P10 Week 3

1 / 19
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 3

Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

Today's plan
Writing exams
Explanation - Types of blogposts
Write a blog
Give emails back

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Examens P10
Beroepsgericht Engels - Hof van Amerongen

Opdracht 3 - Schrijf een formele email
Opdracht 4 - Lees de tekst en beantwoord vragen in het Nederlands

Generiek Engels - Schrijf 3 opdrachten (je krijgt 3 van deze 4)

Formeel bericht/mail
Informeel bericht/mail

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Diapositive

County vs. Country
County (graafschap) is niet hetzelfde als provincie. 

Als er iets wordt gevraagd dat niet van toepassing is, kun je op een formulier invullen: N/A. Dit betekent Not Applicable en betekent Niet van toepassing. 

Country (land) The Netherlands

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Date of birth

12 January 2004
31 August 2001
1 April 1998

Slide 7 - Diapositive




(zonder comma en streepje)
(met een punt ertussen)

Slide 8 - Diapositive

dus geen woman 

dus geen man

Slide 9 - Diapositive


Slide 10 - Diapositive

Types of blogposts
1. How to
2. List-based
3. Review
4. News article
5. Interview
6. Personal

7. Explainer

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Types of blogposts
1. How to

2. List-based

3. Review

In a how-to blog post, the blogger explains the steps the reader needs to take to complete a task. Recipe blog posts are a popular example of a how-to blog post.

Also known as a “listicle,” a list-based blog post is one that’s organized as a list of related entries. This could be a list of products, historical events, quotes, images, or unusual and intriguing facts. 

In a review post, the blogger reviews a movie, video game, TV show, book, product . . . anything, really. 

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Types of blogposts
4. News article

5. Interview

In a review post, the blogger reviews a movie, video game, TV show, book, product . . . anything, really. What’s Good at Trader Joes? is a well-known example of a blog that focuses on product review posts. A review post can focus on one product or piece of media or it can be structured like a list-based post. You can find examples of the latter on 99designs, where they often review design software and website platforms.
A personal blog post, like a personal essay, is where the author discusses their personal experiences, thoughts, and/or opinions. Usually, you’ll find these kinds of posts on personal blogs rather than corporate or professional blogs. However, a blogger who usually publishes other kinds of blog posts might publish personal blog posts from time to time to build a more personal connection with readers.
An explainer blog post is similar to a how-to blog post in that it provides a thorough, objective explanation of its topic. The difference is that this kind of blog post isn’t necessarily presented in a linear, step-by-step format and doesn’t necessarily explain how to complete a task.
This type of blog post might explain the social and economic trends that led to a specific historical event or the basics of a given topic. Coinbase’s blog contains lots of explainer posts, such as a piece on how to keep your cryptocurrency secure.
Sometimes, blogs publish lengthy explainer posts that aim to provide comprehensive overviews of their topics. These blog posts are often labeled “ultimate guide” or something similar.

A news article blog post links to a trending news article and provides the blogger’s thoughts on that news article. It isn’t just a repost of the news article; it includes insights that build upon, speculate about, agree, or disagree with the information covered in the news article.

In this kind of post, the blogger introduces a person they’ve interviewed and provides some background information about the interviewee and their work. Following this is a transcript of the interview, sometimes interspersed with additional information written by the blogger. You can find interviews on many different blogs, such as Rotten Tomatoes’ blog.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Types of blogposts
6. Personal

7. Explainer

A personal blog post, like a personal essay, is where the author discusses their personal experiences, thoughts, and/or opinions. Usually, you’ll find these kinds of posts on personal blogs rather than corporate or professional blogs. 

An explainer blog post is similar to a how-to blog post in that it provides a thorough, objective explanation of its topic. The difference is that this kind of blog post isn’t necessarily presented in a linear, step-by-step format and doesn’t necessarily explain how to complete a task. These blog posts are often labeled "ultimate guide" or something similar. 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Look online and give an example of a good headline.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Slide 17 - Lien

Write a personal blog with the title
If there is anything you need to know about succeeding (slagen) at life, let it be this .....

Slide 18 - Question ouverte

Today's plan
Work in pairs and fill out the form for your customer. 
Informal message

Slide 19 - Diapositive