H4 _2022_2023_dystopian literature and separate societies_formal essay

Why Dystopian Literature?

1) To educate and warn about the dangers of today's society/politics

2) Usually disagrees with the author's view of how a society should be

Sometimes a Satirical critique: 
criticizes the foolishness/corruption of an individual or society
by using humor, irony, exaggeration, ridicule
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zit 26 slide, met tekstslide.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Why Dystopian Literature?

1) To educate and warn about the dangers of today's society/politics

2) Usually disagrees with the author's view of how a society should be

Sometimes a Satirical critique: 
criticizes the foolishness/corruption of an individual or society
by using humor, irony, exaggeration, ridicule

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2 novels & writing a formal essay

  • Dystopian Literature & Separate societies

  • Formal essay - what is it & example 

  • Gather information on novels = HW week 4
(essay writing in class in week 4)

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Utopia vs Dystopia
Utopia = the perfect place, in which you would like to live

Dystopia = an awful place, in which you don't want to live; 
it is an imagined society, dehumanizing, frightening

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Separate societies & Dystopian societies
Separate Societies
Societies with their own rules, separated from the rest of the world:
Religious communities (Oranges aren't the only fruit; The Chosen)
Separate rules and behaviour (Lord of the Flies; Ink; The Circle)

Dystopian societies 
Imaginary, dehumanizing societies, the government is in control & there is loss of individualism (individualism = a person can make his/her own decisions in life)

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Characteristics of Dystopian Literature

  1. Government Control - the government sets specific rules society has to adhere to, controls what people say & do, often also makes people undergo tests.
  2. Environmental destruction
  3. Technological control
  4. Survival  - the main characters do everything in their power to survive
  5. Loss of individualism - the main characters are controlled by the government/authorities, they cannot make their own decisions in life

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Main characters in
 Separate societies & Dystopian societies

  • The main characters have never questioned the rules/leaders; are initially faithful members of their societies & blindly follow the rules

  • Circumstances isolate the main characters & force them to think about the rules and their situation. Do they compromise or do they rebel?

  • Bit by bit they find out about the greater picture; information is scarce and very valuable

  • They make you critical of society. Are there laws or rules that make you uncomfortable? Do you rebel against authority?

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Separate Society Novels
Religious communities: 
Oranges aren't the only Fruit (Religion and Control; Not fitting in)
The Chosen (Orthodox Jewish society)

Separate rules and codes of behaviour:
Lord of the Flies
The Circle

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Dystopian Novels
Never Let me Go
This Perfect Day
Hungergames (3x)
Divergent (3x)
The Lord of the Flies
Noughts and Crosses

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Utopias/Dystopias in the real world
  • The Amish in America (religious; banish all modern technology)
  • The Nazis (ideological; "pure" race)
  • Trump's America (fake news, the China virus etc.)
  • Putin's Russia (Navalny, people sent to penal colonies/exile if they criticize/disagree; the Ukraine war propaganda)

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Formal essay - what is it & structure (lay-out)
A formal essay = 

a well-structured piece of writing with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion in which the reader is informed or persuaded on the thesis statement (= topic/statement which is proven in the essay by giving arguments).  This type of essay uses an academic tone (formal language/no I/you/we), and is written in 3rd person. While writing a formal essay, it’s necessary to back up your arguments with factual evidence

It has a common structure of 5 paragraphs: introduction, body (3 paragraphs/3 points), conclusion. 

A formal essay does not use personal pronouns (I, you, we), but uses the 3rd form: "The dystopian novel criticizes society". It uses formal register = sophisticated words (e.g. Need = require; go after = to pursue; hand in = submit)

On the next slide there is a weblink to show the difference between a formal and informal essay . The formal essay is required for the test 

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Task 1 - Gather Info on novels

1) Main character(s): name, friends, enemies, situation (who does he fight /why does he fight)

2) Development of main character: how does he develop: what was he like at first, what happens and how does he change

3) Influences on the main character: who influences the main character + what is their relation to the main character

4) Main events: what are the main events in the novel

5) Dystopian elements or why is it a separate society

6) Setting: When and where does the story take place & why is this important  (dystopian or separate society)

7) Explain the title

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Preparing the formal essay on novels
  • Reread the slides on dystopian literature/novels/separate societies (in studiewijzer)
  • Memorize the characteristics of a dystopian/separate society
  • Use the essay outline template (in studiewijzer) to write your essays in class
  • Make a list of the dystopian elements in your novel
  • Make a list of differences/similarities of your novel and real life
  • Make a list of the main characters and the main events in  your novel

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Writing the essay

  • Use an essay lay-out: intro (1 paragraph) / body (3 paragraphs) / conclusion (1 paragraph)

  • Use formal language (not: gonna, wanna, way too much, etc)

  • Avoid  personal pronouns I/you/we

  • Use linking words (also, moreover, even though, nonetheless etc.) to logically connect paragraphs

  • Use examples from the novel to support your arguments (1 argument per paragraph)

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Essay: The Maze runner relates to real life

The Maze runner is a novel about a dystopian society because the inhabitants are there against their own will. They were placed in the maze by the creators, who survey them constantly. There are things outside the walls waiting to hurt them, and eventually they try to escape. WICKED has total control over Thomas and his friends. When trying to escape they see that the world  has been destroyed and is now totally controlled by WICKED.  The Maze runner is an example of a totalitarian society and criticizes the political, social and climatic aspects of society. It relates to real life.

