In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.
Lesduur is: 40 min
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Match the word to the synonyms
Slide 1 - Sleepvraag
Word Choice 2
This time..... it's more difficult!
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Tricky, Tricky, Tricky
Even though the texts you are reading are more difficult, you still need to answer in the same way he have been practicing.
Don't be a panda
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
How to answer!
If you don't use this, I will hunt you down like Liam Neeson hunts his daughter's abductors!
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
“I love sport, but the media's pop psychology and UK politicians' bellowing patriotism has cheapened the athletes' achievement.”
How does the writer’s word choice emphasise his feelings about sport? (4)
" " suggests that politicians are shouting loud and forceful support to the athletes.
" " suggests that the athlete's achievements do not mean as much as a result of the political support.
Slide 5 - Sleepvraag
“Undoubtedly Boris is brilliant and funny and clever. Before he was so powerful he would liven up many a boring debate on the euro with the admission that he had gone into a deep trance. Detail is not his forte; the big picture, the grand symbolic gesture, is. His outbursts of honesty hide his imperial attitude. They hide his utter ruthlessness and the fact that he a politician, not a gameshow panellist.
How does the writer’s word choice emphasise Boris Johnson’s attributes, both positive and negative? (4)
" " suggests that Boris is a humoerous person in the eyes of the public.
" " suggests that he is prone to shouting and lashing out at random times.
" " suggests that he is strong in his beliefs and conviction.
" " suggests that he is very clever.
Slide 6 - Sleepvraag
On every level it is unbeatable — charm, perceptiveness, ambition, execution and crossgenerational appeal. In six years of parenting, Bluey remains the only programme to have caused
all four members of my household to laugh to the point of breathlessness at the exact same time.
By referring to two examples of word choice, explain how the writer makes clear his
admiration for the show. (4)
" " suggests that it is a lovely show that attracts a lot of people/
" " suggests that causes people to laugh so hard that they can't breathe.
" " suggests that it is the best show ever
" " suggests that it appeals to everyone, no matter what age.
Slide 7 - Sleepvraag
Bluey’s secret weapon is Bandit, arguably the best screen dad of all time. Unlike, say, Peppa Pig’s
Daddy Pig — a stereotypically blundering, bumbling fool — Bandit is playful and engaged and
patient, no matter how tired and crotchety he gets. I ask the question all Bluey-watching parents
have asked themselves at some point: is Bandit based on you? ‘Well, on an extremely, extremely
good day, I would say I get close to Bandit,’ Brumm defers. ‘But no.’
By referring to two examples of language, explain how the writer makes it clear that
he admires the character of Bandit (4)
"playful" suggests that
"engaged" suggests that
"best" suggests that
he is aware of the needs of his children
no one is a better dad than him.
he is friendly, fun and approachable.
Slide 8 - Sleepvraag
In 2017, I lost my job — my dream job — and slipped into the uncertain world of freelance work, a transition that led to a period of acute anxiety. I began to spend most of my working week at home, alone, making lists, staring out of the window at the pigeons. Sometimes I read Amazon reviews of household items, which was exciting. I tried exercising. I tried structure. But nothing seemed to ease my niggling, hollow feeling of worry. Then I downloaded a new-ish version of The Sims, the popular simulation game. Bingo. It was like putting Vaseline on chapped lips. Hows does the writer's word choice show the negative effects of her losing her job? (4)
Slide 9 - Open vraag
It is over thirty years since McDonald’s opened its first UK drive-thru — 1986 being a year of firsts for a brand that now has 1,200 restaurants across Britain. The figures show today’s consumers really are “lovin’ it”, yet the fast food experience is also ubiquitous — familiar, disposable and repeatable. So, how was it for customers when such places were still new? Was what is now commonplace ever thought a thrill?
By referring to two examples of word choice, explain how the writer gives a clear impression of the fast food experience. (4)
Slide 10 - Open vraag
On his lap was a silver tray with a silver chocolate pot and a tiny cup of egg-shell china, so delicate that it looked silly when he lifted it with his big hand, lifted it with the tips of thumb and forefinger and spread the other three fingers wide to get them out of the way. His eyes rested in puffy little hammocks of flesh and his mouth drooped with discontent. He was growing very stout, and his voice was hoarse with the fat that pressed on his throat. Quote one example of language used to describe his appearance and discuss its effect. (2)
Slide 11 - Open vraag
Beside him on a table was a small Oriental gong and a bowl of cigarettes. The furnishings of the room were heavy and dark and gloomy. The pictures were religious, even the large tinted photograph of his dead wife, who, if Masses willed and paid for out of her own estate could do it, was in Heaven.
Quote one example of language used to describe his surroundings and discuss its effect.
Slide 12 - Open vraag
The doctor had once for a short time been a part of the great world and his whole subsequent life was memory and longing for France. "That," he said, "was civilized living" — by which he meant that on a small income he had been able to enjoy some luxury and eat in restaurants. He poured his second cup of chocolate and crumbled a sweet biscuit in his fingers. The servant from the gate came to the open door and stood waiting to be noticed.
Quote one example of language used to describe his attitude and discuss its effect. (2)
Slide 13 - Open vraag
Slide 14 - Link
How confident are you at answering word choice questions?