LessonUp Academy

The student environment (4/4)

Een lesplan van LessonUp Academy

Wil je met dit lesplan aan de slag? Klik op de knop hieronder om een eigen kopie te maken in 'Mijn Lessen'. Vervolgens kun je de lessen aanpassen naar jouw wensen.

What you will learn: What students see in their editing area so that you can understand them and assist them with logging in, or finding the (assigned) lesson.
Duration: 7 minutes.

πŸ‘€ Prefer not to read long texts? Scroll down for the same information in a clickable LessonUp lesson or a PDF document with more illustrations. Tip: save the lesson in your account!


Classroom lesson
When you teach your lesson in person in the classroom, students can participate by typing the lesson's pin code in LessonUp.app.

As shown in this screenshot, students have the option to enter the pin code directly, or to log into LessonUp. If students don't log in, they will be asked to enter their names. Students could potentially enter inappropriate or incorrect names, disrupting your lesson.
That's right! Thankfully, this situation is very easy to solve. Ask your students to log into LessonUp, and participate with their correct details. Additionally, you could add them to a digital classroom. When you teach directly within a digital classroom, all students automatically join your lesson.

In one of the upcoming lesson plans, you will learn more about working with classes.
Outbound lesson
If you hand out a lesson as homework, students can follow the lesson on their own devices. To do so, they require a student account. Learn more about this in the next module 'Classroom or Remote'.

What do students see on their deviceS?

In this video Claire explains what the student editing area looks like when you teach a lesson in person, or distribute it as homework.


1. A PDF instruction that you can download and/or print.
2. A LessonUp lesson that you can save to your account.

Both cover the following topics: how students can access LessonUp; how they can participate in your lesson; how they can join your class; and what to do if a student forgets his/her password.


You now know how students can participate in your lesson, and what they see within their accounts. 

Congratulations! You have completed the first module 'Getting Started with LessonUp.' The next module is about promoting interaction and engagement during your lessons.

πŸ‘‰ Go directly to the next module: Interaction in the Classroom.