Teaching and Learning Techniques
Make Learning Engaging with Research-Backed Techniques

Learning Technique: Scale Question

Scale question
Learning Technique
1 / 4
Slide 1: Tekstslide
LessonUpPrimary EducationUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)Lower Secondary (Key Stage 3)Further Education (Key Stage 5)

In deze les zitten 4 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.


An important part of the learning process is being able to self-assess the knowledge and skills of learning. With this metacognitive learning technique, pupils and students not only learn about their own learning and knowing, but can also better define their own learning strategy.


What is it?
With a scale question, you let pupils or students indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 the extent to which they have mastered the subject matter or topic: "How much do you already know about...?".
They then indicate what they think they need to move up the scale. This can be a perfect starting point for a (classroom or individual) conversation. Incidentally, this can also be a conversation between pupils or students, where they can help each other.

Onderdelen in deze les

Scale question
Learning Technique

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

How well did you prepare
for the upcoming test?

Slide 2 - Poll

What do you need to do to score half a point
(or even a whole point) higher next time?

Slide 3 - Open vraag


Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

Slide 4 - Tekstslide