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Wednesday the 13th of November

Today (hour 1):

- Discuss homework (SB p. 24 ex. 4+5 WB p. 20 ex. 1 t/m 6)

- Do: SB p. 25 ex. 1 t/m 5 and WB p. 21 ex. 1 t/m 4


Go online  and look up information about the following topics:

* some/any     * much/many     * a/an

1 / 81
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 81 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 2 videos.

Onderdelen in deze les

Wednesday the 13th of November

Today (hour 1):

- Discuss homework (SB p. 24 ex. 4+5 WB p. 20 ex. 1 t/m 6)

- Do: SB p. 25 ex. 1 t/m 5 and WB p. 21 ex. 1 t/m 4


Go online  and look up information about the following topics:

* some/any     * much/many     * a/an

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

How do we translate SOME and ANY to Dutch?

Slide 2 - Open vraag

How do we translate MUCH and MANY to Dutch?

Slide 3 - Open vraag

How do we translate A and AN to Dutch?

Slide 4 - Open vraag

Hour 2:

- Discuss work from hour 1

- SB p. 26 watch video together 

* Do exercise 3/5 * explain exercise 4 (Rules and Mnemonic)

- WB p. 22 exercise 1 t/m 6

End lesson with PPP some/any?

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Use some/any:

There isn't _______ paper left.

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

Use some/any:

I've got _____ lovely drawings.

Slide 7 - Quizvraag

Do you have _________ money?

Slide 8 - Quizvraag

He hasn't got .... time.

Slide 9 - Quizvraag

I want _____ vegetables.

Slide 10 - Quizvraag

I need ... apples, but I don't need ... pears
any... any
some... some
any... some
some... any

Slide 11 - Quizvraag


- Did you finish all your work?

* If you haven't, don't forget to write it down!

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 20th of November

Today we will:

- Do a reading assignment

- Discuss homework

- Do a listening and vocabulary lesson

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 25 ex. 2/3/4

- WB p. 21 ex. 1/2/3

- SB p. 26 ex. 3/5

- WB p. 22 ex. 1 t/m 6

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Go to:

- SB p. 27 ex. 2 together.

- Listening ex. 3/5/7

- WB p. 23 listen ex. 3/5

Homework: SB p. 27 ex. 2/4/6

                         WB p. 23 ex. 1/2/4

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 26th of November

Today we will:

- Hear when the test on Unit 2 will be

- Discuss the reading test

- Discuss the homework

- Do a speaking lesson

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Write this down!

Wednesday the 4th of December:

Test Unit 2

Study the wordlist (SB p. 30)

All the grammar (SB 2.2/2.4, your notes SB p. 119)

All the boxes in this chapter

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 27 ex. 2/4/6

- WB p. 23 ex. 1/2/4

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Go to:

- SB p. 28 ex. 1 class vote together

Listen for ex. 2

Do ex. 3/4

- WB p. 24 ex. 1 t/m 5

Underlined = homework

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 27th of November

Today we will:

- Do a reading assignment

- Check the homework

- Do the English in Use lesson (2.7)

- Do the Vocabulary in Action

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 28 ex. 3/4

- WB p. 24 ex. 1 t/m 5

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Go to:

- SB p. 29 read language box and do ex. 1/2/3

- WB p. 25 ex. 1 t/m 5

When you are finished, go to SB p. 30 and do the Vocabulary in Action ex. 1/2/3

(Time left to check?)

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 3rd of December

Today we will:

- Start with some questions

- Do the Revision of Unit 2

- Start on the Self Check

- Check the Revision

- End with Kahoot

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

What does SOME and ANY mean?
(you may answer in Dutch)

Slide 24 - Open vraag

What is the rule for SOME and ANY?

Slide 25 - Open vraag

What does MUCH and MANY mean?

Slide 26 - Open vraag

What is the rule for MUCH and MANY?

Slide 27 - Open vraag

What does A/AN mean?

Slide 28 - Open vraag

What is the rule for A/AN?

Slide 29 - Open vraag

Add a photo of your favourite food!

Slide 30 - Open vraag

Go to:

- SB p. 31 ex. 1/2/3/4/5/6/8

When you're finished start on the Self Check in your WB p. 27


Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 11th of December

Today we will:

- Get our test grades

- Discuss the test

- Do a reading assignment

- Start with a new chapter

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

Unit 3! Go to:

- SB p. 34/35 do ex. 3 together, listen to ex. 4 and

do ex. 1/4/5/6/7/9/10

- WB p. 30/31 ex. 1 t/m 8

Time left to check?

