3.1 The Dark Ages - P -

   Age 3 : The age of Monks and Knights

3.1 The Dark Ages

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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 30 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

   Age 3 : The age of Monks and Knights

3.1 The Dark Ages

Slide 1 - Diapositive

500 - 1000 AD

Slide 2 - Diapositive

AGE 3: the Time of Monks and Knights
500 - 1000 AD
Typical Aspects:
  1. the spread of Christianity in Europe
  2. the rise and spread of Islam
  3. the Manorial system and serfs
  4. the Feudal system
AKA: Early Middle Ages / Dark Ages

Slide 3 - Diapositive

What is this lesson about?
Local Germanic rulers came to power after the fall of the Roman Empire. They had a warrior culture that focused on the bond between lords and their vassals. From the sixth century the Franks established an empire that controlled large parts of Europe.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

What you can explain /  do after this lesson
- Who were the Franks?
- How did the Franks establish a new empire?
- How did the system of lords and vassals work?
- how was exchanging gifts a way to form and maintain friendly alliances.
- Who was Charlemagne?
- Why was Charlemagne such an important ruler and innovator?

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Important dates in this lesson:

476: Fall of the Western Roman Empire
486: Clovis united all the Franks under his rule
508: Clovis baptised as a Christian
720: Charles Martel conquers Frisia
732: Battle of Poitiers
800: Charlemagne crowned emperor by the pope

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Open questions

  • What is the question asking of me?
  • Do you know all the words in the Q?
  • Are there key words?
  • What steps do I have to make?
What to know:
  • Second Punic War > indication of time
  • Hannibal > what was he? and with who was he attacking Rome?
  • Carthage > what is that?

Slide 7 - Diapositive

What are you going to do?

  • In groups you are going to re-answer one of the test questions. Try taking the steps that shown on the previous slide
  • You will have 5 minutes to discuss the answer

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Why did Caesar let the senate give him the title "dictator for life" and not "king"?

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

Look at your own answer

  • How did you approach this question on the test?
  • How did you approach this question just now?


Slide 10 - Diapositive

The Frankish Empire

One of the local leaders who had served under the Romans, was the Frank Childeric (c. 440-482). He was not himself leader of all the Franks, but the Frankish Empire was established from the area he controlled around Tournai (Belgium). His son Clovis (c. 466-511) was able to unite all the Franks under his rule by killing other leaders. Among them were several of his relatives. He saw them as competitors for his position. In addition, he conquered other areas to extend his territory. Although many battles for power would follow, the Frankish Empire was from then on the most powerful empire of Western Europe.
The Franks had a warrior culture: it was common to fight. In combats and battles they could earn honor and booty. The amount of victories that a lord had on the battlefield and the way he showed bravery and - to our eyes - cruelty, provided him with power. 
source 3.1.2
Frankish warriors. Modern illustration

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Why was being a skilled warrior important for the Franks? Use the term 'warrior culture' in your answer

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

   Age 3 : The age of Monks and Knights

3.1 The Dark Ages

Slide 13 - Diapositive

500 - 1000 AD

Slide 14 - Diapositive

What you can explain /  do after this lesson
- Who were the Franks?
- How did the Franks establish a new empire?
- How did the system of lords and vassals work?
- how was exchanging gifts a way to form and maintain friendly alliances.
- Who was Charlemagne?
- Why was Charlemagne such an important ruler and innovator?

Slide 15 - Diapositive

What is?
continuity and discontinuity (in history lessons)?

Continuity: this means that somethings continues, or "keeps going on" . 
For example: After the fall of the western Roman empire Christianity continued as an important religion.

Discontinuity: this means that something ends and is replaced by something different (it does NOT continue)
For example: When the Roman monarchy ended and Rome became a Republic.
A system of government was replaced by a very different system. So this is "discontinuity".

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Drag the hotspot to the correct box

Slide 17 - Question de remorquage

Study this overview. Can you tell in your own words what it shows?

In the next question you must drag & drop texts to the correct category: discontinuity of continuity.
500 AD

Slide 18 - Diapositive

500 AD
International trade
Latin language
use of money
Roman roads
living in cities
Rome: the center of Christianity
literacy and education

Slide 19 - Question de remorquage

What is?
centralisation and decentralisation ?

