Johan de Witt Scholengroep


English Lesson 
DHVB & DHVE 3 & 5
1 / 32
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EnglishMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 32 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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English Lesson 
DHVB & DHVE 3 & 5

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Ready to go!
At the start of the lesson, I welcome the students, names names, make small talk and pay attention to the well-being of the students.
Are the students are ready?
I demand 100% attention before starting the lesson and expresse high positive expectations that
are formulated specifically, concretely, coherently and observable.

Thank you for showing respect to everyone during our activities today!

Дякуємо за повагу до кожного під час нашої сьогоднішньої діяльності!


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Ready to go!
At the start of the lesson, I welcome the students, names names, make small talk and pay attention to the well-being of the students.
Are the students are ready?
I demand 100% attention before starting the lesson and expresse high positive expectations that
are formulated specifically, concretely, coherently and observable.
Are you ready?

              Welcome to our English lesson!  Happy Monday!

   1. Put your phone away. 
   2. I will take the attendance register while you complete the following task.

  1. Покладіть телефон. 
  2. Я візьму реєстр, поки ви виконаєте наступне завдання.


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Ready to go!
At the start of the lesson, I welcome the students, names names, make small talk and pay attention to the well-being of the students.
Are the students are ready?
I demand 100% attention before starting the lesson and expresse high positive expectations that
are formulated specifically, concretely, coherently and observable.
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Individual task      Індивідуальне завдання

1. Can you write a sentence, in English, in box no 1?
You have three minutes!
We will use box number 2, later in the lesson.
I will collect these sheets at the end of the lesson.

індивідуальне завдання
1. Чи можете ви написати речення англійською мовою в полі № 1?
У вас є три хвилини!
Далі в уроці ми будемо використовувати блок номер 2.
Ці аркуші я зберу в кінці уроку.
                                                                                                       Any questions before I click?

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Inclusive didactics
I apply inclusive didactics. Everyone is involved in the lesson. collaborative learning is central and the learning process is made visible. Interaction between students increases motivation and can therefore improve learning performance. Students also take part in an individual task.

Formative Performance
During the different lesson phases, I give the students assignments and
working methods and targeted feedback and feedforward on the content of their work, but also on their approach towards the task, cooperation and self-regulation. I give recognition and compliments.

Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Last week I introduced you to part 1 of our focus on linking words called Subordinating Conjunctions.

What does this mean?

        Take some thinking time?


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Activate knowledge
I activate relevant prior knowledge by means of a retrospective assignment. I actively and engagingly repeat the prior knowledge that students need to
understand the new content. In this way, I offer a stepping stone to connect new material to the previously learned material and to direct the further course of the study.
lesson. At the same time, misconceptions of students are made visible, where I can then focus and respond.
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Subordinating conjunctions introduce a dependent clause in a sentence. That is the part of a sentence that cannot stand as complete sentence on its own.     On its own it does not make sense!

I will complete it by Tuesday if I have time.
            MC                                     DC
                SC  If - a rule or a condition 


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Activate knowledge
I activate relevant prior knowledge by means of a retrospective assignment. I actively and engagingly repeat the prior knowledge that students need to
understand the new content. In this way, I offer a stepping stone to connect new material to the previously learned material and to direct the further course of the study.
lesson. At the same time, misconceptions of students are made visible, where I can then focus and respond.
Learning objective
At the end of this lesson you can identify and name at least two coordinating conjunctions and use this knowledge to write a sentence which contains one of these linking words.

Наприкінці цього уроку ви зможете визначити та назвати принаймні два координаційні сполучники та використати ці знання, щоб написати речення, яке містить одне з цих сполучних слів.

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Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Our plan for today
We will complete part 2 of our focus on linking words. 
1. We will learn the names of the seven coordinating conjunctions.
 2. We will learn what they mean.
3. We will practice using those words in a variety of sentences. 
4. We will write a sentence containing one of those words.

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Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on. 
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

What do we need to learn English?

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
     Parts of Speech 

Knowledge and use of the parts of speech is essential not only for speaking development but also for the development of reading comprehension and writing skills.
These parts of speech are the core building blocks of grammar. 

