Teaching and Learning Techniques
Make Learning Engaging with Research-Backed Techniques

Learning Technique: Photosafari

And now...
... you are the storyteller
The Ancient Egyptians
Learning Technique
1 / 15
Slide 1: Tekstslide
Lower Secondary (Key Stage 3)Upper Secondary (Key Stage 4)Further Education (Key Stage 5)Primary Education

In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min


The likelihood of you coming across this activity in a museum is quite high: in essence, the photo safari is nothing more than a scavenger hunt. However, unlike searching in a museum, students must now, based on a fragment of the photo, search in their study materials related to the covered topic. Once found, the students need to answer the question associated with the fragment.


How can you use it?
The most common application is at the end of the lesson or topic, to have students review the study material once again - but in a different way. Although this example is designed for history, this method can be used for any subject. The essence lies not in the fragment or close-up of the image, but in the question posed alongside it. This could also be a close-up of a formula in mathematics or an element in chemistry, for instance.

Onderdelen in deze les

And now...
... you are the storyteller
The Ancient Egyptians
Learning Technique

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Feniks, Geschiedenis Werkplaats, Memo, Tijd voor geschiedenis

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

The close-ups included in this lesson are images from all the lessons on this topic.
Use the lessons to find the right answers.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide


Slide 4 - Open vraag


Slide 5 - Open vraag


Slide 6 - Open vraag


Slide 7 - Open vraag

Used for what?

Slide 8 - Open vraag


Slide 9 - Open vraag

Used for what?

Slide 10 - Open vraag


Slide 11 - Open vraag


Slide 12 - Open vraag


Slide 13 - Open vraag

What did you think 
of this lesson?

Slide 14 - Poll


Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

Slide 15 - Tekstslide