POINT 1 - First of all,  the lives of all the inhabitants in the maze are controlled by the government and are not allowed to have an individual life. EXPLAIN
 Give EXAMPLES from the novel (WICKED). Give an example of a real life controlling government (i.e. Russia, China, etc.)(the Maze - they cannot escape; they need each other to escape, have to sacrifice individuals; even when they fall in love, they have to go with the group etc.)


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Essay: The Maze runner relates to real life

POINT 2 - Second of all, the Maze runner shows how Thomas and his friends initially blindly believe WICKED to be helpful and are not critical of the government. EXPLAIN. Give EXAMPLES from the novel 

POINT3 Last but not least, the Maze Runner shows how the world has turned into a wasteland, scorched by hot climate. It has become a place where humans can no longer live.
EXPLAIN. Give EXAMPLES from the novel and give examples from real life

In conclusion we can say that the Maze runner is about a dystopian society and criticizes the political, social and climatic aspects of our society.  SUMMARIZE the 3 points (one sentence per point) and finish with one-two sentences how the Maze runner illustrates what could happen to today's world.

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An informal essay example
In slide 20 there is an example of an essay.

This essay is not related to a dystopian/separate society novel, and is informal as it uses you/we. This is not done in a formal essay. The test is a formal essay. 

However, the example does show you the 5-paragraph lay-out, the arguments to support the thesis and the register (sophisticated words).

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Task 2
Write the first TWO paragraphs of your  500-word essay.
Thesis/topic = The main character develops in the novel

Introduction (1st paragraph): 
General information on the novel (The novel "...." is set in ..... The main character ..... series of events + how main character starts out and ends in the novel) You end the introduction in the final sentence "The main character develops in "title of your novel" 

First argument (2nd paragraph):
First of all/To start off, initially the main character is ....  (POINT/ARGUMENT)
Explain why the main character acts in a certain way (who/what makes him/her act this way - authority, dystopian elements?) (EXPLAIN)
Give examples from the novel, what events happen at the beginning and how does the character act at the start (EXAMPLES)

Both paragraphs are approximately 100-125 words each

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1)Write down as much information on the novel as you can, using slide 10 and making mindmaps

2 A) Make an essay outline for the thesis statement  first (general info on novel, 3 arguments to support your thesis and examples) 

2B)  Type a 450 to 500-word formal essay on one of the following theses and hand in online (inleveropdracht)
a) "The main character develops in the novel" 
b) "The novel is about a dystopian (or separate) society"
c) "The novel resembles the real world" (=society in the novel)
d) "The government is in control in the novel"

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Preparing your Essay Test Week
  • Reread the slides on dystopian literature/novels/separate societies (in studiewijzer)
  • Memorize the characteristics of a dystopian/separate society
  • Use the essay outline template (in studiewijzer) to write your essays in class
  • Make a list of the dystopian elements in your novel
  • Make a list of differences/similarities of your novel and real life
  • Make a list of the main characters and the main events in  your novel

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Formal essay outline
Before you start writing the formal essay, write an outline with general info + the arguments

Intro: general info on storyline + thesis statement at the end of the introduction

Middle part: paragraphs 2/3/4 -> start with a linking word, each paragraph contains at least one argument and examples from the novel to support/prove the thesis statement

Conclusion: summarize the 3 arguments and repeat your thesis statement

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Writing better sentences - 1
Try to write longer sentences that include more information. 

For example:
"Katniss is a girl and is young. She lives in .... She has to win the yearly games."

Combine these 3 sentences into one longer, informative sentence:
Katniss, a young girl, lives in ... and has to participate in an annual game set out by the government.

Use formal, more sophisticated words.
Use adjectives, adverbs, gerunds, modifiers (= words added to a noun, e.g. the annual game set out by the government)

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Writing better sentences - 2

Remember the correct word order in English sentences:
SVOPT (subject, verb, indirect/direct object, place, time)

Example: John gave Sue flowers after the game on Sunday.
(John = subject; gave = verb; Sue = indirect object; flowers = direct object; after the game on Sunday = time)

Adverb before the verb (if only 1 verb) -> She really helps him. 
Adverb between 1st and 2nd verb (if more than one verb) -> She can really be annoying.
Adverb before form of verb "to be" -> She definitely is the best dancer.
Longer adverbs at the beginning (or end) of the sentence -> Sometimes I wonder if it is true.

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