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8 lessenIllegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Overfishing is emptying the ocean, with 90% of fisheries already overfished. Illegal fishing is having a big impact. This lesson series explains the issue and the impacts its having.
From this lesson students will:Understand and explain what IUU fishing activity means.Explore the impacts IUU fishing is having on marine species.Understand the term overfishing and explain what is driving demand.Discuss ways students can help address the issue.Topics coversOne of the reasons for this is overfishing of the ocean. It is estimated that over 100 million tons of fish is caught each year. Fish is the largest traded commodity in the world.
This Case Study shows Sea Shepherd's work to stop an illegal fleet of poaching vessels targeting antarctic and patagonian toothfish in the Southern Ocean. Operation Icefish saw our vessel the Bob Barker chase one poacher from Antartica to Africa for 110 days.