V4B: WEEK 11: 1st class

WEEK 11 
first class:
FOCUS4 Unit 4 pp. 54 + 157 = 4.2: Grammar: Question tags & reply questions + 55 = 4.3: Listening + 

do: English Lab: Unit 4, 4.1 Vocabulary.

study: FOCUS4 p. 64 Word list: 4.2 (Grammar) & 4.3 (Listening)  

1 / 53
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 53 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

WEEK 11 
first class:
FOCUS4 Unit 4 pp. 54 + 157 = 4.2: Grammar: Question tags & reply questions + 55 = 4.3: Listening + 

do: English Lab: Unit 4, 4.1 Vocabulary.

study: FOCUS4 p. 64 Word list: 4.2 (Grammar) & 4.3 (Listening)  

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Listen to a conversation between Laura and her mum. 
Laura and her Mum
What is Laura's mum concerned about?

Slide 2 - Diapositive

What is Laura's mum concerned about?
Answer: ........................................................................

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

                     Question tags and reply questions 
Aangeplakte vragen: 
Question tags
• Question tags are short questions added at the end of the sentence to ask for confirmation (falling intonation) or ask a question (rising intonation):
She's gorgeous, isn't she?

Slide 4 - Diapositive

• We form question tags using auxiliary verbs [hulpwerkwoorden] be, have, do, will or e.g. can, should, and the pronoun [persoonlijk voornaamwoord] corresponding to [behorend bij] the subject, e.g. I, you, she, they.
• Question tags for affirmative [bevestigende] sentences usually take the negative form:
You've already been to this café, haven't you?
They made a formal complaint, didn't they?
• Question tags for negative sentences usually take the affirmative form:
Olivia can't swim, can she?
You aren't going to reduce the price, are you?
Other forms of question tags:

Slide 5 - Diapositive

• In sentences with I'm we use the question tag aren't I?:
I'm late, aren't I?
• In sentences with Let's we use the question tag shall we?:
Let's meet for a coffee later, shall we?
• In sentences with negative adverbs, such as never, rarely, seldom, hardly or barely, or the words no or nobody, we use
• an affirmative question tag:
I hardly know you, do I?
They never listen to you, do they?
• In affirmative imperative sentences [=gebiedende wijs] we use will, would, can/can't or could, depending on the context. In negative imperative questions we always use the question tag will you?:
Wait for me here, will you/could you?
Don't spend too much, will you?
• In sentences where the pronoun something or nothing is the subject, we use a question tag with the pronoun it

Slide 6 - Diapositive

If the subject is nothing, we always use an affirmative question tag:
Something is wrong, isn't it?
Nothing can be done, can it?
• In sentences with everybody, everyone, no one or nobody as the subject, we use a question tag with the pronoun they and the plural form of the verb. If the subject is no one or nobody, we always use an affirmative question tag:
Everybody/Everyone will ask questions, won't they?
Nobody/No one signed up for the dressmaking course, did they?
• In sentences with the pronoun that as the subject, we use a question tag with the pronoun it:
That's your new car over there, isn't it?
• In sentences with there is/there are (in all tenses), we repeat the pronoun there in the question tag:
There was a security alarm in the store, wasn't there?
There won't be any problems with the complaint, will there?
We use reply questions to show interest in what somebody is saying and to signal that we want more details.
Affirmative [Bevestigende] sentence + affirmative reply question:
'You:  'I went to the new shop in Green Street yesterday.' - 'Your (speaking) partner: 'Did you?'
            'Your dad lent me some money.'                                  -                                                   'Did he?'
Negative sentence + negative reply question:
'Chris and Lisa aren't flying to Japan after all.'                      -                                                   'Aren't they?'
'I never buy shoes online.'                                                          -                                                   'Don't you?'

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Complete the examples from the conversation with auxiliary verbs:

 You normally add a negative tag to a positive statement and a positive tag to a negative statement.

You know it's risky buying tickets online, 1don't you?

He hasn't passed his driving test, 2 …...... he?

Slide 8 - Diapositive

He hasn't passed his driving test, 2 …...... he?

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

Special cases:
I am … → aren't I? Let's … → shall we?
I'm always careful when I borrow your things, 3 ..….. I?
Let's go, shall we?
 Negative words such as never, no, nobody, hardly, rarely, etc. → positive tag
But you never wear them, 4 ….... you?

