Future me
What to write about:
1. Introduce yourself to your future self: What kind of hobbies do you have, who are your friends, which subjects are your favourites, ...
2. Summary of the last school year: How did the school year go? Happy and less happy memories, funny things you remember,...
3. Hopes and dreams for the next school year and the future: What do you hope that happens in 1 year, what do you want for yourself in the future? 
  • Phase 1: (number 1 in Dutch, the rest in English) / Phase 2: (Number 1 & 2 in Dutch, 3 can be in English) / Phase 3: (All in Dutch) 

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