Digital Citizenship Presentation

Digital Citizenship
ETE- 572 Advancements in Educational Technology
Dr. Lin- Ching Chen Wang
Presentation Created by: Cheryl Reyes
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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 34 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 9 vidéos.

Éléments de cette leçon

Digital Citizenship
ETE- 572 Advancements in Educational Technology
Dr. Lin- Ching Chen Wang
Presentation Created by: Cheryl Reyes

Slide 1 - Diapositive

What will you take away today?

Through my presentation today, I want you to walk away knowing more about digital citizenship which includes the following: Media Balance & Well Being, Privacy & Security , Digital Footprint & Identity,  Relationships & Communication, Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech.  

Through the discussion and examples of digital citizenship, I hope to bring awareness to how you may be interacting with the online world as well as how to start a conversation in the classroom to bring awareness to students so we all can be better digital citizens. 

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What is Digital Citizenship? 
Digital citizenship refers to being responsible with the use of  technology by anyone who uses computers, the internet, and digital devices to engage and communicate with society.  The video in the following slide will give more insight on what digital citizenship is. 

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Slide 4 - Vidéo

Media Balance & Well Being
Through the use of technology is very beneficial in today's world, we need to find a healthy balance with how we use technology so that it does not take over our daily life. As you sit here I want you to think about how you would answer the following questions.  Either answer them in your thoughts or feel free to write down your answers as well.  After we will talk about your answers, if you would like to share. 
1. How often do you find yourself using social media in a day?
2. How often do you find yourself using electronics in a day?
3. During your day do you try to do something that is electronic free?
4. Lastly, do you feel you need a media break?

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Media Balance & Well Being 
in the Elementary Classroom
Questions to ask your students when their using media.  It is important to bring awareness to your students surroundings when they are using devices. 
1. Why would it be a good idea to take a break from your device if someone says hello to you like your sister, mom, or dad?
2. Would it be a good idea to stop using your device before bed? What could you do before bed instead of using devices?

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Steps to take to find a good balance!
* Find Apps that allow you to set a time limit of how long you spend on them. This will allow to become aware of how much time you are spending each day and cut down the time. 
* Set expectations - when, where, how, and why will you be using media

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Slide 9 - Lien

Privacy and Security 
* When it comes to privacy and security, you need to make sure you keep yourself safe online just like you do in person with people and your information. 
* Please again, answer the following questions to yourself: 
- Do you use the same password for every account you have?
- Do you trust all website?  Say yes to cookies?
-For your social accounts, are they limited to people you know, or open for your pictures and information about yourself?
- Are you and your family on the same page about what to share on media? 

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Steps to ensure Privacy & Security
Everyone should be on the same page as to what will be shared on media. That may look like something different at certain ages. However, parents also need to take with their kids, because in my own personal experience, I’ve had students approach me and say they didn’t like that their parents were sharing pictures of them online.

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Privacy & Security in the Elementary Classroom
Questions and ideas to get your students thinking about their privacy and security online. 

1. Start by talking about the neighborhood in which they live in.  Now transition that over to our online neighborhood. 

2. We need to keep ourselves safe in our real neighborhood, we have doors on our house so people just wont walk in, so how do you think we can keep ourselves safe in our online neighborhoods?

3.  Do you have passwords for you ipads at home? What about a tv account? 

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Digital Footprint & Identity 
Digital Footprint & Identity involves our online tracks and how we present ourselves in the online world. 

Questions to think about as you reflect on your own digital footprint and identity.  Please write your answer down or answer to yourself. 

1.  Do you think about the sites you are visiting online? 
2. How much information do you share online, such as your social media accounts? 
3. When you post a comment online do you think before you type like you would before you speak?

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Digital Footprint & Identity in the Classroom
To bring awareness to digital footprints and identity, have your student's look at animals paw prints and fossil images. This example can lead into the following questions to bring awareness to this topic. 

1.  What do you notice about this image? What can we infer about it?
2.  Sometimes when you're walking in the woods do you ever see animal footprints? Isn't it cool how the animal isn't there,  but they have left their footprint behind?
3.  How are we leaving our footprints behind online?

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Slide 16 - Vidéo

Relationships & Communication
Relationships and Communication online can look very different from in person.  Let's reflect on how our relationships and communication look.

Please answer the following questions either again by writing them down or to yourself. 
1.  Do you feel you communicate more in person or online?
2. Do you notice a difference in how we communicate in person and form relationships compared to how they are formed online?
3.  Do you follow the same rules of communication and relationships you hold for in person like you do for online? 

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Relationships & Communication in the Elementary Classroom
The following questions you can use to start a conversation with your students about their relationships and communication online.  We want to bring awareness to the fact that while there are  benefits to being able to talk with people online, not all people online are safe. 

1.  Have you ever talked with someone online before?
2.  Did you know the person you were chatting with?
3. What's a positive thing about being able to talk with people online?
4. What may be a negative thing about talking with people online?

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Cyberbullying consists of using an electronic communication to send a threatening or intimidating message to another individual. 
Questions to reflect on, feel free to write your answers down if you would like. 
1. Have you ever experienced cyberbullying?
2.  I f you have experienced cyberbullying how did you handle the situtation.
3. Do you feel as though adults are aware of cyberbullying?
4. Lastly, were you aware that each state has their own laws for cyberbullying?

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Cyberbullying in the Elementary Classroom
Questions to get your students aware and talking about cyberbullying. 

1.  Do you think there is a difference between joking, being mean, or bullying?
2. What is a joke? What is a bully?
3.  How would you solve an issue with someone who is being mean to you in person, then how could we also solve an issue online?

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Digital Drama & Hate Speech 
Digital drama can arise from miscommunication or online arguments which can lead into hate speech. 

Questions to reflect on, feel free to write your answers down if you would like. 

1. Have you ever experienced digital drama or hate speech?

2. Do you feel digital drama and hate speech are greater now than years past?

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Digital Drama and Hate Speech in the Elementary Classroom
Questions to get your students aware and talking about digital drama and hate speech. 

1.  What is drama?
2. Do you ever have drama at home with siblings?
3. How do you handle the drama with siblings?

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News & Media Literacy 
News & Media Literacy consists of everyday events reported online.

Questions to reflect on, feel free to write your answers down if you would like. 

1.  Do you believe everything you read online?
2.  Do you have your regular news websites you check daily or do you prefer to watch the news?
3. When it comes to online news and media how do you make the decision what is factual or fiction?

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News & Media Literacy in the Elementary Classroom 
Questions to get your students aware of news & media literacy?
1.  When you want the latest news where do you look?
2. When reading a news article, do you feel all of the article is true?
3. What type of information can we get and learn from a news website?

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Curriculum for teaching about Digital Citizenship
The next two slides will provide you further resources to take what we talked about and further that discussion and use lessons to teach your students about digital citizenship. The next video explains about Common Sense and their curriculum. The slide after provides you with the link to Common Sense to sign up for free and start using the  free lessons to get your students on the path of being good digital citizens. 

Thank you for your time today!

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Slide 31 - Lien

To further your knowledge...
You can access additional resources at the website on the next slide that will include social, ethical, legal, and human issues that pertain to digital citizenship. 

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Slide 33 - Lien

"Digital Citizenship Curriculum | Common Sense Education. " Common Sense Education, 20 July 2018, 

"Media Balance Is Important | Common Sense Education. " Common Sense Education, Common Sense Education, 25 July 2019, 

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