Proficiency Masterclass Unit 1 and 2

Cambridge Proficiency Masterclass
1 / 52
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 52 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Cambridge Proficiency Masterclass

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  • Exam in early June 2025
  • Proficiency Masterclass / Advanced Word Skills
  • Literature - The Romantic Period incl. Frankenstein 
  • Literature list - read 3 novels this year
  • Book test 1 (11 Oct) - deadline title approval 4 September 
  • Test week 1 (21-25 Oct) - Reading & Use of English (Word Skills 31-36 / Proficiency Masterclass 1-3)

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Unit 1:People & Places
What is this film genre? 

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People & Places p 11
What is a soap opera? 
How did the name "soap opera" originate?
What do you think the attitude of each of these groups of viewers is likely to be?
  • Fanatics
  • Ironics
  • Non-committed
  • Dismissives

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People & Places  p 11  
- Listen (p 11 ex 2). Note any phrase you hear that helps you classify the speakers into the appropriate category.
- discuss answers


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People & Places  unit  1 p 11
- ex 3: Discuss and categorize meanings  
Look at the words in ex 3. Discuss and categorize the adjectives in list A as follows:

a. words that are approximate synonyms of 'boring'
b. words that mean something is 'hard to believe' 
c. words that mean that something is 'generally bad'
d. other more positive or neutral words

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People & Places  unit 1 p 11
- ex 3: Discuss and categorize meanings  
a. words that are approximate synonyms of 'boring':
hackneyed ~used too often and therefore boring
mundane ~ not interesting or exciting
corny ~ not original; used too often to be interesting or to sound sincere 

b. words that mean something is 'hard to believe' 
unconvincing ~ not seeming true or real
far-fetched ~very difficult to believe
contrived ~planned in advance and not natural or genuine; written or arranged in a way that is not natural or realistic


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People & Places  unit 1 p11 
- ex 3: Discuss and categorize meanings  
c. words that mean that something is 'generally bad':
atrocious ~very bad or unpleasant
negative ~bad or harmful
d. other more positive or neutral words:
eccentric ~considered strange or unusual
compulsive~behaviour that is difficult to stop or control. Note here - it takes on a positive meaning
cliffhanger ~ situation in a story etc. that is very exciting because you don't find out what happens next 
glamorous ~ especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people
topical ~ connected with something that is happening or of interest at the present time.


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People & Places  unit 1 p 11 
- ex 3: Discuss and categorize meanings  
- ex 3: Form collocations.

To help you, find three nouns that collocate with "hackneyed"

hackneyed storylines
hackneyed ____________________
hackneyed ____________________

  • hackneyed situations
  • hackneyed plot

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People & Places  unit 1 p 11 
- ex 3: Form collocations- continued.  
Find FIVE nouns that collocate with "mundane"  
Find ONE noun that collocates with "eccentric"
Find TWO nouns that collocate with "compulsive"
Find SIX nouns that collocate with "corny"
Find ONE noun that collocates with "cliffhanger"
Find SEVEN nouns that collocate with "unconvincing"
Find SIX nouns that collocate with "atrocious"
Find TWO nouns that collocate with "negative"
Find THREE nouns that collocate with "glamorous" 
Find THREE nouns that collocate with "topical" and threes that go with "far-fetched"
Find SIX nouns that collocate with "contrived"


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People & Places  unit 1 p 11 
- ex 3: Form collocations- continued.  
hackneyed storylines / situations / plot
mundane storylines / situations / characters / issues / plot
eccentric characters
compulsive viewing / acting
corny storylines / situations / endings / characters / acting / plot
cliffhanger endings
unconvincing storylines / situations / endings / characters / acting / settings / plot
atrocious storylines / endings / characters / acting / settings / plot
negative stereotypes / characters
glamorous situations / characters / settings
topical storylines / situations / issues
far-fetched storylines / situations / plot
contrived storylines / situations / endings / characters / settings / plot

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People & Places  unit 1 p 11 lesson 2 -contd.
- ex 4: Discuss and categorize yourself as viewer
- ex 5: Discuss statements 
- 2 minutes' speaking in pairs:  ex 4  (Note: use words from the lists in ex 3!!)
- discuss as whole class

preparation for speaking exam Part 3
- ex 5: discuss each statement in turn and give reasons why you agree or disagree with the ideas expressed.


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People & Places  lesson 3 p 12-14
- ex 1 individually (2 mins)
- discuss as a class
- ex 2:  Skim read the text and answer the question
- ex 3: Read the text more carefully. (Read the TIP about implied meaning)
- ex 4: Text analysis
VOCABULARY - word knowledge 'get'
- ex 5-6 
- finish classwork

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Cambridge Proficiency Masterclass
Unit 1
Wednesday 4 September

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People & Places:  lesson 4 p 14 
READING & USE OF ENGLISH -  discussion & feedback p 12 ex 3 & 4 
  • ex 4*: Text analysis
  • any vocabulary questions? (seen the document in the ELO?)

