B03-04 III.

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EnglishSpecial Education

Cette leçon contient 38 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Passive Voice (szenvedő szerkezet)

Ez gyakorlatilag egy egyszerűsítés, melyet az angolban igen sűrűn használunk. 
Lényege, hogy a mondatból kimarad a cselekvés elvégzője, így:
I will correct the tests. --> The tests will be corrected.
Ki fogom javítani a teszteket. --> A tesztek ki lesznek javítva.
Itt az eredeti mondat tárgya vette át az alanyi szerepkört.
A magyarban is létezik, viszont jóval ritkábban tudjuk alkalmazni, sokszor esetlen a fordítás emiatt:
A kocsim meg lett javítva. / Ügye ki lesz vizsgálva.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Lássuk, hogy mikor van értelme használni a Passive Voice-ot:

1. Ha nem tudjuk, ki végezte a cselekvést:
    My phone has been stolen. --> El lett lopva a telefonom.

2. Ha szándékosan el akarjuk titkolni a cselekvés elvégzőjét: 
    I was given a kiss. --> Adva lett nekem egy csók.

3. Ha evidens a cselekvés elvégzője:
    The robber will be arrested. --> A betörő le lesz tartóztatva.

4. Vagy akár arra is jó, hogy a mondat végére kerüljön a cselekvény elvégzője, ne lőjük el az elején azt. Pl eredményhirdetésnél: 
   And the prize was won by Edina! --> És a díjat nyerte: Edina!
Figyelj, hogy a fordításnál ez nem helyes: 
Ellopták a telefonom. --> Ebben a mondatban a ragozásban magyarul benne van, hogy "ők", így ez nem szenvedő szerkezet.
Ha pontosak akarunk lenni, akkor így a helyes: 
El lett lopva a telefonom. --> Ebben nincs, hogy ki tette.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Az igeidőkön alapul. Azok két 'alkatrészét' (segédige+ige alakja) kiegészítjük a Passive Voice két alkatrészével: plusz egy be és plusz egy ige harmadik alak.
Mivel ugye két igei alak kellene a mondatba, hiszen van egy, ami az igeidőből következik, illetve van egy harmadik alak, ami a Passive Voice miatt kell, egy kicsit egyszerűsítünk: a segédige marad, amit megkövetel az igeidő, a plusz egy be, ami a mondatba kerül a Passive miatt megkapja azt az igei alakot, ami az igeidő miatt kell, és az állítmány mehet harmadik alakba.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Diapositive


The trash has been taken.
The house was painted ten years ago.
My car is being washed at the moment.
The breakfast is served from seven until eleven o’clock in the morning.
Had the salaries been transferred before midday?
Indirect object
Az olyan mondatokból, ahol a tárgy mellett van egy ún. Indirect Object is, mindkettőből képezhetünk Passive Voice-ot:
Bianka gave me a discount.
A: A discount was given to me.
B: I was given a discount.
Összetett mondatoknál
Összetett mondatoknál figyeljünk, hogy csak tárgyas igés mondatokból tudjuk képezni. Ahol nincs tárgy, ott nem képezhető.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Create a passive voice sentence from the following:

Slide 7 - Diapositive

They have sold their car.

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

He bought some land and two horses.

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

She has written two letters.

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

He has won a computer.

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

He is breaking another window.

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

She didn't accept the invitation.

Slide 13 - Question ouverte

I showed him a nice photo.
(indirect object)

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

We won't tolerate this.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

He had owned three apartments before the war.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

They were listening to loud music all day.

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

Válaszd ki az aktív mondat passzív párját!

Slide 18 - Diapositive

I took my daughters to the cinema.
My daughters are taken to the cinema.
My daughters were took to the cinema by me.
My daughters were taken to the cinema.
My daughters are taken to the cinema.

Slide 19 - Quiz

They are renovating their flat.
Their flat is renovated.
Their flat is being renovated.
Their flat is renovating.
Their flat is being renovating.

Slide 20 - Quiz

Someone has stolen my bike.
My bike has been stolen.
My bike was stole.
My bike has be stolen.
My bike is be stolen.

Slide 21 - Quiz

He can't do this.
This he can't do.
This can't be done by him.
This can not done by him.
This can be not done by him.

Slide 22 - Quiz

Bob will give you the tickets.
You will be given the tickets by Bob.
The tickets will given to you by Bob.
You will be gave the tickets by Bob.

Slide 23 - Quiz

He always gives me money for my birthday.
I am always give money for my birthday.
I always give money for my birthday by him.
I am always given money for my birthday by him.
I am always gave money for my birthday by him.

Slide 24 - Quiz

The police arrested the robber last night.

The robber was be arrested last night.
The robber was arrested last night.
The robber was being arrested last night.
The robber is arrested last night by the police.

Slide 25 - Quiz

My girlfriend makes the best sandwiches.

The best sandwiches is made by my girlfriend.
The best sandwiches are made by my girlfriend.
The best sandwiches are makes by my girlfriend.
The best sandwiches beng made by my girlsfriens.

Slide 26 - Quiz

Someone was singing a heavy metal song when we arrived.
A heavy metal song was sung when we were arrived.
A heavy metal song was being sung when we arrived.
A heavy metal song was being sung when we were arrived.
A heavy metal song be sung when we were arrived.

Slide 27 - Quiz

My niece has already fed the dogs.
The dogs have already been fed by my niece.
My niece has already been fed the dogs.
The dogs have already being fed by my niece.
The dogs has already being fed by my niece.

Slide 28 - Quiz

Fill the gaps according to the story you hear!

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Dear Friend,
I want to tell you about Yuri. Yuri is a brown (1)____. He was born in winter and like all bears cubs he was blind and had no teeth. His mother was hibernating in her den, deep inside the Russian (2)____. Outside it was very cold and everything was covered by thick snow. Inside the den with his mother, however, Yuri felt safe and warm.
Then, when Yuri was only a few weeks old, some hunters came. Dogs were sent into the den. Yuri's mother was woken up by the dogs. She tried to (3)____ her cub, but when she climbed out of the den, she was shot by the hunters.

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Every year between 3,000 and 4,000 brown bears are hunted and killed like this. There are only 110,000 brown bears in Russia today and they are almost (4)____ in the rest of Europe. 
Their meat and fur are sold for thousands of dollars, so people will continue to hunt them. The cubs are usually left to die. (5)____ their mothers they can't survive.

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Yuri, however, was lucky. He was found by one of the hunters and he was taken to The Russian Bear Orphanage, 350 kilometers northwest of Moscow. The orphanage is run by Professor Valentin Pazhetnov. Here, Yuri will be looked after. He and other orphan bears will be fed and taught how to (6)____. When they are old enough they will be taken to a nature reserve in Bryansk, where they will be protected. Professor Pazhetnov hopes that in the future some bears will be (7)____ in other European countries where they are now extinct.

Slide 32 - Diapositive

So far over a hundred bear cubs have been (8)____ by the orphanage. Seventy bears have been returned to the forest. We want to save more. That's why I'm writing to you now. (9)____ is needed for food, transport and for people to look after the baby bears. Yuri and his friends need your help. Please send a (10)____ today. Together we can save the orphan bears.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Fred O'Regan

Slide 33 - Diapositive

(1) bear
(2) forest
(3) protect
(4) extinct
(5) Without
(6) survive
(7) released
(8) saved
(9) Money
(10) donation

Slide 34 - Diapositive


Slide 35 - Diapositive

Slide 36 - Lien

Slide 37 - Diapositive


Slide 38 - Diapositive