Centralisation: this means that a country / empire is ruled from 1 place (the centre) and by one ruler (king / emperor)
For example: The whole Roman empire was ruled from 1 place (Rome). Everywhere within the empire there were the same laws, rules, money, taxes. Everything was decided from Rome (the centre)

Decentralisation: this means that a country does not have one central point from where all the laws are made, but the country is divided into many different regions, each with its own ruler, laws, money, taxes, etc.
For example: Ancient Greece was a decentralised country because every city state had its own laws, rulers, money etc.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Roman Empire is ruled from the senate > in Rome
Each polis has its own laws, government and 

Slide 21 - Diapositive

source 2.8.4
The Pont du Gard is a famous Roman Aquaduct in the south of France, The Roman baths in Bath, in the south of present-day England, were constructed in the 2nd century AD. First elements (temple) were created between 60 and 70 AD.
Europe at the beginning of the Time of Monks and Knights
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe was divided under different Germanic tribes, including the Franks. They had no cities, did not know how to write and they did not have one, but several rulers. 

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Why did people live safe lives during the time of
the Roman Empire? There are two correct answers.
Slaves were trained and given weapons to protect Roman families.
The Roman Empire had a professional army to secure its protection.
People in Roman times travelled as little as possible.
The Empire did not have competing rulers, but was run centrally from Rome.

Slide 23 - Quiz

The Frankish Empire

  • The Frankish Empire was established from the area around Tournai (Belgium) where the Frank Childeric (c. 440-482) was in control.
  • His son Clovis, managed to unite all the Franks under his rule by: 1. killing other leaders, including his own relatives and 2. conquering other areas to extend his territory. > He would eventually make the Frankish Empire the most powerful empire of Western Europe.

The Franks had a warrior culture: it was common to fight. 

A skilled warrior would have a lot of victories > he earns more booty and honor > showing more bravery (and cruelity) would earn him power.
source 3.1.2
Frankish warriors. Modern illustration

Slide 24 - Diapositive

How did Clovis increase his power?
(two answers)

Slide 25 - Question ouverte

The Frankish Empire

  • Lord  > term used for rulers, such as kings.
  • In Germanic society, the bond between a lord and his followers, vassals, was very important > 

  1. Vassals fought for the lord and gave him respect
  2. The lord offerd his vassals protection, shelter and income
  • The more vassals a lord has, the more power he holds. 

The bonds between lords and their vassals were strengthened in the hall > people ate and drank, made music and listened to stories together.
But also: making important decisions about war and alliances 
source 3.1.3
Archaeologists get a better understanding of how a building such as a hall looked like by making reconstructions: this hall is in West Stow (England).

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Golden gifts

  • Giving and receiving gifts contributed to a lord’s status and power > giving gifts would guarantee that vassals were loyal to their lord. 
  • Exchanging gifts with other lords was used to form or maintain friendly alliances. 
  • What type of gifts would lords give each other? 
The exchange of unique objects was limited to royal families. But vassals also gave gifts to their own followers who gave gifts to them in return as well. The lower the social position, the simpler the given objects became. The lord and his followers stood at the top of society. Below them was a group of merchants and craftsmen. Farmers and other workers formed the bottom social layer.
source 3.1.4
Fibula (cloak pin) from the 7th century, found in Wijnaldum, Friesland. Was it war booty or a gift for or from a Frisian lord?

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Franks and Frisians

The expansion of the Frankish Empire had started in the end of the fifth century, in the time of King Clovis. The expansion often came to a standstill in the centuries that followed. The weakness of the Empire was that it was personal property of the King. When he died, the land was divided among his sons. They fought each other to get their hands on more territory.
Lords at the borders paid little attention to the Frankish kings. This also applied to the Frisian lords at the northern border of the Frankish Empire. The Frisians were a people that lived in the coastal areas of the northern and western Netherlands and along the river delta in the middle of the Netherlands. The area inhabited by the Frisians around 700 AD is therefore different from the present province of Friesland.
In the first half of the eighth century, the Franks started the political centralisation of their Empire. They removed the power of local rulers to increase the influence of the Frankish kings. The military leader Charles Martel (r. 718-741) managed to defeat the Frisians and gain possession of their lands.
source 3.1.5
During the 6th and 7th century, North-western Europe was inhabitant by a number of Germanic tribes.

Slide 28 - Diapositive


The Frankish Empire was at its largest during the rule of Charlemagne (r. 768-814). He managed to defeat the Saxons and other peoples. He also conquered parts of Italy. Besides fighting, Charlemagne focused on improvements in his kingdom.
He appointed a body of officials and made sure that laws were written down. Furthermore he greatly encouraged education and science. He even interfered with the administration of other rulers, such as the kings of England. His authority was so great, it was reminiscent of the power of the Roman emperors. He was even crowned Emperor by the Pope in 800 AD.
source 3.1.7
Pope Leo III, crowning Charlemagne, painted in the 14th century.
source 3.1.6
A denarius of Charlemagne dated c. 812–814 with the inscription KAROLVS IMP AVG (Karolus Imperator Augustus) (in Latin)
source 3.1.8
Imperial Coronation of Charlemagne, by Friedrich Kaulbach, 1861

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