Session 12

Element 2 - Supporting Education 
T - Level in Early Years and Education 
Session 12
1 / 11
Slide 1: Diapositive
MathematicsHigher Education (degree)

Cette leçon contient 11 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Element 2 - Supporting Education 
T - Level in Early Years and Education 
Session 12

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Learning objectives 
By the end of the session, all learners will be able to: 
  1. Understand social constructivism and the importance of promoting this to create stimulating learning environments. 
  2. Explore Bergman & Sams flip your classroom and how this can support teaching and learning. 
  3. Explain Marion Dowling's young children's thinking. 
  4. Begin working on your mini assignment for this unit to support your learning so far. 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

How many levels of friendship are their in line with Robert Selman's framework?

Slide 3 - Quiz

What is social constructivism?
Socially constructivism is a term used to describe how knowledge in the classroom can be created and developed through social experiences. 
Social constructivist's normally focus their theory on society and how the wider society influences learning and development. 
Cette vidéo n'est plus disponible
Use the video to take notes.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Social constructivism in Early Years
In early years promoting social constructivism is important as it helps children problem solve and complete tasks with the support of their peers, this helps practitioners understand how to correctly scaffold children to promote learning and development.

In Early Years we promote children to be active learners in the classroom, promoting a student - led / child - led approach in the classroom.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Bergman & Sams flip your classroom (formative learning)
Aaron Sam's & Jonathan Bergmann developed the theory of flipped classroom, whilst searching for ways to make teaching more supportive and efficient for students.
"flip your classroom" was the name of their book, the intention was to create an approach of blended learning.

This became known as a pedagogical approach - it is a way of teaching.

The intention of flip classroom, is encourage young people to look at videos or materials online prior to the session, to make them more informed when they arrive in class. 
This means the time in class can be used to discuss the sources set online.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

1 x benefit of
using flipped classroom?

Slide 7 - Carte mentale

Benefits of a flipped classroom
  1. Students begin to have more control over their learning and can begin to help them learn at their own pace.
  2. Promotes student - centered learning and collaboration
  3. It is designed to support student engagement and understanding as students become actively involved. 
  4. Can support teachers and lecturers in reduced lesson planning with more of a focus on discussions.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Marion Dowling's young children's thinking. 
Young Children's thinking is a book written by Marion Dowling that focuses on other people research. the main focus if how children learn from birth to Key stage 1. 

The focus of this book was to promote learning through social interactions which can be based on the role of the adult, attachment and interactions. 

The concept of the book focused on young children's thinking patterns and how different social experiences shape learning and development.

The depth of the book focuses on play, learning and teaching pedagogy, primarily focusing on the importance of learning through social interactions.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Why are social
experiences important?

Slide 10 - Carte mentale

Element 2 Assignment 
On google classroom, I have set you an assignment. 
This is to support you to begin appplying your knowledge of theories to exam related questions. 

The due date will be: Wednesday 17th January 2024. 

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