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

 Imperatives → will/would/can/could you?
Negative imperative → will you?
Sit down, will you? (= tell sb to do sth)
Open the door, would you? (= ask sb to do sth)
Don't lose them, 5 ….... you?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

 With everybody, somebody, nobody, etc. use they.
With something, nothing and this/that use it.

That's Jamie at the door, isn't it?
Everybody's having a good time, aren't they?

Complete the conversation between Laura (L) and Jamie (J) with appropriate question tags:

Slide 12 - Diapositive

J:   This is the place. He said he'd meet me at the main entrance.
L:   Did he? So why are we waiting at the staff entrance?
J:   Oh no, you're right. Come on, we'd better hurry.
L:   Let's call him, 1shall we? You took his phone number, 2 …..…..?

Slide 13 - Question ouverte

J:   No, but he's got mine. He'll call me, 3 …..….. ?
L:   Yes – I suppose he wants his cash. Don't lose it, 4 …..……?
J:   What cash?
L:   For the tickets. You haven't paid him yet, 5 …….... ?

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

J:   Yes, I have – I transferred the money to his account online.
L:   Did you? Oh, hey, that's him over there, 6 …….. ?
J:   Is it? How do you know?
L:   He's holding up a piece of paper with your name on it.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

Now: listen and check:  
Complete some things Jamie said at the 
concert with question tags: 
1 We can go in now, can't we?
2 Let's get closer to the stage, ……….?
3 Look after my coat for a minute, ……….?
4 This is a great concert, ……….?

5 Everybody's dancing, ……….?

6 Don't forget where we're sitting, ……….?
7 Excuse me, nobody's seen a silver earring, ………. ?

Slide 16 - Diapositive

2   Let's get closer to the stage, ……….?
3   Look after my coat for a minute, ……….?
4   This is a great concert, ……….?
5   Everybody's dancing, ……….?
6   Don't forget where we're sitting, ……….?
7   Excuse me, nobody's seen a silver earring, ………. ?

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

Now: listen and check:  
Reply questions
You use reply questions to react to what 
somebody has said and to show interest. 
They usually have rising intonation.
Positive statement + positive reply 
question: 'We're going to a concert.' - 'Are you?' ↗
Negative statement + negative reply question: 'Beyoncé hasn't played here before.' - 'Hasn't she?' ↗
Find 3 reply questions from the conversation between Laura (L) and Jamie (J): 
 1 ………. ? 2 ………. ? 3 ………. ?

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Find 3 reply questions from the conversation between Laura (L) and Jamie (J):
 1 ………. ?     2 ………. ?     3 ………. ?

Slide 19 - Question ouverte

Turn the prompts into correct sentences:
1  I / need not/ a new phone. 1 I don't need a new phone

2  Dad / give / me money for my last birthday.  2 ……………
3  I / go / shopping recently.  3 ……………
I / think not/ I'm a very lucky person.  4 ……………
5 Mum / usually / do not/ the shopping online. 5 ……………
6  I / have / a credit card / 2018 / now.  6 ……………

Slide 20 - Diapositive

2   Dad / give / me money for my last birthday.     2 …………….........................................
3   I / go / shopping recently.                                    3 …………….........................................
4   I / think not/ I'm a very lucky person.                4 …………….........................................
5   Mum / usually / do not/ the shopping online.  5 ……………........................................
 I / have / a credit card / 2018 / now.                    6 …………….......................................

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

Now react with a suitable reply question:
1   I don't need a new phone.   1  Don't you?
                                                        2  ………............?
                                                        3  ……….............?
                                                    4  ………............?
                                                   5  ………............?
                                                   6  ………............?

Slide 22 - Diapositive

[2   Dad / give / me money for my last birthday. ]                           2 …………….....?
[3   I / go / shopping recently.                                                           3 ……………......?
[4   I / think not/ I'm a very lucky person. ]                                       4 …………….......?
[5   Mum / usually / do not/ the shopping online. ]                         5 …………….......?
[6   I / have / a credit card / 2018 / now.  ]                                          6 ……………........?

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

Write 4 sentences about yourself:
1  .......................................              3 .............................................
2 ………..............................              4 ………...................................

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

Now react with a suitable reply question:
1  ..................?                 3 ...............?
2 ……….........?                4 ……….......?

Slide 25 - Question ouverte

Here are 5 suggestions for questions a teenager has for his/her parent(s): 
Write down 5 questions:  

Slide 26 - Diapositive

 Will you let me dye my hair pink?
2   …………….............................................................?
3   …………….............................................................?
4   …………….............................................................?
5   …………….............................................................?

