Teaching and Learning Techniques
Make Learning Engaging with Research-Backed Techniques

Self-Reflective Scales for Effort

Self-Reflective Scales
1 / 15
Slide 1: Tekstslide
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In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 20 min


LessonUp is an all-in-one teacher toolkit that allows you to create complete lessons, use and edit lessons created by other teachers, and deliver interactive lessons in the classroom or remotely. Save time, increase student engagement, and monitor pupil progress in a secure, centralised online teaching platform.


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An incredibly simple way to introduce metacognitive practices into your classroom is with self-assessment scales. These are one of the most versatile techniques for your toolkits.

Another way to use the poll function to prompt self-reflection is through effort or motivation levels. By requiring your own students to examine their own commitment and dedication to their learning, you can help encourage them to focus on the areas of your subject where they can improve. 
It's also a great resource for parents evenings and mentor sessions.

Level them for the age and ability of your learner, and try and make the scale as easy to navigate as possible. The examples provided here however, will work perfectly as they are. A simple tool that can be placed in all of your existing content!  

Feel free to create your own variants, any poll can have a scale/ text/ image or emoji response option, so select the one that works for you!

Onderdelen in deze les

Self-Reflective Scales

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

We encourage you to save the slides to your area, (or favourite them for easy access to reuse often), and edit the language and style to suit you.

: the language we have used, does not have to be the same that you do - the formation, application and practices of the task are what's important to remain the same. What you call them should be comprehensible and repeatable for you and your students.
reflective behaviour monitoring

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Simple emoji's or questions related to 'preparedness' are an easy way to introduce younger learners, or learners who haven't been exposed to much self-reflection, to start thinking about their own readiness for learning. This allows teachers to have open conversations about how they can support them, and how our learners can support themselves with self-regulation. 

I am ready to learn

Slide 3 - Poll

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How do you feel 
about today's lesson?

Slide 4 - Poll

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Tell me why you
feel that way.

Slide 5 - Open vraag

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mental-management monitoring

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

These questions pose your learners statements, they can then select the one they most agree with. From here you can either correct any misconceptions, or inform your students of the different opportunities they have to adapt their mindsets. These examples are a small snapshot of the types of statements you can pose.

To regularly attend and participate in class.
Effective for all students
Only beneficial for some students
Can be distracting for shy students
Attendance should not affect grades

Slide 7 - Poll

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Develop effective study habits and strategies.
Necessary for academic success
Not important if naturally smart
Depends on the subject being studied
Different techniques work for different students

Slide 8 - Poll

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Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
Crucial for academic performance
Not related to academic performance
Not possible for students with busy schedules
Caffeine can replace sleep and exercise

Slide 9 - Poll

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Seek extra help from 
teachers or tutors.
Shows dedication and commitment
Embarrassing and shows weakness
Does not work for all students
Teachers should provide enough help in class

Slide 10 - Poll

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'honesty-box' monitoring

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

The scales presented here give you an idea of the type of 'honesty-box' self reflections your students will be able to starting asking themselves with a little tutoring. The scales allow you students to assign a value to the 1-10 principles based on their own comprehension of your subject area and their ability. You can them to consider strategies to either raise their selected level, or adjust their conceptualisation of the scale itself.

I have put as much effort into my lesson(s)
as I can this week.

Slide 12 - Poll

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I tried as hard as I could for that task.

Slide 13 - Poll

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I asked for support in the areas I needed it.

Slide 14 - Poll

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Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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