VOCABULARY - word knowledge 'get' - feedback
  • discuss answers to ex 5-6* 

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People & Places:  lesson 4 contd.
- Collocations : adjectives which collocate with 'memory' : close your Masterclass book. In your notebook make four  categories as follows:
-  Write the words you hear into the correct category. 
Some words might fit into more than one category. 


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Cambridge Proficiency Masterclass
Unit 1
Thursday 5 September 2024

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People & Places  lesson 4 contd. 
-ex 9: using a dictionary, decide in pairs which of the verbs which collocate with 'memory' you think have a NEGATIVE meaning. Note the meaning of any verbs you have never used before. (10mins)
- update your word file; study unit 1 Grammar Notes on p 149
- WS 32 this week

  • Speaking  ex 10 - in random pairs talk about a certain type of memory. If it's too
personal, 'invent' a memory if you wish.  The listener can decide whether 
it's real or made up by asking follow-up questions.

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People & Places  lesson 5 
GRAMMAR: Past verb forms (Past simple, past continuous, past perfect, used to & would)
Grammar notes p 149-150 (and the PP attached to Magister homework)

What's the difference in meaning between:
a. When I lived abroad, my mother always PHONED me at dinner time
b. When I lived abroad, my mother  WAS ALWAYS PHONING me at dinner time

  • Now do ex 12
  • Feedback

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Cambridge Proficiency Masterclass
Unit 1
Friday 6 September 2024

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People & Places  lesson 5 contd.
Feedback - Check your answers to p 14 ex 12h - 12j on the screen! Questions?
A past tense verb form doesn't always refer to a past action. It is also used for theoretical situations, politeness, and after certain expressions such as 'It's time....' For example:
  • If I had the money, I'd quit tomorrow.
  • A: Can I have that cake?   B: I'd rather you ate some fruit.
  • It's time you helped clean up around here.
- Now discuss ex 13 in pairs. Find situations that are hypothetical, or where the speaker is distancing (being more polite) , or when immediacy is suggested
- Feedback and discussion

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People & Places  lesson 6
Word knowledge: p 15 - would
- Feedback ex 14-15 
- ex 16. Then  listen and check
Speaking p 16 

Proficiency Masterclass 1.02
Proficiency Masterclass 1.03
Proficiency Masterclass 1.04
Proficiency Masterclass 1.05

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Welcome: V5cpe
Wednesday 11 September
WS 32: give each other a quick quiz in pairs before this lesson starts! 

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Recap: People & Places  lesson 6
Speaking p 16 

Proficiency Masterclass 1.02
Proficiency Masterclass 1.03
Proficiency Masterclass 1.04
Proficiency Masterclass 1.05

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Welcome: V5cpe
Thursday 12 September
"The only way to give effective help to people in need is to go and give it yourself"
Do you agree? Why or why not?

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People & Places  - 12 Sept '24
  • Reading and Use of English p 17 ex 2-3
  • p 19 ex 4
  • p 18 ex 4 

Listening > p 18

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People & Places  12 Sept '24 
  • ex 1 Discuss in pairs
  • ex 2 Read the tip!
  • Listen 
  • discuss your answers
  • discuss question in ex 3 in pairs
  • Feedback on ex 4 (was a homework  task)
HOMEWORK for next Wednesday: see Magister!

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People & Places  lesson 6: recap
FEEDBACK: Your homework for today was:
  • Find and start your novel (have it approved by TBO first - see reading suggestions list in our class ELO - the test is in week 43 on Wednesday 25 October)
  • No optional 'set text' question in Part 2 of the C2 Proficiency Writing exam in 2024 
  • Update your word file and learn the new words Masterclass p 17 

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Wed 6 Sept. People & Places  lesson 7
WRITING - part 2, Set text p 19
  • ex 1 think and make notes individually (2 mins)

  • discuss questions 1a-1f  in groups of three or four
  • ex 2-3 individually

  • discuss as class

  • Vocabulary ex 4 - work together and use an advanced learner's dictionary. Finish for homework . See Magister. 

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Wed 6 Sept. People & Places  lesson 7
WRITING - part 2, Set text p 19
  • ex 1 think and make notes individually (2 mins)

  • discuss questions 1a-1f  in groups of three or four
  • ex 2-3 individually

  • discuss as class

  • Vocabulary ex 4 - work together and use an advanced learner's dictionary. Finish for homework . See Magister. 

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Welcome: V5cpe
Wednesday 18 September
WS 33: give each other a quick quiz in pairs before this lesson starts! 