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

1  Will we?
2  …….. ?
3  …….. ?
4  …….. ?
5  …….. ?

Now write down the parent’s 5 question tags and/or reply questions:

Slide 28 - Question ouverte

1   She hates being criticised,   isn’t / doesn’t   she?

2   Don't buy the first coat you see,   will / could   you?

Choose the correct option:

Slide 29 - Question ouverte

3   I'm the last to arrive,  don’t / aren’t   I?
4   Nobody in the complaints department helped you,   did / didn’t   they?
5   There wasn't anything affordable in that shop, was   it / there  ?
6   He's just placed his order,   hasn’t / didn’t  he?

Slide 30 - Question ouverte

Complete the sentences with the correct question tag:
1   You've forgotten to post my letters, ………. ?
2   I think I'm going to have to start again from the beginning, ………. ?
3   No matter what we do, nothing will change, ………. ?

Slide 31 - Question ouverte

4  Don't get lost, ………. ?
5  I guess there'll be no buses going to Woodside on New Year's Day, ………. ?
6  Everybody loves chocolate cake, ………. ?
7  Nobody's in the changing room at the moment, ………. ?
8  Let's get something to eat first, ………. ?

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

Write the correct reply questions to complete the dialogues:
1 A: I'm not going to the theatre tomorrow.    -                B: ………. ?
2 A: My brother never buys anything online.  -                B: ………. ?
3 A: I think the shop on the corner sells bus tickets.  -   B: ………. ?

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Write answers to these questions:

1   Do you have similar types of market in your nearest town or city?

2   When did you last go to a market? What did you buy?

3   Do you sometimes buy things in online auctions?

Slide 35 - Diapositive

1   …………………………………………………………………… .
2  …………………………………………………………… .
3  …………………………………………………………………… .

Slide 36 - Question ouverte

1) Listen to an interview on the Shopping Programme.  2.20

2) Question: What does Martin do for a living?
THEN: Multiple choice
Listen to the interview again. For questions 1–5, choose the correct answer A–D:

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Question: What does Martin do for a living?

Answer: ....................................................................... .

Slide 38 - Question ouverte

     1)  This episode of the programme is about:

things that you can buy and sell at airports.
markets where Martin sells second-hand items.
the growing number of bags that are lost at airports.
the increased activity in the used goods trade.

Slide 39 - Quiz

2 How does Martin get hold of the second-hand goods he sells?
He goes to the market.
He buys them from the owners.
He bids for them at an auction.
He claims them from the airport.

Slide 40 - Quiz

3 What kind of things can Martin find in the suitcases he buys?
Designer clothes.
Electrical goods.
Rotten food.

Slide 41 - Quiz

4 The thing that surprises Martin most is that people:
lose so many bags.
check in bags in advance.
forget baby items.
come to the airport at the last minute.

Slide 42 - Quiz

5 What is Martin most likely to say about the way he earns his living?
It makes him feel sad.
It's just how he makes money.
It's a risky job.
It's shocking.

Slide 43 - Quiz

Slide 44 - Diapositive

1  auction house    2  car ….. sale    3  checked bags 
….. market    5  lost …..    6 market stall    
7  personal …..    8 ….. goods

Slide 45 - Question ouverte

 Unclaimed ….. property goes to ….. houses where market stall holders bid
      for them.
B   That's how ….. belongings end up as ….. goods on ….. stalls.
 Thousands of ….. bags go missing at Heathrow Airport every month.

Slide 46 - Question ouverte

Write down your ideas about buying pre-owned or second-hand goods:

Slide 47 - Question ouverte

What sort of items would/wouldn't you buy second-hand?

Slide 48 - Question ouverte

Slide 49 - Diapositive

Slide 50 - Question ouverte


Slide 51 - Diapositive

Well, there's an element of / in / to  chance when you buy a suitcase though / that / as  you can't look inside before you bid for it. The better the suitcase, how / the / it’s  more likely you are to find designer clothes. But you could be very unlucky with a high-quality bag and just find dirty socks – that's the chance you have / get / take . Luckily, the auctioneers open the bags and throw away / up / down  anything horrible like food that's gone off or wet stuff that's gone mouldy. When you buy suitcases, you just get clothes. They take   off / out / over  electrical goods and shoes and they sell  it / those / to  in separate lots.

Slide 52 - Question ouverte

+ do: English Lab: Unit 4, 4.1 Vocabulary.
& review: Voca[toets] FUP 32+35, 37+38, 39+41, 42+43, 44+45 + read: verplicht boek)

Slide 53 - Diapositive