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Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

You will find them in Headway Method OUP (conj)

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

You ability to use them will allow you to move on from your current level (A1, A2, B1 or B2,CERF MFL)

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Learning goal-oriented work
I provide clear, structured and challenging instruction focused on the learning objective. I know the learning objective will match the prior knowledge and level of the students.

Clearly formulated and
attainable learning goals ensure that students experience success and thus increase the student involvement in the lesson. It is clear to students what and how this lesson is being worked on.
I also pay attention to language goals and articulate calmly and clearly.
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Coordinating conjunctions 

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
Introduction to our plan for today 
Discussion about the parts of speech  
Subordinating conjunctions  
Subordinating conjunctions game 
Discussion about the news 
Conversation starter cards 

Could someone come and read the Ukrainian words?

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students. 
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Concrete and recognizable examples
I use practical and concrete examples that are recognizable to students.
By using the visual and the verbal I increase the chance that the teaching material will stick better with the students. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Collaborative Learning 

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Active Processing
I sets the students to work with active processing of the lesson material.
I provide a variety of exercise types.
The assignments and/or work forms are in line with the predefined learning objective. I make sure they have a good understanding of what to do. I make sure they know how to get help. I offer feedback on how they can improve something. I support the students who need it. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Guided practice with me for the following students:
Керована практика зі мною для таких студентів:

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Active Processing
I sets the students to work with active processing of the lesson material.
I provide a variety of exercise types.
The assignments and/or work forms are in line with the predefined learning objective. I make sure they have a good understanding of what to do. I make sure they know how to get help. I offer feedback on how they can improve something. I support the students who need it. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

Collaborative Learning

1. Find two sentences
2. Find one of the coordinating conjunctions: 'and, 'so,' 'but,' 'yet,' and 'or' 
3. Put it in the middle of the two sentences.
4.Read your compound sentence. 

5. Does your sentence make sense?    
Yes, great!    No, ask a friend about it and try a different connecting word! 

 Any questions before I click?

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Active Processing
I sets the students to work with active processing of the lesson material.
I provide a variety of exercise types.
The assignments and/or work forms are in line with the predefined learning objective. I make sure they have a good understanding of what to do. I make sure they know how to get help. I offer feedback on how they can improve something. I support the students who need it. 
1. Draw something that reminds you of your autumn holiday.
Намалюйте щось, що нагадує вам про осіннє свято.
2. We will walk around the class and look at each others’ drawings.
2. Ми будемо ходити по класу і розглядати малюнки один одного.
3. We will sit together and talk about our holidays.
3. Ми будемо сидіти разом і говорити про наші свята.

1. Write a sentence, in English, in box no 2? 
2. Use a coordinating conjunction. 
3. You have three minutes!  When the alarm sounds we will read some of your sentences.

1. Напишіть речення англійською мовою у полі № 2?
2. Використайте підрядний сполучник.
3. У вас чотири хвилини! Коли пролунає будильник, ми зачитаємо деякі ваші речення.
Individual Task 
 Any questions before I click?

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Inclusive didactics
I apply inclusive didactics. Everyone is involved in the lesson. collaborative learning is central and the learning process is made visible. Interaction between students increases motivation and can therefore improve learning performance. Students also take part in an individual task.

Formative Performance
During the different lesson phases, I give the students assignments and
working methods and targeted feedback and feedforward on the content of their work, but also on their approach towards the task, cooperation and self-regulation. I give recognition and compliments. 

Lesson closing 
Can you name at least two coordinating conjunctions and did you write a sentence which contained one of them?

Next week: You will need to use connecting words to give a reason when you share your opinion. 

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In the final phase of the lesson, I check whether the learning objective had been achieved by all students.
Together with the students, I evaluate the lesson, the process and look at what's happening in next weeks lesson.
Thank you for joining in with our lesson today!

What did you think of it?


Slide 31 - Poll

In the final phase of the lesson, I check whether the learning objective had been achieved by all students.
Together with the students, I evaluate the lesson, the process and look at what's happening in next weeks lesson.
     I have post-it-notes for you if you don't want to speak now.   Any questions? 

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In the final phase of the lesson, I check whether the learning objective had been achieved by all students. 
Together with the students, I evaluate the lesson, the process and look at what's happening in next weeks lesson.