
Welcome to English class M4D!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 38 slides, met tekstslides en 2 videos.

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Welcome to English class M4D!

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Lesson Goals
Introduction Lesson:

  • Get to know each other
  • classroom rules
  • stuff you need for this class
  • what we're going to do in P1
  • Get started on chapter 1

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Teacher: Ms Hofland
age: 41 
from: Budel
Family: Hans, Robyn (13) & Finn (12)
Dog: Sjonnie
loves: fitness, travelling, cooking, reading, Netflix, Spanish

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Tell me a bit about yourself
Answer one question from the question wheel

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What to bring to class?
  • Stepping stones English book
  • Pens, 1 black or blue, 1 red
  • pencil
  • marker
  • Notebook
  • diary

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Where to find??
It's learning --> planner, assignments, projects, extra practice material and websites

Homework --> write in your diary

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classroom dos 

  • Be on time
  • be nice
  • bring all your stuff
  • Take out your books when you enter
  • stay seated
  • do your homework
& don'ts

  • be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions
  • talk when I'm talking
  • eat or drink in class 
  • chew gum
  • Go to the bathroom

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Schoolbrede afspraken

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Period 1 tests

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Chapter 1 To the extreme

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Getting started 

We're going to start with a short grammar recap.
No need to take notes, just pay attention

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Modal verbs recap

  • Modal verbs are called hulpwerkwoorden
  • They’re used alongside the main verb
  • They never change

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Modal verbs are quite common in English; you’ve seen them in action hundreds of times even if you didn’t know what they were called.

Can you guess which ones are the most frequently used?

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Most frequently used:
Can, Could, May, Might

Will, Would, Should, Must

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should (zou moeten)
Should is used to give advice:

You should really go to bed earlier.
You should eat more vegetables.
You shouldn't drink so much alcohol. 

Negative form: should not or shouldn't

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Must or have to?
Must en have to betekenen allebei moeten

Must gebruik je als je zelf vindt dat iets moet:
I must lose some weight.
I must get a new haircut. 
I must book a hotel for my trip next week.

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Must or have to?
Must kun je ook gebruiken om advies te geven maar het is dringender dan should:
You must call your mum today, it's her birthday!
You must see this movie, it's fantastic!
You mustn't take her to that new restaurant, it's awful!

negative form: must not or mustn't

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Must or have to?
Have to gebruik je als je iets moet van iemand anders. Het is verplicht. 

Dad said I have to be home by eleven.
We have to hand in the project next Wednesday.
Mike can't come because he has to work tomorrow.

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can/could or be able to
Can gebruik je als iets mogelijk of toegestaan is. Ook gebruik je can als iemand iets kan doen.

You can park your car here.
Demi can play the guitar.

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can/could or be able to
Could  is de verleden tijd van can . Je gebruikt het als iemand iets kon in het verleden.
You could see the whole city from the Eiffel Tower. 

Het is ook beleefder dan can:
Could you please tell me where I can find a supermarket?

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can/could or be able to
Can en could kun je dus alleen in de tegenwoordige of verleden tijd gebruiken. Als je in een andere tijd wil zeggen dat je iets kan moet je be able to gebruiken.

Je zet be in de tijd die je wil gebruiken, able to blijft altijd hetzelfde

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Je wil zeggen dat iemand in de toekomst iets zal kunnen: 
He won't be able to come to school next week. (future)

Je wil zeggen dat iemand iets nooit of altijd al heeft gekund:
She has never been able to walk. (present perfect)
He has always been able to take care of himself. 

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Now do the exercises on page 28 +29

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Paragraph A Watching 
Page 30

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Slide 32 - Video

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ex 6c
Write down 3 editing tricks that the editor used to get you to buy the product. Use the strategy

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Vocabulary A 
page 66

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Now go back to page 31
Fill in ex 8

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Tuesday 27 August:
5th period: Study voca A p. 66

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