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 18th of December

Today we will:

- Do a lot of Christmas stuff like;

- Puzzles

- Songs

- Videos

- Quiz?

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 7th of January

Today we will:

- Be welcomed back by Miss van der Zwaag

- Start with a round of New Year's resolutions

- Do a writing assignment

- Discuss work from December

- Be given a hand out for homework

Slide 36 - Tekstslide

Slide 37 - Tekstslide

Work we still need to discuss:

- SB p. 34/35 ex. 1/5/6/7/9/10

- WB p. 30/31 ex. 1 t/m 8

The hand out is homework for tomorrow!

Slide 38 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 8th of January

Today we will:

- Do a reading assignment

- Discuss the hand out

- Do a grammar lesson

- Do a reading/vocabulary lesson

Slide 39 - Tekstslide

Go to:

- SB p. 36 do ex. 1 together, read ex. 2 and discuss 3. Do ex. 6/7
            Select to cut,paste, copy ordelete61
 This item is shownduring the lessonwhen you press the'teach' button.

              This item is shownin the shared lessonthat students can work withindividually.


                      Extra practice
                      Extra challenge













            Select to cut,paste, copy ordelete



              This item is shownduring the lessonwhen you press the'teach' button.

              This item is shownin the shared lessonthat students can work withindividually.


                      Extra practice
                      Extra challenge












Time left for Vox Pops?

Slide 40 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 14th of January

Today we will:

- Hear when the listeningtest will be (21st of January)

- Hear when the Unit test will be (28th of January)

- Discuss the homework

- Do a grammar lesson

Slide 41 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 36 ex. 6/7

- WB p. 32 ex. 1/3/4/5/6

- SB  p. 37 ex. 2/3/4/5

- WB p 33 ex. 1 t/m 4


            Select to cut,paste, copy ordelete



              This item is shownduring the lessonwhen you press the'teach' button.

              This item is shownin the shared lessonthat students can work withindividually.


                      Extra practice
                      Extra challenge












Slide 42 - Tekstslide

Go to:

- SB p. 38 watch video for ex. 1/2

Do ex. 4/5/6

- WB p. 34 ex. 1 t/m 6

Hulplink in Magister!!

Opdrachten moeten morgen af zijn.

Slide 43 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 15th of January

Today we will:

- Do a reading assignment

- Discuss the homework

- Do a listening/vocabulary lesson

- Do a speaking lesson

Slide 44 - Tekstslide

The homework was:
- SB p. 38 ex. 4/5/6

- WB p. 34 ex. 1 t/m 6

Slide 45 - Tekstslide

Go to:

SB p. 39 listen for ex. 2/3

WB p. 35 listen for ex. 3/4

SB DO ex. 1/4/5

WB DO ex. 1/2

Done? Go to SB p. 40 and do ex. 2/4 read ex. 3.

Slide 46 - Tekstslide

The homework for Tuesday the 21st is:

SB p. 39 ex. 1/4/5

WB p. 35 ex. 1/2

SB p. 40 ex. 2/4

WB p. 36 ex. 1 t/m 6

Slide 47 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 21st of January

Today we will:

- Do a listening test

- Discuss the homework

- Start with a writing lesson

Slide 48 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

SB p. 39 ex. 1/4/5

WB p. 35 ex. 1/2

SB p. 40 ex. 2/4

WB p. 36 ex. 1 t/m 6

Slide 49 - Tekstslide

Go to:

- SB p. 41, read text together.


Ex. 1/2/3/4

Study wordlist 'hungry' t/m 'worried'

Slide 50 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 22nd of January

Today we will:

- Start with a reading assignment

- Discuss the homework

- Finish the writing lesson

- Do the Vocabulary in action

- Start with the homework

Slide 51 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 41 ex. 1/2/3/4

Now go to p. 37 in your WB and do ex. 1/2/3

Are you finished? Start with the Vocab in action on p. 42 in your WB ex. 1/2/3

Slide 52 - Tekstslide


Discuss the answers from both the WB and the Vocabulary in action.

Homework for Tuesday is:

SB p. 43 Revision do ex. 1 t/m 6 (for yourself!)

Study the Word Friends

Slide 53 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 28th of January

Today we will:

- Discuss the Revision

- Do the Self Check (and check this ourselves)

- Practise for the test

- Play a Kahoot/Word game

Slide 54 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 4th of February

Today we will:

- Start with Unit 4!

