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Lower KS2: Democracy- What Makes a Great School Council Member?

Lower KS2: What makes 
a great school council member? 
British Values Democracy
1 / 15
Slide 1: Tekstslide
British ValuesPSHE+2Primary Education

In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min


Part of the British Values series. This lesson looks at Democracy within the context of a school council. Pupils will discuss some of the qualities needed within a school council member and create a campaign speech.


We have designed our British Values lessons so that teachers can pick up and teach a topic to their class with confidence.
We have chosen to use a balance of interactive tools and 'unplugged' creative activities.

Lessons can be taught directly from the LessonUp slides but work best when children have access to the pupil app

If you have any questions or want to know more, please do get in touch. We'd love to show you how LessonUp can make 'Every Class Better Than The Last'

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Lower KS2: What makes 
a great school council member? 
British Values Democracy

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

This lesson supports British Values. It can be used to compliment your existing schemes of learning or as an ad-hoc session.
It also links with the PSHE Association Programme of Study for KS2:
L1. to recognise reasons for rules and laws; consequences of not adhering to rules
and laws
L2. to recognise there are human rights, that are there to protect everyone
L3. about the relationship between rights and responsibilities
L4. the importance of having compassion towards others; shared responsibilities
we all have for caring for other people and living things; how to show care and
concern for others
L5. ways of carrying out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment
in school and at home; how everyday choices can affect the environment (e.g.
reducing, reusing, recycling; food choices)

In this lesson we will:
  • Think about why we have laws
  • Consider what the word 'democracy' means to us
  • look at some of the qualities that our representatives need.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Key Vocabulary for this session:
  • Democracy
  • Human Rights
  • School Council
  • Representative
  • Same
  • Different
  • Qualities
What do you think the duck
meant when he said 'quack'?

Slide 3 - Quizvraag

You can change the sound clip by clicking on the cog icon in the top left of each answer.
Describe the sunflowers in this field

Slide 4 - Woordweb

Pupils should be able to describe the sunflowers.
Draw out that the sunflowers are all very similar.

'We Are All Born Free' by Amnesty International ISBN 978-1847806635 has a wonderful illustration which can compliment this slide.
Describe the people in this slide.

Slide 5 - Woordweb

All of these people are humans but all are different in so many ways. You can look at differences in their hair colour, eyes, skin tone, jobs, expressions. 
These ideas can be sorted and discussed as a whole group.
The sunflowers were virtually all the same
but humans are all different in so many amazing ways.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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EVERYONE has the right to be protected by the law.’
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

This is a very famous photo of Elizabeth Roosevelt with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Please click the link for further information.

Think of some laws that you have to follow?
Explain why we ALL need to follow this law.

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Pupils can write or upload ideas into this slide for discussion.
You might ask your class to respond creatively to this question and then share responses.
Adults vote for the people they want to help us to make the laws.

Everyone has a say, even if the person we want isn't chosen. This is 'democracy'


Slide 9 - Tekstslide

There are some really fantastic resources on the UK Parliament website including a short Introduction which is suitable for KS2 

You may wish to show this clip in the session or at another point.
We vote for the children who we think will represent us well.

What qualities should our representatives have?
In our school, the school council help to make our school better.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Qualities I'd like to see in my school council member
Not suitable

Slide 11 - Sleepvraag

Feel free to add or adapt these drag and drop boxes to suit your class or context.
We have a short how to guide here

Think of other qualities 
which might help or hold back our council.

Slide 12 - Woordweb

You may wish to support children by having a class word bank.
Engage your more able by offering them a thesaurus to encourage them to consider a wider vocabulary.

Write a short speech or create a poster to explain why you (or maybe a fictional character) would make a great school council member. 

Slide 13 - Open vraag

This activity will enable the pupils to explore some of the qualities that they wish to see in a school council member.
If they do not wish to join the council, then why not choose a fictional character (good or bad) and write a speech for them.
Ideas could be:
Harry Potter
Elsa from Frozen
Lisa Simpson

I can talk about the important 
qualities in a school council member

Slide 14 - Poll

This poll can give you a quick snapshot of the class and an insight into who may need to explore the issue in more detail. The results will be displayed anonymously but you can look into how each child has answered the poll in the assessment view.

There is a how to guide here.


Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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