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Our Environment - lesson 1 
FEEDBACK: Your homework for today was: 
- p 18 ex 4 (unit 1)
- p 22 ex 1-3 
- p 23 ex 4-5



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Welcome: V5cpe
Thursday 19 September

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Our Environment - lesson 2
This lesson was not used - hw was given instead (techer absent on Fri 13 for two lessons per cpe class)
  • ex 1 Discuss in pairs
  • ex 2 Skim read (1 min) - 
  • Discuss whether your prediction (ex 1) was correct
  • ex 3 Read the tip, then do the exercise individually 
  • Check your answers
  • Grammar Instruction: + Study Grammar notes Unit 2 p 150-151 and make your own notes.
  • p 22-23 ex 1-8 Finish at home before tomorrow, Thursday

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Welcome: V5cpe
Friday 20 September

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Our Environment - unit 2 p 21 
  • ex 1 in pairs: What's your green knowledge?
  • check your answers on p 163
  • ex 2 Listen
  • ex 3 discuss the meaning of the words, choose any two of the issues in ex 2 and write two statements using words from list A with words from list B.
  • Check and view possible answers
  • ex 4: Listen again and make notes - handout (fill gaps)
  • ex 5 discuss both questions in pairs
READING & USE OF ENGLISH - Unit 2: Our Environment p 24-25
  • p 24 ex 1 quietly 
  • discuss ex 1

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Our Environment 
  • Grammar Instruction PP + Study Grammar notes Unit 2 p 150-151 and make your own notes.
  • p 23 ex 6-9
  • feedback and discussion

FEEDBACK ON HOMEWORK for today in next lesson:
p 24-5 ex 2-4. 

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Welcome: V5cpe
Friday 20 September
Take an Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary  from the shelf to share in this lesson (one between two)

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Our Environment 
  • p 24-5 ex 1-4 

  • p 23 ex 6-9

VOCABULARY: Take a dictionary and work together on p 26
  • ex 5-7; 
  • ex 9 -11

HOMEWORK for next Wednesday 25 September: p 23 ex 6-9 and p 26 ex 5-7; ex 9-11 

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Welcome: V5cpe
Wednesday 25 September

Please take out WS and test each other on units 31-34 before the lesson starts!

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Our Environment   
  • p 23 ex 6-9 
  • p 26 ex 5-7; ex 10-11 
  • compare your answers to ex 9 !
  • do ex 1 quietly
  • check 
  • ex 2: decide parts of speech/type of information needed
  • check 
  • ex 3: Read the Tip . Now, Listen
  • in pairs,  compare answers and then do ex 4
  • feedback. ex 3-6 (hw was p 27 ex 5-6)
HOMEWORK for tomorrow: p 29 ex 1-3

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Welcome: V5cpe
Thursday 26 September

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Our Environment   
  • p 23 ex 6-9 
  • p 26 ex 5-7; ex 10-11 
  • compare your answers to ex 9 !
  • do ex 1 quietly
  • check 
  • ex 2: decide parts of speech/type of information needed
  • check 
  • ex 3: Read the Tip . Now, Listen
  • in pairs,  compare answers and then do ex 4
  • feedback. ex 3-6 (hw was p 27 ex 5-6)
HOMEWORK for tomorrow: p 29 ex 1-3

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Welcome: V5cpe
Friday 27 September

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Writing the compulsory essay

  • FEEDBACK & DISCUSSION p 29 ex 1-3
  • Paraphrasing p 30 ex 4-6
  • Exam Practice p 30 ex 8 - identify the two main points of each extract.
  • Discuss in pairs
  • Check
  • Read tip. Think, plan, write and then check. Hand in on Wednesday 2 Oct.

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Welcome: V5cpe
Wednesday 2 October

Please take out WS and test each other on units 31-35 before the lesson starts!

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Cambridge Proficiency Masterclass
Unit 3
Wednesday 2 October 
Take out Word Skills unit 35 and get ready for your quiz!

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Writing the compulsory essay
  • Take out your essay (Exam Practice p 30 ex 8) and analyse each with a partner.
  •  - have you summarised and evaluated the two main points of each extract?
  •  - have you paraphrased these (make sure you have not "lifted" chunks of language from either of the two texts) and have you added your own ideas?
  •  - have you used a RANGE of vocabulary and structures to avoid repetition of words and grammar? Can you improve on this?
  • -  have you organised it into four paragraphs and are there appropriate linking words to make the essay a cohesive whole? 
  •  - have you checked your spelling? Punctuation?  
  • Hand in your best, edited work (one essay per pair is allowed) on Thursday 3 October in a new writing file, using the standard template, as indicated in Magister.

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Our Environment lesson 6  
  • ex 4 (show answers again and discuss)
  • p 27 Vocabulary ex 5-6 (see key)
WRITING: part 1 (compulsory essay)
  • p 29 ex 1-6. Finish before tomorrow (Friday)

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Our Environment lesson 10  
SPEAKING, part 2 p 28
  • do ex 1 quietly in your notebook (2 mins)
  • in pairs, discuss answers (2-3 mins.)
  • ex 2 read the task. Listen:
  • ex 3 read task, listen again and note expressions
  • check
  • ex 4: in pairs (Read TIP first!)
  • ex 5 read task, listen and note task.
  • ex 6 in pairs (3 mins)
  • ex 7 in pairs
  • feedback. 

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Unit 1 Speaking: People & Places  
SPEAKING Exam : Part 1  (p 16)
- ex 1 Listen - note the 6 questions
- ex 2
- ex 3 Read the task. Then listen:  
- ex 4 quietly
- ex 5 Read the task. 
- ex 6 


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