- Do a vocabulary lesson

Slide 55 - Tekstslide

Go to:

SB p. 46/47, discuss words ex. 2 and 4

Listen for ex. 3, 5, 7 and 8

Do ex. 6

WB p. 42/43 do ex. 1 t/m 9 = Homework

Slide 56 - Tekstslide

Wedsnesday the 5th of February

Today we will:

- Discuss the homework

- Discuss the test ór do a grammar lesson

Slide 57 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 47 ex. 6

- WB p. 42/43 ex. 1 t/m 9

Slide 58 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 11th of February

Today we will:

- Watch Newsround

- Do a grammar lesson

Slide 59 - Tekstslide

Go to:

SB p. 48, discuss ex. 1, listen for 2 and discuss 3.

Make notes!

Do ex. 4/6

WB p. 44 do ex. 1 t/m 6

Slide 60 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the  12th of January

The first hour we will:

- Discuss the homework

- Do a reading and vocabulary lesson

The second hour we will:

- Do a Valentine's lesson

Slide 61 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

SB p. 48 ex. 4/5/6

WB p. 44  ex. 1 t/m 6

Slide 62 - Tekstslide

Go to:

SB p. 49, discuss words ex. 2, read text and do ex. 2 t/m 6

WB p. 45, do ex. 1 t/m 5

End with Vox Pop


Slide 63 - Tekstslide


- Valentine reading assignment

- Valentine puzzles

Slide 64 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 25th of February

Today we will:

- Discuss the homework

- Do a grammar lesson

- Receive a hand out

Slide 65 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 49 ex. 2 t/m 6

- WB p. 45 ex. 1 t/m 5

Now go to SB p. 50, watch video, discuss the hand out and do the assignments.

Slide 66 - Tekstslide

The homework:

- SB p. 50 ex. 3+4

- WB p. 46 ex. 1 t/m 5

(Hand out)

Slide 67 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 3rd of March

Today we will:

- Hear when the next test will be

- Discuss the homework

- Do a listening lesson

- Do grammar exercises online

Slide 68 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 11th  of March

Test Unit 4


- SB p. 54 Wordlist

- Grammar 4.2/4.4 (SB p. 121)

- Hand outs

- All of the boxes in your SB Unit 4

Slide 69 - Tekstslide

The homework was:

- SB p. 50 ex. 3+4

- WB p. 46 ex. 1 t/m 5

- Hand out

Slide 70 - Tekstslide

Go to:

SB p. 51, listen for ex. 2/3/4/5 do ex. 6

WB p. 47, listen for ex. 2/3/4 do ex. 1

When you're finished go online and google:

- practise present simple present continuous

Slide 71 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 4th of March

Today we will:

- Check 2 exercises and do 1 listening assignment

- Do a speaking lesson

- Do an English in use lesson

- End the lesson with Kahoot

Slide 72 - Tekstslide

To do:

- Check SB p. 51 ex. 6. WB p. 49 ex. 1

Go to:

SB p. 52, listen for ex. 2. Discuss ex. 3. Listen to ex. 5. Do ex. 4

WB p. 48 do ex. 1 t/m 5

SB p. 53 do ex. 1 t/m 4

WB p. 49 ex. 1 t/m 4

Slide 73 - Tekstslide

Tuesday the 10th of March

Today we will:

- Check all our answers and homework

- Do the Revision

- Start on the Self Check

- Ask questions about the test

Slide 74 - Tekstslide

Work to check:

SB p. 52 ex. 4

WB p. 48 ex. 1 t/m 5

SB p. 53 ex. 1 t/m 4

WB p. 49 ex. 1 t/m 4

SB p. 54 (Vocabulary in Action) ex. 1/2/3

Slide 75 - Tekstslide

To do:

SB p. 55 Revision, do ex. 1-7


Start with the Self Check op p. 51 of your WB.

You can check your answers on p. 126


Slide 76 - Tekstslide

Wednesday the 18th of March

Today we will:

- Get our grades?

- Start with Unit 5

- Watch some videos

- Do a vocabulary lesson

- Do a grammar lesson

Slide 77 - Tekstslide

Unit 5! The Music of life

SB p. 58/59, discuss chapter and read introduction together.

Watch the following video

Listen for ex. 3 and 7. Do ex. 1/2/5/6/9

WB p. 54/55 ex. 1-6

Slide 78 - Tekstslide

Slide 79 - Video

Slide 80 - Video

Go to:

SB p. 60, discuss the grammar. Make notes!

Do ex. 3/4/5

WB p. 56 ex. 1-4

End the lesson with Vox Pop.

Slide 81 - Tekstslide