Nature`s wonders

Nature`s wonders
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EnglishSecondary EducationSpecial EducationAge 11

In deze les zitten 16 slides, met tekstslides.

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Nature`s wonders

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             Some of nature`s wonders:

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Aurora Borealis, Arctic Regions

Also known as the Northern Lights, this dazzling display of natural light dances across polar skies.
Північне Сяйво, Арктичні Регіони
Відоме також як Полярне Сяйво, це сліпуче шоу природного світла танцює по полярних небосхилах.

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Great Barrier Reef, Australia
The world's largest coral reef system, teeming with marine life and vibrant coral formations.

Великий Бар'єрний Риф, Австралія
Найбільша у світі система коралових рифів, насичена морським життям і яскравими кораловими утвореннями.

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Ukrainian nature`s wonders

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1. Carpathians
Mountains in western Ukraine, known for their picturesque landscapes, dense forests, and high-altitude meadows.
2. Svityaz Lake
The deepest lake in Ukraine, located in the Volyn region, known for its crystal-clear waters.
3. Khortytsia Island
The largest island on the Dnipro River, with significant historical importance and many natural beauties.
4. Dnipro Rapids
Natural rapids on the Dnipro River, forming cascades and waterfalls, creating impressive landscapes.
5. Podilski Tovtry
Mountains in the Khmelnytskyi region, which are remnants of coral reefs that existed at the bottom of an ancient sea.

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6. Synevyr Lake
A high-altitude lake in the Zakarpattia region, surrounded by mountains and dense forests.
7. Oleshky Sands
A sand massif in the Kherson region, which is the largest sand massif in Europe.
8. Askania-Nova
A biosphere reserve in the Kherson region, known for its diverse plant and animal life.
9. Dniester Canyon
An impressive canyon on the Dniester River, known for its cliffs and picturesque landscapes.
10. Shypit Waterfall
One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Ukraine, located in the Zakarpattia region.

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Have something done

Grammar & using 
Конструкція "have something done" використовується, коли ми говоримо, що щось зроблено  іншою особою.  Це пасивна конструкція, яка надає нам змогу описати дії, які ми або особа про яку йдеться в оповіді  не виконували особисто.
I had my car washed. (Мені помили машину.)
She will have her house painted. (Їй пофарбують будинок.)

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Правила утворення конструкції:
Підмет (Subject) +
Have (або "get" у неформальному стилі) +
Щось (Something) +
Дія у третій формі (Past Participle)

I had my hair cut. (Я стригся. — Мене постригли.)
She is having her car repaired. (Вона лагодить своє авто. — Її автомобіль ремонтують.)
They will have their house painted. (Вони пофарбують свій будинок. — Їх будинок пофарбують.)

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Винятки та нюанси:
Негативні речення: додавання "(do\did) not" перед "have".
He didn't have his suit cleaned. (Він не чистив свій костюм.)

Запитальні речення: зміна порядку слів.
Did you have your watch fixed? (Ти відремонтував свій годинник?)

Модальні дієслова: використання модальних дієслів перед "have".
She might have her roof repaired. (Можливо, вона відремонтує свою покрівлю.)

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Як утворити:

Справжній час (Present): I have something done.

Минулний час (Past): I had something done.

Майбутній час (Future): I will have something done

smth = something

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Early life forms had their cells developed in the oceans.
Plants had their roots grow deep in the ground to find water.
Dinosaurs had their fossils found by scientists.
Fish had their gills evolved to breathe underwater.
Mammals had their fur adapted to stay warm.
Birds had their feathers changed to help them fly.
Insects had their wings formed to move from place to place.
Ancient trees had their leaves fall during autumn.
Some species had their habitats destroyed by natural disasters.
Extinct animals had their bones discovered in the soil.

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Short stories about nature’s wonders using 
the "have something done" construction and without it:

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TThe Majestic Mount Everest:

Anna had always dreamt of climbing Mount Everest. Before her journey, she had her equipment checked by an expert to ensure everything was in top condition. She also had her permits arranged by her tour operator. Standing at the summit, she felt a sense of accomplishment like never before. 

Anna had always dreamt of climbing Mount Everest. Before her journey, she made sure her equipment was checked by an expert to ensure everything was in top condition. She also arranged her permits through her tour operator. Standing at the summit, she felt a sense of accomplishment like never before.

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Iceland's Geysers Adventure: 

David and his friends visited Iceland to see the famous geysers. They had their excursions planned to catch the geysers in action. Watching the steaming hot water burst from the ground was an exhilarating experience they would talk about for years.

Iceland's Geysers Adventure: David and his friends visited Iceland to see the famous geysers. They planned their excursions to catch the geysers in action. Watching the steaming hot water burst from the ground was an exhilarating experience they would talk about for years.

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